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[PP-F1] How Hard Could It Be? (Raina)

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The boar glared intensely at Aoda, presumably getting ready for an attack. It breathed out heavily as it hit it's hoof against the grass-covered, virtual plain. The raven-haired individual drew his curved blade, preparing himself for his first battle between what was supposed to be the weakest kind of monster in the game. However, he knew better than to judge it in that way, as it had taken many lives in the past. The player had to be quick, both physically and mentally, in order to win against the four-legged demon of the First Floor.

Aoda raised his beginner's blade and stared back at his opponent, putting himself in a defensive stance that he hoped would be strong enough to keep the boar at bay. He was nervous, as it was his first real fight, but he needed to stay calm and focused.

The noirette gripped his weapon tight, realizing that he wasn't used to fighting with his variety of sword. He had tried fencing in the past, but they didn't exactly use swords with curves in that. A sigh escaped the man's mouth after he realized that he was unprepared. No turning back now, I suppose.


Aoda: 20/20 | Energy 2/2 | DMG: 2


Boar: 4/4 | DMG: 10

Edited by Aoda
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 The sound of her boots against the soil and earth rung through her ears. She looked around the area for an enemy to fight and noticed something peculiar. Another player just starting out. "Maybe he can use some help." She said as she ran towards him. "Hey!! Do you need some help?" She called out to the other player.

 She unsheathed her rapier as she continued to close up the gap between herself and the other player. "Strength in numbers right?" She called out as she gave a wink. She did not know how strong she could be, how helpful even, but if her being here to help another player, saves their life, that is all that matters to her.  She composed herself as she locked her focus on the enemy in front of her. Readying her weapon, she prepared herself for the boar's strike. "Let us do this together!" She continued. 

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The voice of another player shocked Aoda. He looked over to the young, rapier-wielding woman and smiled. She had flowing pink hair and wore the starter set of cloth armor.  "To be honest, I'm not sure if I can fight this alone. I'd love a hand." The boy replied. With a quick lunge, he attacked his opponent. His form, however, was odd for a user of the curved sword, as he was still getting used to it. 

The boar, thankfully, was unable to land a hit on Aoda. His tusk nearly impaled him, but he managed to do a quick roll to evade. The swordsman's eyes moved up to the pink-haired girl's, waiting to see what she'd do. In her hands was a starter rapier, so she would do a similar amount of damage as the noirette, assuming she had put points into the rapier skill. "I'm ready whenever you are."

ID: 77972 BD: 1 (Miss) MD: 5 (Miss)


Aoda: 20/20 | Energy 0/2 | DMG: 2
Raina: 20/20 | Energy 2/2 | DMG: 2


Boar: 4/4 | DMG: 10

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 "I'll try my best, I am still getting to used to it, but here I go! Please hit my target!" She called out as she charged her blade and stabbed in a two hit v arcing combo. The boar was obviously faster then she was and dodged out of the way. "No!" She called out as she tried to regain her footing before the boar could strike back. "I am okay." She said out loud as fear clouded her mind. She sheathed her blade and curved her body backwards as she pushed off into a graceful back flip trying to lengthen the space between her and the enemy. She shook her head allowing her hair to fly to the side a little, as she removed those thoughts of fear. "Do not worry about me, I will do better next time!" She continued as she gave a small smile.  

She turned her attention back to the enemy and focused. "Relax girl. You got this, this is literally a dumb boar. The noobiest monster in existence. If you die to this you deserve it." She said to herself.

ID: 78218 BD: 4 (Miss) 


Aoda: 20/20 | Energy 0/2 | DMG: 2
Raina: 20/20 | Energy 0/2 | DMG: 2


Boar: 4/4 | DMG: 10

Edited by Raina
dice system got me all crazy
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To be honest, Aoda was surprised the woman was able to land such a perfectly executed backflip. "I'll do better as well." He replied to the girl's comment, giving a slight smile in return. With a swift sprint, the raven-haired player began his attack. A slashing sound was made as his blade connected with the boar's body, leaving behind a long line of red pixels on it's virtual skin.

"You can have the finishing blow." Aoda told the young woman, returning his blade to it's brown, leather sheath. He watched carefully, analyzing the girl's movement. She was definitely new to the PvP aspect of the game, however the noirette had no room to judge her for that, as this was also his first fight. He had faith that she'd be able to successfully land a strike that would finish off the demon that stood before them.

ID: 78236 BD: 7 (Hit) MD: 4 (Miss)


Aoda: 20/20 | Energy 0/2 | DMG: 2 | Hate: 1
Raina: 20/20 | Energy 0/2 | DMG: 2


Boar: 2/4 | DMG: 10

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 "Here goes!" She called out as she took off towards the beast with a fierce determination. Sadly her determination was no match for the force of a pebble as she tripped over it and fell on her face. "Eeeeep!" She screamed out as she fell. She hit the ground with a thud and looked up with tears in her eyes. "Goddess help me, I am so pathetic!" She screamed out as she punched the ground. She picked herself off the ground and said to the other player. "Maybe you should do the attacking because apparently it is not in the cards for me." She dusted her self off and flipped her hair. She sighed as she focused on the boar in case it decided to attack. "Damnit, Raina. You will never survive like this." She said softly. She looked towards the other player and nodded, almost telling him to finish the job. 

