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Surprisingly, his moves are acrobatic as f**k, the consecutive strikes against my shield feels like one, continuous attack. I am so busy taking cover behind my personal armor that I never notice him flanking and striking me against my shoulder. I quickly back away as I keep raising up my shield, even though he stops attacking for a while.

"Tch.." he says in a frustrating tone. "Only a small graze, what a disappointment. I am impressed that you can still hang on, you must have extensive training to hold that heavy metal for a long time."

"Shut up!" I yell out as I sprint towards the thief. Who the f**k does he think he is, talking to me like that? He deserves to get beheaded for his insolence!

"It was just a little compliment...that is all," mutters the thief, who is already spreading his legs to dodge my attack and flank me once more. I'm not going to let that happen again...

Gotz: HP 78/80

Thief: HP 18/23

ID: 68606

BD: 2

MD: 9  

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Grrgh! I..I never expect that...f**king hell...he got my leg, out of all the body parts he should have stabbed. My f**king leg is bleeding, the blade is very sharp...

"You are leaving your legs open despite having a tower shield, how absurd.." says the thief as he points his dagger to me. "Fret not, the bleeding will stop soon, but if I pierce you some more, you will bleed continuously until you can no longer stand."

..He is a serious issue, I thought to myself. Although I can still stand, the pain at my right leg acts up like a fire whenever I try to straighten my kneecap. I have to constantly bend my legs forward while still taking cover behind my shield. 

"Still wanting to fight?" says the thief. "You know, I really respect you as a swordsman. If you wish to run away, then do so, for at least we had a good fight and we get to live.

But if you wish to kill me for loot, just as I did to previous victims, then come closer. Swing your sword here." 

He points his finger towards his neck as a form of taunting. Understandably, this makes me angrier as he is mocking me. As best as I can, I ignore the bleeding on my leg as I charge towards him with my shield forward.

Gotz: HP 65/80

Thief: HP 14/23

ID: 68624

BD: 9

MD: 10

Energy: 0/8

Used Vertical!

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As I approach the thief, I bash his face with my tower shield and bring my sword vertically downwards towards his head. His blood splatters out as I end up carving a big slice on the top of his head. Even though I landed a hit against him, I had to pay the price getting stabbed at the side of my body. I sidestep away from the thief as I block the rest of his attacks and bashing my head with his shield. 

The thief pants as his head is bleeding from the wound. I do not want to stop fighting, this poor excuse of a living being must die here and now. I continue running towards him as he standing still. I anticipate that he will jump and land behind me, so I plan to strike my sword at an uppercut motion as soon as my shield almost reaches its target.

Gotz: HP 53/80

Thief: HP 14/23

ID: 68625

BD: 3

MD: 3

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I am correct at the fact that he is going to jump, but my sword couldn't hit him in the air, as I have to quickly turn around and block his slashes. I back away quickly as my leg finally stop bleeding, but my health has gone down at a big number. I grit my teeth as the pain somehow worsens...the cut he made...it's a little too deep...

The thief just stands there, waiting for me to attack. He does the same thing I did earlier to taunt him: banging his dagger against his target shield. He is already confident of taking me down, and ironically that is exactly what I was thinking when I set my eyes on him for the first time.

"The sun is about to set," says the thief. "We can always meet someday and fight whenever your wounds are healed. How about some rest?"

"Why wasting your time talking to someone that you are going to kill?" I ask angrily, for he doesn't seem to take this battle very seriously.

"Because I am giving you a chance to live so our fight wouldn't be a one, long battle scene. It is boring to my eyes."

"Well I will shorten this fight then!" I shout as I charge my sword forward like a lance towards his head. 

Gotz: HP 52/80

Thief: HP 10/23

ID: 68626

BD: 10

MD: 6

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"Reargh!" I quickly thrust my sword forward, sliding along the rim of his shield as it pierces his forehead. I move the blade back and forth in an effort to severe his brain, but he is still fast enough to graze his dagger unto my cheek. I kick him away as I withdraw my sword from the flesh of his head. He shakes his head he wipes the blood with his shirt, gripping his dagger more firmly.

"Gah..you just gave me a painful headache...it hurts don't you think, I might won't be able to pain attention to you."

"Do you ever keep your f**king mouth shut when killing people?" I ask with a loud tone.

"No, it would be too gloomy to kill without some noise, save for the destruction of flesh and screams of victims." 

At this point, my craving for ultraviolence returns from its break as I go berserk and run towards him while shoving my tower shield forward.

Gotz: HP 52/80

Thief: HP 10/23

ID: 68627

BD: 1

MD: 2

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Have you ever seen how a Viking fights with his foe? There is a video that demonstrate the subject, and if you remember it, then good for you. The next few minutes is similar to that video. We are hitting each other's shields with our weapons, and we even try to step to either the left or right so one of us can hit the other's shoulders. The sounds of clanging metal gets gradually noisier, and by the time both of us are knocked back by bashing each other's shields, we are already exhausted, catching our own breaths.

