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[SP - F2] A New Fox Friend / Material Gathering <<Feeding the Enemy>> -Completed-

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ID: 68080

BD: 9

MD: 3-3=1


The bear after roaring at Beatbox decided to strike against him, however it didn't strike that fast and Beatbox simply just moved out of the way and removed the sword from the Bear. He giggled and looked at the bear once more readying the same attack he did the last time to it, "Ready for the second time...?" he said as his sword glowed a bright white and he performed Vorpal Strike against the bear once more and did another impressive amount of damage to the Bear. The bear roared in pain and its eyes glowed red showing that it was truely angry at the player that was attack it. It roared at the player and prepared to try to strike at Beatbox once more. Beatbox smiled and thought to himself that he hoped that this bear had a couple of tricks up its sleeve because it wasn't proving much to be a fight right now, Beatbox was rather not impressed about this mob that he had been fighting against.


Beatbox: 359/360 (EN: 22/36)

Bear: 95/180 -40 (Damage: 6 base + 1 crit + 1 ferocity*(5*1 vorpal strike) = 40 DMG)


Total Col Earned in Thread: 30


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ID: 68082

BD: 9

MD: 3-3=1


The bear tried to strike against the player, however it was recklessly trying to hit Beatbox instead on focusing at one point to hit. Which lead to Beatbox again moving out of the way and removed his sword from the bear's chest. Beatbox pretended yawned and was not that impressed with how this AI was doing against Beatbox, with its amount of health he figured that this would at least be somewhat of a decent fight, however he has been rather unimpressed. He decided to go a little easier on the Bear, but he still did an impressive amount of damage from attacking it in the form of a V. Maybe he was just hitting the bear in just the right spot, who knows. But he is mostly wanting to see if this bear can put up a good fight to begin with, however Beatbox did not plan on keeping the damage too too low since he does not want to waste his time trying to see if this bear can do an impressive amounts of damage. It was weird, one moment he is raging on how he can't find any materials and now he is fighting mob's that don't really stand a chance against Beatbox... weird.


Beatbox: 359/360 (EN: 18/36)

Bear: 63/180 -32 (Damage: 6 base + 1 crit + 1 ferocity*(2*2 vertical arc) = 32 DMG)


Total Col Earned in Thread: 30

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ID: 68123

BD: 9

MD: 2-3=1


The bear did not show any more promise than it already did, it prepared for another attack... and then proceeded to fail again. The bear couldn't hit Beatbox for the life of the bear and was only getting more and more angry at the player. Beatbox grinned and swung his sword in the form of a V again and dealt more damage to the bear. The bear was getting low, Beatbox knew that if he did a combo like that again that it would kill it. However, Beatbox had seen enough, he knows the Bear can't hit him, so he decided that his next blow will put the bear out of it's misery. He was done with this bear and giving it chances to hit Beatbox. His sword glowed a bright white and was preparing another attack on the Bear. He had an angered look on his face and then proceeded to say "Well Bear... I have given you so many chances to hit me... however, I am now bored of this fight... I am going to end it... good riddance... " as he prepared to lunge at the bear for one more final strike against it.


Beatbox: 359/360 (EN: 14/36)

Bear: 31/180 -32 (Damage: 6 base + 1 crit + 1 ferocity*(2*2 vertical arc) = 32 DMG)


Total Col Earned in Thread: 30

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ID: 68124

BD: 5

MD: 8-3=5


Beatbox lunged at the bear trying to stab it through its heart to hopefully end its life, however the bear managed to get out of the way of his sword. To Beatbox's surprised he was shocked, he didn't think the Bear would step out of the way like that... It was weird... the Bear looked at the player and roared as it tried to scratch him, however this Bear wasn't messing around. However, Beatbox managed to get out of the way and didn't get hit... at this point the bear had already disappointed him, he wasn't going to let it hit him so quickly like that. This was a death game after all that Beatbox realized... there is no time to mess around while in combat to see what it can do... it could be his downfall if he allowed to bear to hit him a couple of times. Nah, he shook of those thought and was determined to take down this one bear before going off to find another fox to see if it'll be a familiar worth while... Beatbox needed a new fox friend by his side, and he would do anything to get a familiar that would help him in the long run of this game.


