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                                                                                Real name: Yeong Choi/Choi Yeong

                                                                                 Sex: Male

                                                                                 Age:15 August 12th

                                                                                  Height:5ft 5 in 165 cm


Face:Pale skin, grey eyes, and medium hair,light brown hair,softer bone structure.

Body:skinny, slightly toned


History:Yeong was born in Soth Korea to his parents on August 15th. His parents eventually had to have him and his mom leave South Korea due to his weak state of health at an early age. His father staying behind due to him being a business manager and thier plans to return home.  They then moved to America while receiving treatment for his illness, Shones Syndrome, at UAB. While there he was picked on due to his un-Americanized name. This led to some confidence issues since he was also having repeated surgeries at the time setting him back a lot.This also led to him being pulled out of elementary school and getting a private tutor. Once his surgeries were done him and his mom moved back to South Korea at the age of seven.

    Once back, it wasn't all smiles and sunshine. He had the task of catching back up to the kids in his grade. Due to this he spent a bit of time almost only focused on learning. Though everyone was suprised when it took little effort for him to catch up and even less time to rise to the top. At first some people were worried due to his health, but an IQ test proved he actually had an IQ of 135. though unfortunately he had a accent that was a weird mix between South Korean and South American(U.S.A). Causing him to be lightly teased for his accent for a bit. Eventually though it died down and he started to make friends.

   Though once he reached puberty he ran into problems. It triggered hidden trauma from before when he was in America. That caused him to slowly go down the rabbit hole. He became more reclusive and got into Anime and games as a result. He eventually was forced into therapy cause it had started to effect his grades. As he started to recover he kept his interest in Anime and games while developing interests in others. He got into Dance, exercising-which acts as a therapeutic device to him-, and started learning English again also. 

 Why he got into SAO was cause he had taken an interest due to his health problems. They'd limited how much he was able to do and the thought of having those gone seemed ecstatic to him. When he found out they were stuck, he was one of the few who looked at this as another chance at life.




Dislikes:fighting-other people not monsters-, fads, and lazy people


Analyst: Due to his high IQ and long time spent in the hospital he has learned to be very efficient at analyzing people and things. This has helped him with school and many games he has playe before SAO. He can figure out things faster than others due to him being able to see and interpret things faster.

Committed:He can and is very committed to what he does and won't give up until the end of it. This arises from his past commitments when recovering.

Flexibility: He is very physically flexible naturally and was only boosted after getting into dance and exercise. He can move more cleanly in battle than some others in battle.

Gentleness: He is naturally very quiet and gentle no matter what. This allows him to help people calm down when they need a loving touch.


Self Doubt: Due to his past experiences he at times will doubt his ability to do things. This usually causes him to break down if not dealt with in a timely manner.Ex: by succeeding in what he is trying to do, reassurance, completing it.

Slow to open up:After his encounters with the people while in UAB he is less likely to open up quickly to anyone. This can lead to baggage piling up inside at times when he is not with people he knows. 

Androgynous: Due to his smaller stature, V shape with slight hips, and slightly soft structured face when he is wearing tighter clothing he can be confused for a girl. This happens less when he wears baggy clothing since his figure is harder to identify. This also frequently makes him annoyed unless he's wanting it to happen on purpose.


One Handed Rapier and Cloth Armour.






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