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[SP-F2] Shiitake << Easy RGQ >> << COMPLETED WITH DEATH >>

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Floor 2 looks like a depressing landscape in my opinion. Apart from the Crossing Fields and the capital, it is carpeted by dead grass and is surrounded by mountains. The breeze feels cold, so that's a plus. There are barely any wildlife or monsters whenever you are somewhere in the middle of the zone.

I stroll around the field as I look for a certain entrance to the mountains that has an arc as the 'doorway.' Apparently, I notice one of these random-generated quests at the bulletin board of the capital. They come in three difficulties: pussy, average and badass. Regrettably, since I am still at a lower level I choose to do the pussy round. I ended up choosing the mob-killing type, since I am in the mood for good ol ultraviolence. The mobs I'm supposed to kill now are humanoid, mushroom monsters, and I was warned of their amazing, raw strength. If getting punched in the face is a price for trying to fight them, so be it. 

Those mushrooms reside one of the mountains, and the only way to access it is to find an arch at the entrances of the mountains. The game claimed that the other entrances are 'guarded my monsters or having hard terrain.' I don't know if they are true, but I suppose I won't take anymore risks in this death game. 

It takes a total of forty minutes of walking and lying among the grass while attempting to ma--

Ah. There it is. The arch looks very decrepit, and I sure hope there ain't any rhino, centipede, or any other big animal really. Give me real monsters dammit! 

Edited by Dante Kurosaki
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Deep into the forest lies strange flora, all look like as if they are alive. There is even one tree that has branch-like tendrils, or something similar to that effect.

I decide that this is my chance to find additional materials for my shop. Even though I have more than 10 of em, I just feel like collecting more to stock em high like the Mountain Fuji. I begin to look around for some kind of ore as I keep my mind on my tracks, so I won't stray too far away.

ID: 67782

LD: 9

As I would expect, it is unlikely to find such a material in a dense place like this. I keep on walking while casually looking at the two potions I bought the day before. If I want to save them, I had better be violent and careful of any incoming attacks. 

...maybe I'll keep finding for another material.

Edited by Dante Kurosaki
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ID: 67783

LD: 4

So I was walking around the streets of Tokyo during the night of winter. The city is bustling with colorful Christmas lights and people spending their happy times together. 

I was looking forward to go home as soon as the snow is starting to get chiller. I had my own heater in my house, and it is an expensive one, but worth getting perfectly warmed by the machine. 

As I pass by some sort of biker shop, some hoodlums gang up on me, perhaps just for attention or to show how 'powerful' they are in the streets of Tokyo. Nevertheless, I remain calm and stoic as one of them approached me with his bowie knife, the one that is notable for being Rambo's weapon in his movies. It looked scary of course, and I think he probably had succeeded in scaring off several of his previous victims.

"You are gonna pay the toll, buddy. And treat us some Christmas dinner tonight," he said.

I simply smile and responded with: "I would love to, but I am in a hurry, as I want to have dinner all by myself. Why don't you find someone else? There are still people walking among the streets."

"No, no f**k that," he speaks as he snaps his fingers, prompting his goons to come loser to me. "You ain't going anywhere, pal. You see this?" 

I feel a slight pain as he puts a little pressure against my cheek with the tip of his bowie knife, but I remain calm as I let out a huge sigh, before I proceed to kick his testicles.

I still remember that when he was stunned, I quickly step away from his goons and got behind him, lifting his head upwards. Without hesitation, I bit his neck.

No, it wasn't just a light bite. This bite was for real, people. I sank my teeth into his neck as I grabbed his knife away and stabbed him in his filthy heart. I enjoyed his occasional screaming and the reactions of his buddies, who shuddered in fear and probably pissed their pants. 

Since I only have little time to spare for the murder, I stabbed him repetitively and finally managed to bite a chunk of his neck's flesh, ending his life with a stab towards the brain. He quickly dropped dead, and I remember staring at his friends with blood on my teeth and mouth. The blood frenzy began to boil in my veins as I wanted to kill all of them. I started assaulting one of them, but I only manage to slightly stab his back as he and the goons ran away in fear.

Let me search one more material. My story isn't done yet.

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ID: 67789

LD: 10

Where was I? Ah yes. So, I took a good look at the guy's corpse, wondering how can I dispose the body. Keep in mind that the whole time I committed my second murder, I was at a 'deserted part' of Tokyo. I quote deserted because there are barely any people at night despite the amount of shops available. 

The snow starts to fall rapidly, and an idea came to me suddenly. I used whatever mounds of snow I could find nearby and cover up the body with it. I had a little trouble with covering his feet though, as his shoes are rather long. I took off those shoes and took them along with the knife. I disposed these items into a trashcan that was full of papers and tin cans, and walked away calmly.

Now you might be asking, why the seemingly unnecessary murder? Well, pal. I'm not going to let anyone ruin my night with threats and robberies and that guy f**king deserved it. I did saw the news of the discovery of his body, and that they couldn't find the weapon at all. I guess the trash was already taken out by janitors, and hopefully sent to a junkyard.

I think I saw something in the distance. Be right back.

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Our first mushroom buddy is standing gracefully as he sets his eyes towards my position. Not wanting to hide and just get straight to the point, I yell out 'VASLAGAAN!!!' as I swing my sword violently in the air.

Dante: HP 3/20

Mushroom: HP 11/12

ID: 67791

BD: 10

MD: 6

The mushroom doesn't expect my aggressive behavior, but at the same time, he gets to punch the [censored] out of me. And it f**king hurts! I only managed to stab him in the heart, hoping that the bleeding takes effect.

The pain is really unbearable, and I have to kneel down to hold my stomach while keeping my focus towards him. He is approaching me while cracking his fist, however, he soon starts to bleed out uncontrollably from the cut wound he receives. 

