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[F1-SP] I'll Make It Out Alive

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Ratatosk stood on top of the barrier gate preventing players from falling off the flying castle of Aincrad, but that didn't stop him from climbing on top of it. He was always a daredevil, but this wasn't any risk taking behavior, this was pure emotional issues that run deeper than the roots of a tree. Onlookers stared at him as he set his gaze at the slowly moving clouds in the sky. "What the hell are you doing, get off of there!" A few decided to take matters into their own hand and make an effort stop the boy from doing whatever they thought he was about to do, but taking his own life was not the blonde's best interest. "Hey, I'm not going to jump." He said with tears building up in his eyes, "I'm just thinking about things, that's all." They still weren't convinced, and they obviously wouldn't leave him alone unless he got off of there, so he got off the barrier fence and told them that he was fine, then he walked around the Town of Beginnings remembering everything he did while he was in Aincrad. "I forgot how long it's been already since this started, I lost track of time." A gust of wind blew a tuft of his hair upwards, giving him an extra ahoge. "I remember when it all started, when I decided to get off my lazy ass and actually do something to make a difference. Kranzer, Niko, Aster, Khyrsaor, Allania, Lycan, Takao, Seul, Hydra, and... [censored], I'm forgetting the names of my own friends." Ratatosk chuckled, but then his eyes couldn't endure any longer as the tears started to pour. "Damn it! Damn it all to hell... Why am I the only one left, why did everyone have to disappear?" The dwindling Aincrad population became clear to him now, this death game is the reason for all of it. "If I never worked with the Yakuza, if I never bought this shitty game, I'd still be living my life in the real world instead of here." He took in a deep breathe and closed his eyes, embracing the gust of wind coming from the North. "The road to freedom is going to take a long time, maybe even a decade, but if I keep sulking around and shouting my regrets to the world to hear, then I won't get anything done. Buying this game seems like a mistake, but if I didn't, I wouldn't have met any of you. Can't have any regrets now, that ain't the way to live. I'll come home alive. Alice, dad, everyone, just you wait."

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