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[PP-F2] Helping in Levels <<Long Live the Queen>> (Luna)

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Beatbox had been sitting around floor 2 getting used to his surroundings once more since he has been rusty for the past few months. He had been majority been sitting on a bench looking around, keeping an eye out and learning many routes around. He had been petting his fox familiar and been relaxing for the most part. "You remember this floor Audio..? This is where I once fought the Wasp Queen..." he chuckled as he pet his familiar. "Maybe I should fight her again wouldn't you think Audio?" he said to his fox, in response the fox barked and happily panted. He gave his familiar a smile and pet him for a few more seconds before looking around the area once again enjoying the surroundings that was around him, he knew that this was a death game... but he could see the happiness that could come with it, like the scenery, he looks around every floor for the scenery to at least enjoy the surroundings knowing that one day he could die at anytime, anywhere.

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Luna happily walked through the fields of floor two, the blue haired girl humming as she looked at her map for any quests that she could do as her levelling had been extremely slow.  I'm still pretty weak..." She mumbled to herself as she looked at her stats. Level 3, 9 mitigation, 2 evasion and four damage. It wasn't the worst but at the same time it wasn't extremely good. She sighed as she pulled her rapier, Capo ferro's blade out of it's sheath on her hip. "One day...I'll be able to rip anything apart with one of these" she said to herself as she thought about how much damage a rapier grandmaster could do, she didn't know the exact amount but she had heard of people doing damage in the two to three hundreds, and absolutely staggering amount for the bluenette to think about. "So...I need to do some quests and become stronger then"  

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Beatbox had noticed the blue haired girl walking through the fields that was around him, being the guy that Beatbox is he over heard her conversation and he giggled for a moment. "I know how you could get stronger." he said at her direction hoping she noticed. He stood up from the seat he was sitting to face her with a smile and Audio his small fox climbed his shoulder and sat on his shoulder. "If you want to take a little bit of a risk that is.." he said with a giggle. "Now that I think about it... that tone of voice typically doesn't fit on a female... I don't know, maybe I am just going crazy. It might as well just be me." he thought to himself without changing expression. His familiar looked at Luna and gave a sideways look and began to happily pant like his normal self.

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As Luna was walking, lost in her own little world she was rather abruptly brought back to reality by someone's voice. "Ahh!" Luna yelped as she stumbled back, shocked the by sudden appearance of the boy. As the bluenette struggled to regain her balance she yelled out, falling to the ground with a thud as she let out a groan that sounded rather depe for a girl. "Well that's embarra-" she said before covering her mouth, realising that she had let her voice go and was now extremely nervous, gulping the petite girl shakily got up, her face covered by some stray blue locks but she wanted to keep it that way. "S-sorry..wh...what were you talking about?" she asked him, hoping that he hadn't noticed anything.  

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Beatbox gave a confused look on what had happened, but brushed it off not wanting to worry about what happened. He coughs and states with a smile "I am talking about a mini-boss. It could help you get at least a level or a few, I already fought it once its called the Wasp Queen, you may be a little under-leveled but if you stick behind me you'll be just fine." He patted his fox's head and scratched his furry head and looked back at the female figure that was in front of him "Would you like to try out the boss?". "She could die from this encounter... but she wants to get more levels... if everything goes right she should gain a couple levels... the boss requirements call for level 5 at least, but judging my damage capabilities I could finish it easily." he thought to himself trying not to change his physical emotion.

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Luna let out a sigh of relief as the person before her didn't seem to be too bothered. With some of the stress now gone she looked up at him properly, moving a few of the blue locks from her face as he talked about some kind of field boss, one called the wasp queen it seemed.Luna thought about this, she had never battled anything bigger than the giant bats in the let there be light quest, so a proper field boss seemed like a big step up. But, if she could hide behind her new found ally she would in theory be ok. "S-sounds good...I'm a damage dealer but I'm sort of weak right now s-so you may have to do most of the work" she told the boy quietly, still a little nervous but much better than she was initially. "Oh. By the way, I'm Luna!"  

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"Don't worry, I can do most of the work!" Beatbox said with a giggle. "The name's Beatbox, and this..." he looked to his familiar "is Audio... my familiar!" he said before the small red haired fox barked at Luna. "The Wasp Queen is not that far from here, just be warned though... the Wasp Queen does a fair amount of damage, two to three hits from the Wasp Queen to you could kill you. Just stick behind me, I should be able to set it up fast enough for you to do the final blow if you wish..." he said walking off in the direction where the Wasp Queen is located. "Her dying should be the last of my worries... as long as she does stay behind me she should be fine and gain quite a bit of levels from this boss... the last thing I want today is for someone to die in front of me..."

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(Just a reminder that your posts must be at least 150 words long and I know for sure that some of yours aren't reaching that minimum) 


Luna nodded and smiled as the boy explained that he was fine with doing most of the work which was a weight of the girl's shoulders. "Nice to meet you B-Beatbox..." she said, giggling a little at his choice of name. Not that she had any problem with the boy or meant ill it was just that she found the fact that he had named himself beatbox rather amusing, it wasn't even a name. But it wasn't her place to judge, and so she wouldn't. "Good...it won't take us long then...and I know that I could die to it, most field bosses can kill me rather quickly. But it shouldn't take long for us to kill right? You look like you could jump out more damage than me" she said to the boy with a smile before following him, her pace brisk but her footsteps were light, almost skipping as she was rather happy. "After this I could probably rank up my weapon skill again and get more damage...although I don't know if I want to continue using a rapier" 

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Two Things: Sorry I haven't been posting often on this, I have had some family issues going on and it sucks :/. And I keep forgetting about that update XD they have been fixed.)


He giggled after she was finished giggling and said with a smile "I know my name is rather... interesting and I get giggles a lot about it. But, I like the name myself..." he knew his name was rather interesting, but he never knew that it would be so absurd. "It more than likely shouldn't take us too long, it should take a little bit of effort but we'll be able to take it down. And that's a good mentality to look at in this world... I have the same mentality myself, and I deal a decent amount, I mean its not Front Line player damage but its fair enough." he said to Luna with a smile. "Rapier huh? I used to know someone that used a Rapier... I find them to look rather cool, but its not my type of weapon." he said with a giggle as they walked.

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luna giggled a little more. "I'm sorry i laughed but I've never heard someone call themselves that...ever"  She said before finishing with her laughter and continuing to walk alongside the boy as he spoke. The petite girl nodded along as he talked, agreeing with most of that he had to say, he seemed like a nice person in general with a positive outlook and attitude, something that not everyone in SAO had. "Being positive is....it's important in many, many ways..." She said to him, looking at the floor as she played with her dress a little. "It can turn a disaster into something good and.....and it can save lives..." she told him, shaking her head as she tried not to think about things that had happened in her past, instead looking back at beatbox. "Rapiers are nice but it never feels like there's much power behind them despite their high damage, that and dagger does their job but better...I've been thinking of changing weapon as I only have one point in rapier" 

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