Beatbox: 359/360 (EN: 12/36)

Bear: 31/180 


Total Col Earned in Thread: 30

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ID: 68126

BD: 4

MD: 1


The bear as reckless as always decided to keep trying to attack Beatbox over... and over... and over again until it would eventually hit the player. However the bear wasn't swinging fast enough and Beatbox could track its movements in order to dodge the monster. This battle was really boring Beatbox, the Bear wasn't hitting him... and as Beatbox tried to swing his sword again at the monster, he also missed. It kind of bugged him as he thinks he is going to do something, and it goes the complete opposite for him. Beatbox shook his head in anger towards the Bear and he wishes that the Bear would just stand there and accept its fate. Beatbox knew that the Bear couldn't harm him at all, and Beatbox was just getting annoyed that this battle is getting literally no where, he thought to himself though after this battle he would try again to search for some materials and regain some of his energy back, even if he couldn't find anything... he couldn't fight another monster at the rate of energy that he is losing.


Beatbox: 359/360 (EN: 10/36)

Bear: 31/180 


Total Col Earned in Thread: 30

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ID: 68128

BD: 6

LD: 19 (Came a few posts too early...)


Beatbox decided enough was enough for this poor Bear that had fought against a player that couldn't be hit by it and he used his Vorpal Strike sword art against the monster and it fell over dead. The bear exploded into white-ish blue crystals that evaporated in the air till it became no more, then a loot page was in front of Beatbox, he saw that he had gotten a hefty amount of Col and a material! Gee, it took him to fight a Bear that couldn't hit him to get a material, figures. Beatbox had felt exhausted from that battle, he wasted too much of his energy trying to hit that one bear in that fight that he had wasted a lot of it. He figured he would go back to search for some materials and a fox and regain some of his energy before he would fight again, he put his sword back into his inventory and walked off to find another fox and hopefully some materials. He really needed some materials, and he would stop at nothing just to find some... he was pretty low on materials and would love some. 


Total Col Earned in Thread: 930

Materials Earned in Thread: 1

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ID: 68129

LD: 4 (Of course!)


Beatbox had walked back out into the woodlands some more in hopes to find some materials, he didn't look in the area he had looked in last time... he thought that, that side of the woodlands area was unlucky and he would find anything either. At least he tried to believe that... he really just wanted to find some materials that he could use. Beatbox had looked from inch to inch from a small area and he found...! Nothing. He shook his head as he knew he was off to a great start in finding some materials again, he sighed as he prayed that he wouldn't have a repeat to what had happened minutes ago in which he had found nothing... he tried to not get angry again at that thought and he simply took deep breath's in and out... in and out, all he needed to do is relax and hope that he finds some materials worth while and find a fox familiar that would give him buffs and go on with the rest of his day... however that would happen if this was a perfect world or if he was lucky... however those two things were never true.


Total Col Earned in Thread: 930

Materials Earned in Thread: 1

Total Material LD Failures: 15

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ID: 68130

LD: 11 (Not close enough!)


Beatbox had kept looking and looking and looking... and looking... and looking... and... sigh, he couldn't find anything. Beatbox knew he's not capable in finding Materials like this, because to him... he doesn't have the necessary patience for this sort of thing, but... he also needed to eventually do this sort of thing eventually... he also needed equipment to help him out with trying to get materials because with the materials that he has so far... he knows that it would take him forever. He sighed as he got a little more annoyed on how he wasn't finding anything of the sorts as of yet, but he knew with enough patience... and dedication... he could find Materials no problem! ...at least he hopes so if he has that sort of mentality in his mind. Beatbox just shook his head to calm himself down and he would keep pushing forward hoping to find some materials or a fox in the near future... again, at least he hopes.


Total Col Earned in Thread: 930

Materials Earned in Thread: 1

Total Material LD Failures: 16

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ID: 68132



And so Beatbox had kept looking.. and looking, you get the point. He found nothing, all he had been doing is find nothing. Is he even trying hard enough? Who knows, all Beatbox knows is that this is royally p*****g him off so much, he had failed to find materials for the longest time, and the only reason how he has a material right now is because of the mob that he had killed. He curled his fist into a ball and hit a tree, then out of nowhere he heard more rustling in a bush that was beside him... he went into his inventory and got some bait ready... he slowly walked over and looked inside of the bushes... and to his surprise... it was a fox! At least he had found something like the this! He slowly reached his hand out with bait outward to the fox, the fox was interested in this bait and it sniffed the bait that was in his hand... and eventually tried it.


