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Keith stopped walking and raised his arms from his sides to stop everyone else. "He did... And he wasn't wrong." Keith's detection skill helped him notice a trap right in front of them, and he noticed it just in time. Large barbs in a camouflaged hole appeared before them and Keith whistled as he looked down it. "We dodged a bullet, or, a spike this time." He said, as they went around.

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"Thanks Keith." I say and train my daggers at the queen."Okay, there's a trap going all the way around the hive, throw a rock at where your going to run so you can trigger the trap." I say, picking up a size able rock from in-front of me."I'll run in first. Everyone ready?" I ask my remaining team.

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Miaki focused his vision on the <> and the battle system targeted it. "Target acquired. More than likely some drones will appear to protect their queen." He drew his curved weapon and readied for combat. "Leave those to me and Keith. Christoper, you run support and keep a distance. Ready?" He charged a sword art, his blade glowing silver. "Battle routine! Set! Execute!" He lunged forward shouting his battle cry.

(OOC: Let's not bother using the battle system here. Just make it sound interesting and let yourself take some hits.)

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I notch an arrow and aim it at the surrounding caves, hoping to hit an drone that might fly out."Hey umm Clarence, could yo possibly help me with the drones that might appear?" I ask, slightly shy and nervous sounding. I quickly shoot an arrow at the queen directions right as it targeted Miaki, hoping to confuse it's targeting system.

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Keith set a hand on the katana at his side, pulling it out of it's sheath and resting it on his shoulder. The drones had gone after the others and Keith had noticed a pair of other monsters ahead, which he walked towards, making them present. Two large humanoid figures with yellow and black armor stood, holding two black lances in both hands. Their visors on their helmets were black with a hexagonal pattern. The made a sawing sound, and the clear wing on their backs twitched when they saw Keith. They rushed at him, holding up their lances to impale him with. Keith looked at their name. <>. He side stepped and brought his katana off his shoulder during his evasive spin, using the momentum to send an exact slash into one Sentinal's side. It burst into crystals and the other rush at Keith, who rolled out of the way and made the Wasp run straight into a honey-coated wall. Keith slashed it across the back, destroying that one too, then running over to help the others.

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"Sure." I say and smile, training my daggers at the cave entrances. Quickly, three hornets come out of the tunnels and they are easily taken care of by Keith (Flipping) Yudai."Nice!" I yell at Keith as I throw my dagger, hitting it in the stinger, cutting it off and the bee bled to death, it shattering into tons of particles.

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Miaki charged his blade close to his ear, closing his eyes as four <> closed in on him. He could hear the buzzing getting louder as the drones closed in for the attack. 'Almost there..... Almost.' He could hear the charging in his left ear as the weapon readied. 'NOW!' He shouted and spun around killing all four of the hornets at once.

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