ID: 78293 BD: 4 Miss


Aoda: 20/20 | Energy 0/2 | DMG: 2 | Hate: 1
Raina: 20/20 | Energy 0/2 | DMG: 2


Boar: 2/4


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Aoda let out a friendly chuckle after the woman tripped. "Don't worry about it, I'll take care of this one." As he spoke, the boar began to charge towards the two players, it's aggro locked on the noirette. He lifted his curved blade, readying himself for a quick evasion. Swiftly, the swordsman ducked, watching as the boar made a large leap into the air. Just barely dodging the monster's attack, Aoda lifted his sword, slashing through it when he thought he was out of the way.

The boy watched as it became nothing but tiny blue pixels, before disappearing into the virtual sky. A small notification popped up in front of him. He had been given a crafting material, as well as twelve col.

Aoda's eyes left the pop-up and moved up to the pink-haired girl who stood near him. "Thank you for coming to help. I sincerely appreciate it," He started, "You said your name was Raina, right? I'm Aoda, it's nice to meet you."

ID: 78367 BD: 6 (Hit) LD: 10 CD: 12 (1 Material)


Aoda: 20/20 | Energy 0/2 | DMG: 2 | Hate: 2
Raina: 20/20 | Energy 0/2 | DMG: 2


Boar: 0/4 | DMG: 10

(12 Col given to both players)

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 She sat up on her knees as she looked a little upset. "Goddess help me. I am so bad at this! I could not even hit a freaking boar! It is a freaking boar, literal swine, the noobiest of enemies and I kept missing!" She ranted on as she finally stood up and sighed as she sheathed her rapier. " Sorry, I got a little overzealous when I jumped in, I really thought I could help." She continued as she crossed her arms against her breasts causing them to bounce. Her hair blew in her face a little as she leaned up against a nearby tree. "My name is Raina, sorry that I was not a better assist, please forgive me." She said in her angelic like voice. She propped one leg up against the tree as the slit going up her dress exposed a lot of skin, not that she seemed to mind. 

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Aoda responded, pretending not to notice the woman's skirt. "Don't worry, really. It comes with practice, you'll get the hang of it." He wasn't sure why she was being so hard on herself. They were both alright, so it wasn't that big of a deal. The boy realized that he did quite alright for his first fight, even though it was only a boar. After thinking something over for a moment, he spoke again. "Hey," He started, "If you aren't busy, would you like to make a party? I could use a hand fighting a few more boars."

The girl's performance, like she explained, was rather poor, which was to be expected. Being around swords a lot in his life, due to different kinds of sports, Aoda was not completely knew to combat. Maybe I can help her out and teach her how to survive out here. Like I know, I'm the same level as her.

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 Raina smiled and sent Aoda a party invite. Maybe this would be good for her and she could actually get some supplies as drops. Just as the two were partied up, another boar appeared. Raina flipped her hair behind her clearing her view and drew her rapier again, ready for battle! Raina took off in a swift way towards the angry boar and stabbed with her rapier! "Take this, bacon!" She called out as she struck! "Oh yay! I actually hit!" She said as she cheered. She did not see the boar getting up and charging till it was too late and it headbutted her. She got knocked back on the ground and cried out in pain. The pain was so intense, so realistic. It knocked the breathe right out of her. She pushed herself up and called out. "I.. I am ok!" She said to Aoda. "I will not let that happen again!" She stared intensely at the monster and readied herself. "Bring it butterball!" 


ID:  78749  BD: 6 (Hit) LD: 17 CD: 5 


Aoda: 20/20 | Energy 2/2 | DMG: 2 | 
Raina: 12/20 | Energy 2/2 | DMG: 2 / Hate:1


Boar: 3/5 / Damage: 8

Edited by Raina
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Aoda lowered his finger, gently tapping the large, green "Accept" button. His eyes noticed the girl's name and health bar appear under his own. Raina seemed to ready for an attack, watching as a boar approached. The man's sword was now raised as well, at first assuming he'd be the one attacking first. However, the pink-haired girl threw herself at their opponent, managing to deal a bit of damage, however taking even more.

This worried Aoda. If she got too low, he wouldn't be able to help her. He wasn't going to sit and watch her die in front of him. If I can get the boar's health low enough, Raina can finish it off. He thought, racing fowards in order to attack the boar.

He would have liked to say that his plan worked out, but unfortunately, the boar was able to evade his slashing action. He couldn't even take the aggro away from his partner. Instead, the boar just stood still, glaring at Raina.