I kneel towards the ground with my shield still facing forward as I rest my forehead onto the sword's pommel, panting heavily. I don't understand why I get tired from this fight. Maybe it's the fact the enemies I faced so far are either slow or simply stupid. 

The thief is probably the most difficult foe I ever face, and if he gets to exploit my weaknesses and take advantage of them, I will be bleeding like the fountains in Floor 1.

Rrgh...not now...why do I feel like wanting to run back to the village? I still want to fight!

Gotz: HP 52/80

Thief: HP 7/23

ID: 68628

BD: 9

MD: 4

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"What's the matter, traveller?" asks the thief. "Having second thoughts of fighting me?"

...I take a deep breath, and I get onto my feet as I run towards the creature who is already walking towards me. I slash his legs with great force since I am concerned of two things: his legs helps with his speed, and even if he is standing idly, he would use his shield to block his upper body from my sword.

He kneels down as he notices his legs bleeding from the slash, and then laughs out of nowhere.

"So you want to reduce my speed? You want a fair fight, traveller?" He turns around as he glares at me while standing up. "Very well, then. We will fight like tanks. Come here!"

He bangs his shield with his dagger as he lets out a war cry before charging towards me. My fighting spirit resurfaces as he cannot leap around like he used to be, a tank vs tank battle sounds very exciting to me.

"That's it...come forward," I mutter. 

Gotz: HP 52/80

Thief: HP 7/23

ID: 68629

BD: 2

MD: 4

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I swing my sword towards his neck, and he blocks it with his dagger. This clash seems to excite him, because now he is swinging wildly at me, and since I am not behind my tower shield this time, I have to use my weapon to parry his attacks.

"Yes!" He shouts. "Sword-to-sword fight is my favorite! How long can you last, traveller?!" 

His strikes becomes more forceful, and his movements are increasing in speed. At one point I bash him away as he does a 360 spin while almost having his dagger reaching towards my neck. The thief gives out a creepy laugh as he raises up his target shield.

"I never had a good sparring since I was young. How about we stick to the sword and shield technique?"

I say nothing as I raise up my shield too, and both of us approach each other like gladiators in the Coliseum of Rome. I can already hear people cheering madly as they bet their money on their favorite fighters, while anticipating a live show of blood and gore.

Gotz: HP 51/80

Thief: HP 7/25

ID: 68631

BD: 2

MD: 8

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I feel an agony at my body as I snap myself back to reality. I look down to see the thief's dagger piercing my iron breastplate, creating a hole deep enough for the tip to touch my chest.

"What are you doing?" asks the thief. "Are you daydreaming?"

I grit my teeth as I snarl in rage, swinging my sword to chop off his arm. But he manages to withdraw his dagger quickly before my sword could reach for his flesh. 

The fighting continues as we trade blows against our own weapons and shields. No matter where I swing or kick towards the thief, he would skillfully block or dodge my attacks, thus keeping up this goddamn ping pong session. 

"What's the matter?! Tired of fighting already?!" The thief yells out in mockery. "We can always go back to our homes if you want to! Hahah!"

Rrgh...not good, at this point my sword will become blunt if his dagger keeps hitting it harshly. 

Gotz: HP 51/80

Thief: HP 7/23

ID: 68643

BD: 3

MD: 5

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The fighting briefly stops as both of us pant heavily, exhausted from the many swings we took throughout the brawl. I set my tower shield onto the ground and put my sword down as I look at the sky, which is already getting dark as the sunset is almost over. I look at the entrance of the village, the torches hanging on both sides are lit by the gatekeepers. I look at the thief to see him glaring at me while standing still in the same way he did as we exchanged looks for the first time earlier. 

"This has been a fun fight..but at the same time..." says the thief. "I think we will end up in stalemate if we keep using our sh--"

I know what you are going to say, thief. I drop my tower shield and hold my sword in two hands. The thief seemingly nods in approval as he lets out a small chuckle.

"That is exactly what I need," he speaks as he drops his target shield, swinging his dagger around to warm up his arm. "Ready for the final round, traveller?" I guarantee you that agility is now the key to slay me--"

Before he could finish speaking, I am already jumping towards him as I bring my sword down towards his neck.

(As shields are dropped by the characters, damage mitigation is entirely ignored for the rest of this battle)

Gotz: HP 51/80

Thief: HP 2/23

ID: 68644

BD: 8

MD: 2

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Surprised by my sudden movement, the thief attempts to parry my sword with his dagger, but the black blade shoves the small weapon until it hits the neck. Sensing that my victory is close, I slash his neck violently and stab him in the chest as he gurgles blood. He attempts to drive his dagger into my neck, by I grab his arm and fracture his elbow's cartilage, beating the [censored] out of him with my fist in the process.