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Dante: 13/20 (Drank 1 Potion)

Mushroom: HP 0/12 (Affected by +1 Bleed)

ID: 67795

LD: 2

The mushroom drops down dead as the blood sprayed towards my face, before disappearing in Aincrad style. Sadly, it drops no loot, and I was disappointed. I quickly drank my potion and discarded the empty bottle. The pain disappears after a while as I keep walking around like someone just s**t his pants. 

I need to avoid the other two mushrooms just so I can restore my health back to its fullness. I really hope that I would level up by the time this dangerous quest is over.

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ID: 67796

LD: 6

I attempted to find an ore nearby the battle site, but to no avail. Shrugging my shoulders, I continue my stroll as I keep my sword drawn, in case these mushroom f**ks decide to ambush me all of a sudden. 

The forest seems to become a little greener, possibly due to sunlight or something like that. It reminds me of the former days where I sometimes go hiking and fishing in the wilderness. They are such peaceful activities, and yes sometimes I do love to hunt. I wonder if hunting is implemented in Aincrad. That would be an exciting hobby to fill up my spare time.

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My favorite meat of all time is venison, though I consider some other game meat to be a delicacy to my taste buds. Such examples are turtles, boars, and maybe even squirrels. 

It is always enough to hunt one or two deer at a time since their meat is abundant, in addition to their hides supple enough for some blankets, boots or whatnot. 

Most of the forests I went for hunting were unincorporated areas of Japan, this is so I wouldn't get arrested by officials since I think it would be illegal to hunt without a license or something.

But anyway, I am glad that venison is available in Aincrad settlements, and they taste really f**king good, probably tastier than the ones I cooked at my former home. Now if only the Good Luck Lounge serves such meat...

Time to find more materials!

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ID: 67797

LD: 9

Sometimes I question myself on why the hell would I search materials at unlikely places. Either I am desperate for them to supply my shop quickly or I just had a fetish for materials. No no, the latter sounds so wrong.

Hm, you know, I haven't talked about my fetish yet, which applies to real life and anime. I know it sounds awkward, so maybe I will explain later...or in a few minutes if I am so inclined.

I swear I hear heavy footsteps at a distance. That must be another mushroom, so I slowly sneak up to the source of the sound.

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This one's smaller than the previous mushroom I attacked. It walks like a small child, just having a casual stroll like me. It looks distasteful to kill this mushroom child, but what's done must be done. I rush and launch my sword forward like a lance as it it about to turn back.

Dante: HP 20/20

Smol Mushroom: HP 8/8

ID: 67799

BD: 4

MD: 3

To my surprise, that guy could dodge by jumping sideways. I obviously miss my attack and turn around, running again towards the small f**ker as it is about to launch its tiny punch to my legs.

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Dante: HP 20/20

Smol Mushroom: 7/8

ID: 67799

BD: 6

MD: 1

I slash my sword vertically as I am close to the mushroom, hitting his incoming fist. He steps back for a while and for a while, he looks like as if he regrets his action. He turns tail and attempt to run away from me, but he trips onto a rock and falls onto his face. I grin menacingly as I realize that this guy could be an easy target.

I slowly walk towards him as he leans onto a giant boulder, trembling at the sight of my sword and my insane smile.

Time for bed, kiddo!


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Dante: 13/20

Smol Mushroom: 7/8

ID: 67800

BD: 1

MD: 9

I wish I am more cautious as I try to engage this kid. He gets up quickly and punches me at the groin, almost hitting my nuts. I grit my teeth as I can still feel the unholy pain at my nuts, I step back quickly.

This mushroom already looks determined to beat the s**t out of me. Look at them eyes. They show how stupid and brave he is to defeat his opponent. He runs forward and brings his fist backwards to launch a critical punch. I stand still and lift my sword, hoping to strike at the moment it performs its attack.

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Dante: HP 13/20

Smol Mushroom: 6/8

ID: 67802

BD: 7

MD: 2

And it works! The poor fellow misses me as I sidestep to the right, he was punching with his right fist. I quickly get behind him and plunge my blade into the white flesh of the mushroom. I give it a harsh kick as it falls onto the ground, struggling to stand up.

I'm not gong to let that happen. You better stay down or I'll f**k you harder with my sword, you b**ch! AAARGH!!!!

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Dante: HP 4/20

Smol Mushroom: HP 6/8

ID: 67803

BD: 5

MD: 10

Jeebus f**k! How the hell can he kick me like a horse?! And right at my f**king face too! 

I have only a short time to rant like a madman. I have to choices, either I run or remain to fight this f**ktard. The PTSD of myself fighting the Centipede reoccurs in my mind, and I fall to the ground. I could hear the footsteps of that guy, and I have no choice but to drink my last potion. I quickly uncork the bottle, while I attempt to lunge my sword forward.

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Dante: HP 5/20 (Drank 1 Potion, but got hit by enemy)

Smol Mushroom: 6/8

ID: 67804

BD: 3

MD: 10

Although I already gulp down the strawberry liquid, the mushroom couldn't resist to deliver its flurry of punches towards my face like f**king Star Platinum. I was flown against a tree behind me due to the strength of its punch.

Dammit now...if I die right here...f**k...why did I bother to take this quest....rrgh...

I look forward towards the creature as it is already running towards me, jumping to deliver a flying kick.

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Dante: HP 0/20

Smol Mushroom: 6/8

The kick of the mushroom is so strong that it completely smash Dante's head flat, leaving it into a bloody pulp. His face is barely recognizable, and brain matter is splattered against the trunk off the tree.

The mushroom leaves as Dante's corpse slowly disappears from the forest, leaving his memories and his dream as a blacksmith behind. 

In real life, his brain is fried violently by the NerveGear, killing him instantly.

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