ID: 78751 BD: 2


Aoda: 20/20 | Energy 0/2 | DMG: 2
Raina: 12/20 | Energy 2/2 | DMG: 2 | Hate:1


Boar: 3/5 / Damage: 8

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 Her body ached and screamed in agony. It is like her whole body was failing her. Was this what it felt like to die? No, she refused to let some uncooked bacon kill her. She stretched her body and readied her blade and took off. She screamed out as she attacked, " Rip Ravine!" She screamed as she cast her sword art. The boar squealed in fear and dodged quickly. Raina stopped herself and sighed. "This is not going the way I hoped." She called out. She sheathed her blade and saw the pig charge at her again but Raina was ready. She leaped to the side and pushed off the ground with one hand, flipping herself over until she landed on her feet. Gymnastics was never a hard thing for her to learn. All the flips and rolls and dives just came naturally to her, but fighting, this was a whole new challenge.  The boar came out of no where and tore into her body with a savage body blow. She screamed out in pain as she fell to the ground wincing. 

ID: 78772 BD: 1 Mob: 10 (Crit)


Aoda: 20/20 | Energy 0/2 | DMG: 2
Raina: 2/20 | Energy 2/2 | DMG: 2 | Hate:1


Boar: 3/5 / Damage: 8

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Aoda was shocked at the fact that the girl was now on the ground. He thought for sure she would have landed the attack. As fast as he possibly could, he charged the boar head on, his blade now glowing a bright red. The man's weapon was now being swung horizontally, slashing into the boar's side with force. It exploded into pixels, dropping nothing but fifteen col for each player involved in the fight.

"Are you okay? You took a pretty bad hit there." The raven-haired boy asked, reaching out to help her stand. It was a close call. If there was even one extra hit from the boar, the girl wouldn't have been sitting there at that moment. Aoda would have seen yet another death in his time. He was thankful that he was able to intercept it in time. "Maybe we should take a break from fighting more boars. You need time to regenerate your health."

ID: 78774 BD: 8 LD: 3 CD: 5 (No Drop)
(Activated <<Rage Blow>>: 2*2*1= 4 DMG)


Aoda: 20/20 | Energy 0/2 | DMG: 2
Raina: 2/20 | Energy 0/2 | DMG: 2


Boar: 0/5 / Damage: 8

(15 Col for each player)

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  • 2 weeks later...

 She picked herself off the ground and winced a bit. "Son of a bitch." She said with a huge amount of snark in her voice. "That damn uncooked bacon hurts." She said with a cringe. She stood herself up and stumbled a little as her whole body ached. "That was too close. Way to close for comfort." She said as she cried out in pain. She sat with her back against a nearby tree and just let her body recover from the attack. She hung her head down causing her hair to fall in front of her face. Tears swelled up in her eyes and she clenched her fists. "I... I cannot even fight a stupid pig." She said through her tears. She wiped her eyes and tried to regain her composure. She sighed a little as she brushed the hair out of her face. Would she ever be useful in a fight?    

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The woman was awfully hard on herself. It was unnecessary for someone of her experience to act in such a way. "Hey, listen," Aoda began, "Next time, you'll get a solid attack. Believe me, you just need practice." She was right, however. It was a close fight. One that he'd rather not have happen again. "How're you feeling? That was a close call." The lad asked. He had nearly witnessed yet another death in Aincrad and it could have easily been his fault.

Aoda sat down in the grass near the girl. Not too close, as he wasn't interested in making her feel uncomfortable, after all. "This is your first time out here, right? It's mine as well. Sorry for that last fight. If I were quicker, your health wouldn't have gotten that low." The lad apologized, although he knew it wasn't necessarily his fault. "Just tell me when and we can fight another boar, if you're still up for it."

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 Raina slide down the side of the tree till she landed on the ground and sat there, with her knees to her chest. It was not the best position in terms of comfort but it would do for now. She looked down as she wrapped her arms around her knees and let her hair fall in front covering most of her face. "Maybe.. maybe I should just go back to the inn and just take care of the young players." She murmured barely coherently. She sighed heavily as she thought about the fate of the players stuck in this death game. Her fate scared her the most, would she even survive the end of this place? The chances seemed very slim to her. "Was it stupid of me to even try? I really should not have done this. I give up." She picked herself off of the ground and brushed her hair away, wiping the tears with it.

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Aoda let out a quiet sigh. "I don't blame you for thinking that way," The lad started, standing up from the spot in the grass where he had previously sat, "We've all wanted to quit at some point. I won't stop you if you feel like turning back now, but it would be great if you stayed, at least for a little longer. Who knows, you might even get the last hit on a boar soon." He wasn't sure what the girl was thinking. With other people around, the young man was positive she'd survive to see the end of the game.

"How about it? Want to keep going?" Aoda inquired, leaning back against the large, leaf-covered tree. Although the girl seemed down, he sincerely hoped she wouldn't give up so easily. They had only just started, after all. What was the fun in quitting so early? She'll come around.

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