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[Private - Floor 1] Helping to Start (Kaede)

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Beatbox had walked around the town of beginnings again, it was strange how he was walking around here... maybe he was looking for some silence. This floor grew very silent ever since the game started. However there is still a good amount of players here, I guess they hid themselves away just like Beatbox did when they heard that he was trapped here. He shook his head and kept walking towards the park area. People looked at Beatbox whispering to each other, some giggled, some blushed, some nodded there head because they thought they thought he looked stupid. He went to a bench that was nearby and relaxed his leg on top of his other leg and looked out into the distance, he smiled and looked around to people looking at him. "Well James... this is what you have been wanting... to be well known and the spotlight in a group... but I didn't think they would stare..." he thought to himself with a giggle. He spent this time relaxing. 



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I continued to walk along the streets of the large town. I still hadn't explored all of it, and I intended to memorize some shops I would need to go to. After the whole "Kayaba Incident", the town became much more quite than I thought it would be. I suspected panic to overwhelm the players, but everyone seemed so... calm. How? After walking yet another five minutes, I took note that some people were staring in a general direction. Did something else come up? I slowly inched towards an open spot so I could see what everyone was staring at... and it was just a boy. I didn't see anything special about him... he was simply relaxing in the warmth and comfort of the sun. Taking a closer look, I could tell this player must've been at a higher level. His difference in gear suggested it so, and the way that everyone was staring at him said there had to be something unique... but what was it? 'It doesn't matter, just treat him like everyone else.' I never initiated a conversation with anyone anyways, and so I decided to return to my original goal: exploring the town... but I had forgotten which way I came from. Either end of the street seemed to continue on forever, and so I stood in my spot, looking around in confusion and worry.

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Beatbox had looked around again at the people that were looking at him, he kept looking and saw that most of them are either giggling... or just staring, he smiled then noticed a female standing in place rather confused and a bit of worry. He smiled again and stood up, he brushed off the dust off of his legs and walked in her direction. The people looking looked around trying to make it seem that they were not looking at him, some still looking at Beatbox with awe and some tried to even make fun of him. "Where ya headin' to Popstar?" one said from the distance. "None of your business low-level." he said in response. Some laughed at the names being exchanged, however Beatbox didn't care... he still had a smile on his face. His fox familiar walked behind him looking at the other players, barking. Beatbox eventually got to the female and said "Hey there, you look rather... confused. Do you need some assistance? Looking for someone?" with a smile.



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Startled, I turned around to face the source of the voice, only the end up seeing... him. A blush of embarrassment covered my face, and I started to stutter, looking for the right words to respond with. "U-um... not really, I uhh... I was just... umm..." I slunk back a little, avoiding eye contact as much as possible. At last, I oculd manage to mumble, but that was the most I could do. "I'mjustlostandIdon'tknowwheretogo..." I was sure he wouldn't understand what I said, but I wasn't the type of person to interact with others so well. I wrapped my arms around my jacket and kept my eyes on the ground. Great job, me. And this was a high level player too... so I was sure he would regard me as an idiot. I just started the game, and I was already about to be teased by player... what happened to my rule of if you ignore them, they'll ignore you?

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Beatbox's smiles grows as she had tried to explain herself... "Yeah... she's totally level 1 and is very unsure on what to do... Maybe I could help her out... I do have old equipment that I don't use anymore..." he thought to himself. Beatbox had laughed as she spoke everything at once, it reminded him of other people that he once met, a smile was on his face as he spoke "Breathe there... everything is all good now. What are you looking for? Are you needing equipment? Do you need help gaining some EXP? I could help you out with any of those m'lady." he said with a polite bow. He raised himself back up from his polite bow and gave her a calming smile. His familiar jumped onto Beatbox's shoulder and started sniffing in the female players direction. "By the way, the name's Beatbox. And this is my familiar Ocarina." he said as he extended his arm out for a handshake. 



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I quickly became flustered by the boy. So many questions, and yet I had no answer to any of them. Honestly, I had no idea what I was doing, or what I was supposed to do... well, I guess a greeting would be the first thing. I slowly shook his and and quickly retreated it afterwards, not saying a word. Not until I came up with a nickname for myself. I didn't really want to go out telling everyone my real name yet... "I'm Leize..." Again, the words only came out in a mumble, and I trailed off what I was going to say next because the boy had a fox on his shoulder... who was sniffing towards my direction. "Umm..." I stared at the fox, not sure what to feel. Well, to put it simply... he was... ADORABLE! My eyes widened and lit up, and I continued to stare at the fox. If becoming a high level player allowed you to own foxes... the I would be the fox god! I quickly changed my name, hoping the boy didn't hear the first one. "I'm Kitsune!" The shout had slightly started the crowd, and I covered the bottom half of my face with my jacket. Why must I be so awkward?

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Beatbox had smiled as she shook his hand and immediately retreated it backwards, something about that shyness she has been displaying is rather... cute? Eh, who knows he giggled as he heard her nickname, "Leize huh...? What a nice name." he said with a smile. Beatbox had kept looking at her with a smile waiting for her to say something "Wow... she is really shy... she has no idea what to sa-" he thought to himself before seeing that her eyes widened as she saw his fox. He laughed and heard her change her nickname to Kitsune. He giggled and said "Can't come up with a nickname?". He saw that she hid bottom half of her face in her jacket, he smiled again and said "...well, do you want to go fight something? I can help assist you on something like that. Or we could go find materials, they are not hard to get either. Or y'know, go off to a nearby cafe and get a quick bite to get to know each other... oh, by the way you can have these." he said as he flipped through his inventory for items he hadn't been using. "I don't know what weapon you use, so I hope you use One Handed Straight Sword... here, take them." he said with a smile. The trade menu opened up in front of her showing three items, and asked for nothing in return.