"Yeah, you like it huh?!" I shouted as I revel in imminent victor by laughing occasionally. As his unseen face is presumably bloodied, I stop pummeling him and draw out my sword from his chest.

I sit onto the ground as I stare at his stiff body, I can't quite tell if he is dead or not...I see his dagger and pick it up to examine it. It resembles a kris of some sort, but the most astonishing part of the dagger is the material used to forge this weapon. The metal used here is glass, and it explains a lot regarding the bleeding effect it can inflict on a person..

...is this assh**e still alive..? ...f**king hell..

Gotz: HP 39/80

Thief: HP 2/23

ID: 68647

BD: 2

MD: 10

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I pick up my sword and walk up to him as I give him a harsh kick in the face. Immediately after I do so, I feel his hands grabbing my leg tightly. Despite his low health, the thief still have the strength to get onto his feet quickly and stab my chest with a spare dagger he hides at his back the whole time. I try not to emit a scream as I grit my teeth, the pain jolts through my whole body as my chest starts to bleed.

The thief grasps my neck, strangling me as hard as he could.

"You are lucky...huff..that my dagger do not manage to pierce your heart..you are one hell of a monster..I must end you." The thief's voice tone is rather ominous this time, and he is dead serious at killing me. I grab his arms and pull them as hard as I could so the hands can be separated from my neck. This only prompts him to give it a little, painful squeeze.


Gotz: HP 27/80

Thief: HP 2/23

ID: 68649

BD: 3

MD: 2

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The bleeding progresses effectively as my health bar is draining rapidly, combined with the strangulation from the thief. Even though my hands are shaking a little, I manage to grab the dagger that is still sticking into my chest and pull it out. Seeing my action, the thief gives me a powerful kick as I fall to the ground. It is amazing how I am still holding onto my sword throughout the mortal ordeal. The thief walks slowly towards me in a limping motion, only increasing his pace as I struggle to get onto my feet.

He pins down my breastplate with his foot and gets on top of me, placing the glass blade towards my neck.

"Any last words...swords..rrgh..man?" says the thief weakly, as he slowly puts a little more pressure of his weapon into my neck, almost entering the skin.

I couldn't move, obviously. The dagger is my major obstacle at this moment, but there is, perhaps another way out...rrgh..

There is a rock that is conveniently sitting beside me, and I pray to whatever deity exists in Aincrad as I stealthily grab the rock into my hand.

Gotz: HP 15/80

Thief: HP 2/23

ID: 68650

BD: 1

MD: 1

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"You know.." mutters the thief. "We could have make peace on second thought. You are so worthy of being my crime partner, and we can build our own wealth together. You could have just run, and someday, we can fight more 'peacefully' next time. But now I see that you are really serious of disposing me, and not appreciating some of my friendly manners...

It is an honor to battle with you, swordsman...tch..but as you almost take my life away like a savage, you will pay dearly for that. It hurts for me to kill you..but.."

Why would he ever think that he would be my comrade? I have no interest in becoming a bandit at all, and I want to live a good, solitary life. This thief is probably as alone as mine, but to think that he would initiate an acquaintance by stalking and sneaking up on me? ...He is f**king pathetic, just like Esther's master...

...that reptilian..I still remember his smug, and how he berated me by pointing out my low level. Is a level even matter to people? Where is the importance of skill? Perfect equipment? Hell, he doesn't even acknowledge the fact that I have a f**king tower shield! 

Bandit, I will break your f**king skull!

Gotz: HP 15/80

Thief: HP 0/23

ID: 68651 

BD: 6

LD: 12

Obtained 1 Material!

Obtained 115 COL!

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Before the blade could sink into the flesh of my neck, I swing the stone towards his face, knocking him off me. I grab my sword quickly and crawl up to him as he is also lying down, blinded by the strike of the stone. I get up a little and hold onto his head as I slam the oxidized blade against his neck, sawing it back and forth in the process. The sickly sounds of flesh being cut and bones fracturing are prevalent as the thief finally let out his last scream. His movements soon cease as he fell silent, before feeling his head being roughly separated from the base of his neck.

And just like that, the corpse disappears along with the head seconds later, dropping more than 100 COL and a steel ore. I look at my bloodstained weapon and hands, and I smear all the blood onto my face, probably as a sign of satisfaction of the battle's outcome.

The moon is rising, and wolves can be heard howling in the distance...my day of ultraviolence is done today...I'm going back to work...

Rrgh...the dagger wound still hurts...I need a doctor...or a potion if I wish to see no one tonight...

What a lovely day, am I right?



Obtained 4 Materials

Obtained 1 SP 

Obtained 590 COL (400 + 75 + 190)


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