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[ SP - F1 ] <<The First Few Lessons are Free>>

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'' A looting quest, should be simple enough. '' 


She mumbled as she walked outside of the shop with quick hops and made her way towards the gates. It looked and felt like a great day for finally starting the beginner quests and gearing up. With a smile on her face, she placed the pouch she received from the NPC for gathering necessary herbs. '' Just gotta stay out of trouble. '' was the only thing going through her mind for a while. While tapping her feet on the ground for a few times, she caressed the holster of her weapon and locked her eyes on the field in front of her. After releasing the so long held breath, she started moving towards the field with quick but small steps. Suddenly, all she started to feel was excitement.

Her suspicious thoughts left their place for joy as she ran past a group of players. Her plan was to get on the nearest hill and have a look on the field, locate the herbs if she can and stay away from any kind of danger and she did so. Carefully she climbed on top of a small hill and placed her hand on her forehead to cover his eyes from the sun, and the other around her waist. The chilling wind touched her pale skin as she exhaled. It was a great place to live in peace, but just like everything else in the world, this place was not perfect.


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Melfiars jumped and slid down the hill carefully, she had located a good place to collect herbs beforehand. In her time in the orphanage, she used to read lots of books about professions. Herbs and collecting them was one of many books she enjoyed. the only problem was that she was in a game, not in real life. At least she had an idea about it, maybe it would work perfectly. '' Careful now...''  she mumbled crouching over the herb, she didn't want to ruin it from start by stepping on it. A clean cut from the lower part of the herb would do it fine. And so it did, the notification popped up and notified her about the successful loot she received.

'' Four to go. Let's keep this up.  '' 

Just a few steps ahead of her was located a second herb she could loot for the quest. She was having fun, but she also wanted to be done with it quickly so she could progress further. 


ID#80509 LD: 15 ( Success )


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As she tried to stand up, her left foot got stuck between the two small rocks next to her feet causing her to fall down right next to the herb she was going for next. Barely missing the herb, she let out a big breath and rolled over to stand up. After cleaning the dust on her clothes she once again repeated the previous actions hoping to be successful again, but sadly she failed. The herb in her hands slowly fell apart and vanished in the chilling wind. One out of two, it wasn't that bad for a beginner. Melfiars was not going to let this small failure bug her through the quest. Quickly, she got up and started searching for a new target to loot. In an open field like she was in, it was really easy to locate the herbs she needed for the quest, they were different from the normal flowers and plants. Soon enough, she was on her way to her new target.





ID#80512 LD: 14 ( Fail )

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While walking she noticed the sudden increase in the amount of players around the field. Most of them were obviously on a loot gathering quest just like Mel was, a few of them were exploring the field and only a couple tried to fight the boars and actually win. It was a good idea to be a part of a group, being alone sucked and it was dangerous. Even though Mel knew this, she couldn't help but be a lone wolf. While thinking deeply about the fight she just witnessed, she didn't notice that she had already passed the herbs she needed to collect. Luckily, there were some more just a few steps ahead of her. 

'' Nice. ''

Another successful loot for the Ashen One, she mumbled.



#ID:80516 LD: 15 ( Success )


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'' Only three left. '' 

Melfiars once again stood up to have a look around the field. It was starting to get late, as a newbie she didn't want to stay outside in the dark. She could go back the way she came and find the herbs needed on the path to home or she could search the area before leaving for one last herb. So Mel decided to stay a little while longer. Even though she wanted to get back in the city as quickly as she could, the girl couldn't help but think how much fun she used to have while walking in the gardens of the old orphanage when the sun was gone. She couldn't even remember how many times she had been punished for sneaking out in the night time. Just thinking about it made Melfiars smile and lighten up her mood. 

There it was, one last herb to collect before heading back. Just like she did the first time, Mel gently and carefully gathered the plant with no problems. Now it was just two to go.


#ID:80561 LD:19 ( Success )

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With faster steps, Mel made her way back to the city before it was too late for a beginner to walk around. She didn't have any idea about the dangers of the game and for sure she was not gonna stay around to learn just yet. Her only concern was how long would it take gathering the last two herbs for the old man in town. She had to be careful if she wanted the quest be done quick. Luckily, she had memorised the way back and the places of the herbs she spotted before on the road.  '' There is one! That means I'm on the right track, there should be more around if i manage to fail. ''  so she thought while walking towards the closest herb to her.

She was hoping for a successful try but she was going to be disappointed. Once again, Mel had made a mistake while looting the herb and damaged in the meanwhile. In a second, the plant vanished in her hands to the sky.

'' Nice one Mel. Nice one. '' 




ID# 80586 LD : 8 ( Fail )


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'' There it goes again, brilliant. '' 


Mel sat on the ground with anger. Failing so much and in a row made her impatient and sad. Pulling her knees to herself she mumbled some bad words and hid her head in her arms. This was what she would always do in a situation that angered her, she would take some time to rest her mind and focus. Swearing also helped her ease up. Melfiars wasn't great at losing or failing things, she hated wasting time, precious time. After sitting in the same position for a while, she decided it was once again time to move. '' Alright, relax. You can finish the quest anytime. It doesn't have to be today, take it easy. Breath. '' this was her way of dealing with tense situations.

After shaking the dust off of her clothes, she hopped and got up. The city was just a couple minutes away from her. 



ID#80688 LD : 6 ( Fail ) 


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'' This better be a joke. There is no way I can be this unlucky. Heh.. Heh.. Yeah, It's not about me.  It's the game. The game is broken. He-heh. '' 

Melfiars kept walking after dropping the already vanishing herb in the air. Even though she tried her best to remain calm, it was not possible in her case. Her soft, little steps got faster and harder. She was a walking death machine. In her mind, she could destroy anything that would come up in her way. Any obstacle. Failing three times in a row, losing to a plant was unacceptable. But in reality, what's bugging her was not the plants but still how unskilled she was in the game. If she was so bad at gathering loot, how would she do in a fight? The question kept repeating itself in her mind until there was an another herb in sight. Waiting for her to get looted, or destroyed. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. '' Alright, You got this one, It can't get away from you. You are certain. You are strong. Go get it. '' 





ID# 80699 LD : 12 ( Fail ) 


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