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[SP-F1] [Quest] Earning A Living

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I stood at the foot of the entrance to the smithy's. "Today I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna become a blacksmith!" I thought to myself. "Yeah. It's gonna happen. Today." I sworn to follow my dreams. I won't break that swear. This'd help me achieve my goal. Plus, Domarus said he'd spread word of my shop if I did the same. The wind blew throughout the cobbled streets of Starting City. This was the city everyone who was too pathetic was trapped in by their own morals. Their fear. They were pathetic. But they were Human. I'd win for them. I knew I will. If I didn't? Then I'd die. Simple. This had my life on it. I went into the building in front of me. The sign with a Soviet looking anvil and hammer, swinging in the wind. This was it! It was ride or die at this point.

Let's make it a good one.

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As I stepped into the shop, I saw an old man. He sported a short beard and a largely receding hairline. He was hammering away at a glowing ingot on the anvil. The sound was deafening. I was ready. He didn't have a player tag or an icon above him so he was an NPC. "Sir! Excuse me, sir!" I shouted, trying to talk over the sound of his hammering. "He doesn't hear me at all!" I think to myself. I walk up to him and tap him on the shoulder. I accidentally startled him itseems as he jumps and doesn't look to happy.

"What the hell!?" He shouts, obviously unhappy."Damn. You made me ruin my craft." He says, a little calmer this time. 

"I'm sorry!" I say quickly in defence. "I didn't mean to startle you like that." I say, hoping it'll be taken as an apology.

"It's okay, now that I know your intentions." He smiles and replies. "anyway, what brings you here? Custom weapons or armour? I'll be happy to deliver if so."

"No." I say bluntly. "I want to become a blacksmith."

"Straight forward eh? You'll be great." 

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"Okay then, son. I'm going to have to ask formally. Do you want to become a blacksmith?" He asked. Suddenly a prompt came up and said "Do you accept the quest 'Making a Living'?" I smirked. This was gonna be great, I knew it. I immediately accepted the request.

"Great!" First thing you'll have to do is gather some materials and ores for a craft. You'll need a pickaxe. Here" He held out a copper pickaxe, smiling. I took the pickaxe out of his hands. "Thank you. I'll take good care of it." I smirked. Today was the start of my career. The start of my life. 

"Okay. Then you'll have to go down to the cave, just outside the city. You'll need 3 steel ore to create your craft. It'll probably be a sword and so it only needs 3." He explains.

"Happy mining! "


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Eventually, after about an hour and a half, I reach the cave I need to get to. I take a deep breath and enter. 

The entire cave is part of one big cave system, I'll have to try not get lost. The cave lookso about 7 meters wide by 8 meters high. It's a circle with the bottom crushed into a square. That's good so I have some even ground to stand on. "So I'm looking for steel.... what the hell does steel look like?" I think to myself. Guess I'm looking for a glint of metal or something. My hand is on my rapier at all times,the sheer thought of getting found by a PKer terrifies me. This is gonna be hard.

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