Total Col Earned in Thread: 930

Materials Earned in Thread: 1

Total Material LD Failures: 17

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ID: 68135

LD: 16 (slams head against desk)


The fox eventually fully ate the bait and was interested to be Beatbox's familiar, however it didn't provide any special bonuses... so he let the fox go back into its habitat. Beatbox had sighed as he had to wait a longer to get a familiar now since there were no other foxes around... just frinkin' perfect if you ask Beatbox, everything about today for Beatbox was going wrong... and he didn't like any of it today, it was quite annoying to him how nothing about today was going right, he didn't know what he wanted to do, if he wanted to search around for more materials or to find some mob's to kill... because he wanted to find something to do to pass the time before finding each individual fox as a familiar. He sat down to think about it, but he mostly sat down to calm down about today and how nothing was going his way at all today.

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ID: 68140

LD: 14


He figured that he wouldn't be defeated looking for materials, he continued to look for some materials... and of course he had found nothing. He did not like anything that was going on today, he remembered that he had food items in his inventory he never got around to eating... he figured he would eat it in a moment after he was done looking for some materials. However after a bit he still found a whole lot of nothing. He sighed and all he could do is laugh at how much he has been failing, because nothing had been going right for him. He only has 1 material and that was from a mob drop, and he found it pretty sh***y that that was the only material he had found all day, it shouldn't seriously be this hard to find simple materials could it? Who knows, all he knows is that he sucks at finding materials.


Total Col Earned in Thread: 930

Materials Earned in Thread: 1

Total Material LD Failures: 18

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He figured it had been long enough and he remembered of a treat that he had a while back that was full of vitamins... and better yet, it was also a stuffed apple. It had been a while before he had a stuffed apple before... it had been years almost it seemed, who knows. Beatbox took the stuffed apple out of his inventory and began to ate it. Hopefully the bonuses within this apple would be enough to help him get more materials... because he needs to find some materials to get some more stuff for later quest's and journeys that he would go on. Since he is lacking in Col he figured he could make it up with materials to get some of the things that he needs. After he finished eating the stuffed apple, he leaned back for a moment and took a moment to calm down and take deep breaths. After a bit, he finally sat back up and stood up to walk off to find some materials... hopefully. He was hoping that he could find some materials.

+2 LD for Thread. Huzzah for finding it in my character sheet.

- Vitamin Stuffed Apple

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ID: 68141



He got back to searching for materials, so he continued to look around... and look around... and look around, and he still finds nothing. He figured to try keep his cool and try to not let this get this to him... however eventually he found himself getting upset about finding nothing again. He got extremely frustrated that he literally finding nothing... upon nothing. If Alisa was here... or anyone else was here... they probably would have found like 50 different materials while Beatbox had found none. Well, he got one but he didn't find it. He was starting to wonder if there was any materials in this woodland in the first place... maybe other players had gotten here before him and took all the materials... he sighed and kept trying to look around and to no avail he kept finding nothing... nothing, and nothing! It was royally ticking him off and his luck was just terrible today, he was not looking forward for the next few hours of his day... today was going to be so slow for Beatbox.


Total Col Earned in Thread: 930

Materials Earned in Thread: 1

Total Material LD Failures: 19

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ID: 68183

LD: 15+2=17 (FINALLY!!)


So Beatbox had kept looking through the woodlands thinking that he wasn't going to find any materials any time soon, but either out of sheer luck or if he had pasted it before. He finally found a material! Beatbox had not felt more happier to find lines of coding, seriously... he was that happy to find a material. He raised his fist in the air for celebration and he finally got a little more confident in finding some materials. Finally his luck was hopefully going to change... now all he needs to do is find a lot more materials... and a familiar that gave him modifiers... then it would eventually turn to a great day for Beatbox. He sighed and shook his head as he happily took the material and moved on. He kept moving forward while looking for some materials on the way there... at least he could say he found some materials.


Total Col Earned in Thread: 930

Materials Earned in Thread: 2 

Total Material LD Failures: 19

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ID: 68184

LD: 19+2=21


And so Beatbox had kept moving forward... and forward... and he kept looking from side to side hoping to see if he would find another Material any time soon, and to his luck... he had found another material! He had a smile on his face for the victory that he had just gotten and happily taken the material. "It's about time!" yelled out Beatbox, he was finally getting his luck turned around, he was finally finding some materials and he is not getting too too stressed out about not finding any. Sure, it was only a small amount of materials so far, but it surely beat not finding any materials at all. At least he is leaving with a few rather than none he thought to himself. He looked back up and continued moving forward hoping that he would eventually find some more materials... hopefully his luck hadn't already been wasted or jinxed.