Beatbox is Giving:

The Sun's Blessing (Perfect Quality Rank 1 Trinket - Necklace/ Enhancements: EVA III)

The Wolven (Uncommon Quality Rank 1 One Handed Straight Sword/ Enhancements: DMG I)

Dripping Wire Sword (Uncommon Quality Rank 1 Charm/ Enhancements: ACC I)

Beatbox Asks for Nothing in Return.




Edited by Beatbox
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My face quickly became blank, staring at the white menu that had appeared out of thin air. Well, at least I thought it was a menu. I really had no idea what it was, and so I moved around to inspect it, but just as I moved, the menu moved with me. I let out an 'eek' and ran in circles around the boy. "Get it away! Get it away!" I continued to hide within small places, or even behind people, but the monster followed me. This was an evil monster! I decided to throw a punch, but I only ended up landing on my face after falling forwards. This was an evil monster indeed! I ran back over to the boy and hid behind him. Luckily, the white monster didn't follow me through the boy, but it still sat there, waiting to devour me. "Kill it! Kill it!" I clung to the boy's arm and waited for him to annihilate the beast.

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Beatbox had watched Leize look at the menu, but something felt off... "Has she never seen a menu before...?" he thought to himself. He watched her move around to get scared to a menu, she ran around him in circles and even attempted to punch the menu. He started laughing loudly and couldn't breathe "Is she really getting scared to A MENU?!" he thought to himself in tears of laughter. The crowd that was looking at Beatbox noticed that this was happening and started laughing as well, he looked around to the crowd and thought to himself "Oh no... they're all laughing...". Then she clung onto Beatbox's arm wanting him to kill it. Beatbox stopped laughing to the best of his ability and said with a smile as he placed his hand on her head and patted her head "Leize... that's a menu." he said to her with another laugh. The fox familiar got to his other shoulder sniffing at the female figure that had clung onto his arm.



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I let a frown push over my face as I looked towards the ground. Everyone was laughing, even him. Of course, that's why I didn't interact with anyone. I can't. I simply let go of Beatbox's arm and walked off in the opposite direction. What was I doing? No... what were they doing? They were the ones who decided to laugh... and so I spun around with some speed and launched a fist towards a random player in the crowd. Caught by surprise, they stumbled back, and a purple hexagonal sign appeared above their head reading "indestructible". I didn't care what the sign said though. These people deserved it. But not from me... and so I walked off, ignoring any stares and mutters I received from the crowd. Just wait until I reach a higher level. I would punish them all. I should've just walked aoff before I even started a commotion.

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Beatbox had noticed that she had gotten upset and started walking away from him "No... wait!" he yelled out to the player, then he realized what had been happening... he looked around and people we're laughing, she even tried to attack one of the players, the players continued to laugh at her and out of anger Beatbox yelled out to all of the players as loudly as he could "ALRIGHT THAT'S ENOUGH." The crowd grew silent and looked at Beatbox "I ONLY LAUGHED BECAUSE I FOUND IT ADORABLE, YOU ALL FOUND IT FUNNY. NOW ALL OF YOU BUG OFF BEFORE I CHALLENGE ALL OF YOU TO A FULL LOSE DUEL. AND I DON'T CARE ABOUT BEING ORANGE FOR A WHILE." he yelled out in serious anger, the crowd disappointed and walked off without another word said. He walked up behind her and sent her the same menu of the trades and looked down "I'm terribly sorry Leize... please take these items... and lets go off to get you some EXP..." he said with a saddened look.

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I paused, pondering whether what I heard was really true. Did he really want to help me? Yes he had laughed, but he found it... adorable. Nonetheless, I still blushed, but if he was telling the truth... I had to discover that for myself. I slowly turned around and walked through the open street back to Beatbox. My eyes remained glued to the ground the whole time, hoping to avoid any sort of communication from anyone. No one made a noise as I raised a hand and pressed what I assumed to be the accept button. The menu disappeared, yet nothing seemed to change. I let out a questioning 'huh' before looking up at Beatbox.

"Can we... go somewhere's else?" Once again, I made myself barely audible, but just enough for him to hear. I didn't want to be around anyone else... at least not until I could kick their butts.They deserved it anyways.

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Beatbox had looked at Kaede as she slowly walked towards him as he continued to walk forward to her. He watched her look at the menu this time without fear and clicked the accept button. He let out a giggle and a smile and said to her as she had let out a "huh." "Those Items should help you start out at the level that you currently at." he placed a hand on her shoulder and listened to her speak. He gave her another smile and said to her "Come on... let's go off somewhere." he said with another smile. He held her arm and started walking forward along with her, not long did he let go and continue to walk forward, he put his hands in pockets and looked toward Leize "So... Leize... Kitsune, whom ever you maybe tell me a little bit about yourself? By the way... sorry for a moment ago, it got a little out of hand... so sorry for that... guess I just have too many people looking at me at a time..." he said as he then scratched the back of his head with a worried giggle.


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