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[PP-F1] No Quests (Kasier, Able)

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With a day off from questing around with random higher levels on random bits of Floors, Obiltus finally decided it was time to try and do something on his own. Rapier in tow and basic dark blue starter gear equipped, Obiltus headed out of the quiet little inn room he normally had stayed in and out and about. Still without a col to his name, it was high time Obiltus had fixed that little issue he had. The started bread and water was getting extremely tiring, and he especially wanted brand new gear, even if it was just a little better than his current. That being said, the only way he could guess, from virtually no experience playing RPG games in his time of gaming, was the only way to get money was to either wait till night time,which the boy couldn't imagine he'd be majorly successful in that prospect of business given his gender, or, go work for it llike a normal person, and that more than likely mean going to killing things. With that thought in mind, he elected that the lowest floor would more than likely have the weakest units, that of which being boars.

Heading out of the Inn to the fields, Obiltus quickly began scanning the area with haste, almost instantly finding one such creature and approaching it, weapon drawn, ready to get this party started.

Obiltus 19/20

Boar 10/10

ID 69641 BD 3 MD 7 Mob hit


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The first thing that Kasier saw when she woke up early in the morning was the darkness of her shop. Of course, she didn’t mind the darkness, especially since the darkness hid the messiness of the room away from her sight. Indeed, the shop had been unused for quite some time now… Not because she was running low on customers but because she had closed it, uninspired and couldn’t possibly be bothered with the struggles of a crafter. She had heard rumors from higher leveled crafters that crafting was not worth it since it really didn’t improve the amount of Col or materials that you earn. Indeed, it is rare to make a benefit with the use of a shop.

After a while of getting settled and getting herself situated for the day, Kasier walked out of her shop into the exposure of the bright sunlight, which blinded her eyes. At this time of the day, most NPCs have yet to open their shops and hence, Kasier decided that she would simply skip breakfast in order to go outside of the safe zone so she can search for materials which can be used to create the ship for the recent quest event which required the completion of a ship to fight a boss. She was, no doubt, one of the lowest leveled players participating in that event but it didn’t matter… Since she was one of the few healers in Aincrad, a job that most people despise for how hard it is to play the role and how much dependence is required upon other players.

It was then that before she could gather any materials, she saw a blonde player fighting a low-leveled boar. Without a shadow of doubt, Kasier could tell that the man was not of a high tier… Especially since almost no one fought on the first floor anymore. Since he was so concentrated on fighting this boar, Kasier decided to leave him alone and watch from a safe distance for now.


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And this was life. No quests in sight, and not [censored] else to do. Noticing the incredibly weak damage of the straight, skinny bladed weapon he was using, Obiltus had thought that maybe he was packing the wrong heat for grinding. There were fighting styles like Curved sword, that utilized multi-target "sword arts", which seemed, atleast to the blonde boy, to be far more effective when it came to grinding. Right? Because more damage to multiple targets meant you could slay an array of monsters easier, producing up to 4x the results with ehalf the effort and time. "Perhaps I will switch weapon styles..." He thought with another swing of the aforementioned blade.

Obiltus 19/20 E:0

Boar 2/10

ID 69646 BD 10 MD 3 Player Crit

Sword art;  Rip Ravine - 2x1 - (2 Energy)

1 (base) + 1 (Rank) + 2 (10 Crit) *2 (Sword Art) = 8

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Able, had been waking up early every morning since the beginning of all of this. He believed, there was no point in sleeping the day away, because if today was his day to die, then at least make use of it to the fullest of your ability, otherwise you died for no purpose. Finding a purpose in life was tough for him at first, he considered suicide, but then he realized, that there's hope to getting out of this game. With his hands in his pockets, he had been on his daily walk in the plains of the first floor for about fifteen minutes now. The rays of the sun had been shining down on the grass, and the wind had been rustling the blades of grass so that they created a swaying motion towards the right, just like his hair did. The red hair, which was grown out slightly longer below his eyes, which were green and sharp, he had a smirk on his face as he enjoyed the feeling of nature touching his skin.

With every step that he took, he could tell he was leaving very slight indents in the grass, only to come back the next day and they're missing as the wind lifts the grass up again and gets it moving once more, fascinating really. Every day, he sees some players finally going out and trying to get up there in the ranks, and then other days he sees the saddest of sights, and that's when a player is slain in combat. He wants to help, but half the time, by the time he would get there, the mob would already have slain the players. It was so risky being out in the plains right now, especially with no skills being invested, he was worse off than a level one, the only thing that would be saving him at this point and time is the fact that he had more health than a low leveled player.

As time passed by and he took the time to walk further, he saw a player in the distance fighting a boar, which was entertaining to watch, because he looked like he was getting the gist of things with the rapier, which he had equipped. The player had blonde hair and he stood shorter than Able, or at least as far as he could tell he was from a distance. Even further out, he saw another person. A female, she wasn't fighting anything, in fact, she happened to be watching, but that's all he could tell as distance always made things harder to see. He let out a stretch with his hands finally coming out of his pockets.

Getting closer and closer to the blonde haired player, he finally stopped only several feet away from him, leaning against a tree, with his hands back inside of his pockets with only his thumbs hanging out to keep his hands at the ready. "Impressive weapon you've got there", Able says as he gestures towards the rapier the player was using. "Looks like you're relatively new to using that weapon style there", he asked in an interested manner. He was almost tempted to go introduce himself, but then he remembered that if he came near the boar, only trouble would be started as it would attack him too. Instead, he'll just have to talk to him from a distance for now.

@Obiltus @Kasier

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Kasier watched carefully as the blonde man continued to slice away at the boar with his starter rapier. The rapier was a weapon meant for quick and evasive attacks. The user must follow a guideline of attack and retreat, attack and retreat because the weapon is meant for a player with enough speed to avoid damage, since if he was caught by an attack, the damage would not be little. At least, most rapier users did not have the mitigation to avoid the damage caused by stronger mobs. This boar, however, did not seem strong enough to cause any damage. Plus, what did she know? She was just a puny little healer.

It was then that she recognized the presence of another player. At first, she had thought that he was Domarus but then she realized that the figure was far from it. This man was nowhere as tall as the player that she had met a few weeks ago on the edge of the safe zone. Instead, this man was much shorter but he had the same redhead feeling to her. Now, she isn’t being “racist” to redheads, but there was something about them that gave a fiery, villain feel… However, she had declared that superstition false because Domarus had been a kind man.

It was still rather rude to distract someone in combat though, but she was sure that he had meant good and maybe will even offer some tips for damage dealing to the blonde man. That would be ideal, since the blonde seemed not very skilled at wielding his elegant, precise weapon, which can be extremely powerful if used in the correct manner. For now, she will simply sit on the grass and continue to watch as the two players interact and the battle continues to unfold.

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