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[SP - F1] Boredom Continues (Complete.)

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Beatbox had continued to walk all the way back to the town in which he set up his new store, when he had got there it was roughly night time, everyone was either inside getting some shut-eye around this time, or in Tavern's / Bar's getting their drink on. Beatbox for once enjoyed the silence that was in the streets, he could here bugs chirping and the wind blowing... it certainly was better than player's scurrying around trying to figure out how to get up there in levels and for someone to help them. He found those kinds of situations kind of annoying now at this point, months... heck, years have passed while in this game... he thought that people would finally learn how to play this game eventually... but no, some people still had to lock themselves away until someone beat the game or wait a long period of time before they would step out and finally do something to help out the cause... he thought more and more people should be doing so...


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