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[SP-F3] O Humble King << Feeding The Enemy >> [COMPLETE]

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We set up and lit a campfire together nearby the trees on the ground, and Sri Rama offer some of his fishes to have them cooked under the fire. We have a good meal for the night, and later we casually talk to each other of whatever that is in our mind while taking a dip into the spring water. As midnight comes around, we lie down onto our makeshift beds and sleep like logs. 

The next morning, I slowly open my eyes, struggling to wake up. The first thing I see in the morning is a womanly face that is staring down at me with a sweet smile. As I am fully awake, I realize who that is and sit up to see Sri Rama in his human form. He dons the same clothes, but his skin is now very fair and white. Most of his features, including his body, are feminine in nature, similar to his Ramayana form. But here's one thing I do not understand: his human appearance is very different from the original, I cannot even tell if this is the same person.

"I am sorry if I startle you," he speaks with his retained feminine, soothing voice. "I am still Sri Rama, but you see, the bodies and looks of our human forms are different because of our preferences. Whenever one is about to become solid for the first time, he or she can imagine their own 'avatar'. With their powers, they can project their permanent avatars into that form. I choose to look like this in the memory of a woman I used to fell in love with during my younger days as a noble.

What you are seeing now is her younger self. I know not of her fate after the decline of our kingdom, but I heard from the old lady that she actually stayed here for a brief moment before living."

While the explanation is believable and clear to me, it still surprises me that Sri Rama looks...very stunning in that form. Gah! Stop that! I thought to myself. You are looking at a former king of a lost civilization! I shake my head as Sri Rama looks at me curiously. 

"Am I confusing you, Gotz?", he asks.

"N..no, Rama." I answer as I get onto my feet. "Are..you ready to leave?"

"When you are ready." He speaks with a smile. "I am eager to join you in your next adventure, my new companion. Lead the way and I will follow your footsteps."

And with that, he morphs back into his original, Ramayana form, and glides back towards my breastplate as he integrates himself onto the metal surface in his shadowy form.



Obtained 2 SP

Obtained 1 Material

Obtained 560 COL (400 + 160)

Obtained Familiar (no enhancement)


Edited by Gotz
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