Total Col Earned in Thread: 930

Materials Earned in Thread: 3 

Total Material LD Failures: 19

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ID: 68580

LD: 19+2=21


Beatbox had kept looking and looking for some more materials and for another fox to see if he could potentially get another fox familiar, he didn't think he would be able to find any of them in any way... but with amazing luck he found another Material! Things have surely changed for Beatbox... he was finally finding some Materials he could potentially use. He had a smile on his face, it has been too long since he had been getting any materials... heck, he hadn't even had that many on him at all times, he had maybe 20 at one point... however he is running extremely low on materials. He had put the material into his inventory and continued to look for some more materials and hopefully another fox that he could attempt to make them a familiar. He kept his head up and thought of good thoughts instead of doubt and hatred against not being able to find materials in hopes that it would help him find more materials.


Total Col Earned in Thread: 930

Materials Earned in Thread: 4 

Total Material LD Failures: 19

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ID: 68581

LD: 16+2


Beatbox had continued to look around for some more materials and hoping to find a fox while he was at it, y'know the same ol', same ol'... and surprisingly... he keeps finding more and more materials the more he had looked! Did he just was in a better location? Or... maybe he was just getting very very lucky right now at the current moment. He shook his head in success and couldn't believe he was succeeding so much, he put the material into his inventory and continued to move on forward. He looked from side to side and he kept looking forward, he noticed that he was coming up to an area with a little more animal's than normal... maybe he was getting closer and closer to another fox. He was getting more excited by the moment as he was finding more and more animals and he kept finding more and more materials. 


Total Col Earned in Thread: 930

Materials Earned in Thread: 5 

Total Material LD Failures: 19

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ID: 68697

LD: 15+2


And so... the repetition of looking of looking for materials and a fox continued... and Beatbox kept on looking and looking... and looking. And he eventually found another material! He was getting extremely lucky with finding these materials... normally he doesn't find that many materials and spends hours just to find... maybe two, and now he had been finding more materials then before! He was getting extremely excited about finding these many materials. He shook off that thought and took the material into their inventory. He was very happy to be finding this many materials and he kept moving forward extremely happy about this so far. He found it funny how he went from finding no materials to finding a lot of materials that he could use. It sure was making him happy to be finding this many materials. He thought about what he was going to use with these materials... he didn't like his profession so he didn't want to use them for that... maybe for some equipment, eh... who knows. He has materials and thats the best part about this trip out here.


Total Col Earned in Thread: 930

Materials Earned in Thread: 6 

Total Material LD Failures: 19

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ID: 68700

LD: 13+2=15


And so Beatbox had kept looking... and looking... and looking... and looking for more materials that he could use. Eventually he had come across another material he could use at a later day, he inspected it first and thought it was alright so he had put it into his inventory. He had thought to himself for a moment about where he was at position wise with this game. His level... his stats... they were all too low for his liking at the current moment as they're a lot of players at the moment with extremely higher stats that Beatbox at the current moment, and he thought even that even lower levels had better stats if not equal to the same amount as Beatbox and it brought him down a bit, not only did he not want to be useless in this game at the moment, but he wants to join the front lines eventually... and with the stats that he has now, he can't possibly imagine being a part of the front lines at all... he felt honestly, very useless. 


Total Col Earned in Thread: 930

Materials Earned in Thread: 7 

Total Material LD Failures: 19

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ID: 68879

LD: 12+2=14


Beatbox honestly couldn't help himself but feel absolutely down upon himself, he wants to be a part of the frontlines and the community that comes with it, even though most of them have their own "unique" skills and he barely had any skills to begin with at the moment. The more and more he thought upon it he got almost... depressed about it. There is a want for players in the front lines at the current moment, but Beatbox doesn't fit the requirements for them at the current moment... which sucks even more. He kept looking for more materials however he had found himself distracted in his thoughts and he didn't find anything of value or use at the current moment. He picked up one he thought was good he inspected it and got mad at himself and threw it away into the distance. He shook his head in anger and tried to get those thoughts out of his head and tried not to cry from the dark thoughts that he had been thinking about.

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