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Janae <<The Singer>>

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Janae <<The Singer>>


Look: Her eyes are dark almond colored with a hint of honey on the edges.

Her hair is a dark maple syrup color. With a bit of chocolate in. (Down to her shoulders, AND usually having a small pink with dark pink edged flower carefully placed near her ear)

Hair sometimes up, when up small ribbons of pink in her maple hair.

Normal outfit: Her hoody as black with a red X in the middle (Her "Icon" You could say) her pants, ripped and shoes sneakers, along with her <>

Pajamas: pink and dark pink pajama shirt with same pattern with a pajama pants.


» Username: Janae

» Real name: Easter Bunny (E.B. her real initials this is her code name)

» Age: 11

» Gender: Female

» Height: 5'0"

» About:

Personality: Creative, Intelligent, Smart, funny, bold.

History:When she was little and outside the house when no one was around she used to sing, birds fluttered around her... and they chirped along.

When she got to school she was too embarrassed to join into any ones singing groups. So they just thought she was really bad at singing.

Yet she wasn't and really good. No one believed her. Now whenever she goes on a small walk on a trail, you would probably see her singing a song she had made up, or heard before.

Her mother and father cheered her up, everyday she walked home sad or annoyed.

And now they say that SAO must have been the best thing that had happened to her... until now... she is stuck in sao.


» Virtues:

Creative: When she was smaller she loved to make up songs.

Or a plan to keep people out of her room, like tying a wire around her door knob, then around the light switch...

She usually failed at some plans. Yet others, as in design plan for a wheel some people say she was the best.

Kind: She was also one with nature. She wasn't as to sing to the wind.

But to animals she thought of too. She is very minded in others display... (Open Minded)

She knows what others feel like. to read your emotions.

Intelligent: She is a very smart kid, may not look like it but in the inside she is very smart.

She can do math problem faster and better. And pretty good at puzzles, and making them.

She can do things like study, everyday. She is also a big nerd on things like books and studying and school related things.

Funny: In her own way she can make others laugh like they never did.

She is very good at jokes, due to her studying lots of books, she sometimes likes to read joke books.

She is also very good and puns and she usually laughs at her own jokes, along with other people.

Loyal: She is very loyal, and if she takes a simple thing she will probably give it back, after she is done using it.

She is very loyal to others as a dog to his owner. She might not look so loyal yet, life has surprises.

She is loyal in her own ways, giving back stuff. If you tell her to do something, she will most-likely do it.

» Flaws:

Bold: She is a very bold figure. She can do things as in talking louder than everyone else, and everyone looks at her with a confused face.

She can laugh at almost anything and get looked at strangely. She may be outside, in winter.

and she wears a light jacket not giving a care in the world to the others with big fat snowman coats.

Absent Minded: Have you ever had the feeling when you walk into a room, you turn back due to you had no idea in the first place Why you where there?

That is the exact thing she does, she walks into a new place, she looks around...

then turns back because she has no idea how she got there or why she was there.

Emotional: She over exaggerates how she is feeling. If she is sad she cries a LOT

if she is mad her face turns a shade of deep dark red.

Is she is happy she has a smile across her face and a hint of smerk along with it.

Noisey: When she talks she talks louder than the rest.

when she sleeps at night someone might think there is someone robbing the house.

But no one could hear it because her snores.


Profession: None (Yet)



» Familiar Recovery - A skill specifically for Beast Tamers. This skill allows the user the ability to heal a pet.

Familiar Communication - A skill specifically for Beast Tamers. This skill allows the user the ability to understand and communicate with friendly creatures.

Cooking - The effectiveness with which a player can combine ingredients to create varieties of food, some of which can have medicinal properties. Higher level of skill allows the cooking of higher-ranked foods.

Musical Instrument - The effectiveness with which a player uses an instrument. Some instruments can have status changing capabilities.


» Searching - The ability to find players in Hiding. Higher level of skill allows you to find players/monsters hiding.

. Night Vision - The player can see better in darker conditions.

. X-Ray Vision - The ability to see through obstacles and walls. Max level can see through secure rooms. Does not work on clothes.


» Battle Healing - Recover low amounts of HP over time during battle. It can be leveled up by constantly getting one's HP into the red zone.

. Parry - The ability to use an attack to block an opposing strike. Maximum level makes it possible to destroy an item currently at less than half of the maximum durability; anything with a durability above that will not be damaged.

Weapon skills :

» One-handed Dagger - The effectiveness with which a player can use dagger-type weapons




» <> Decorated with pink ribbons and purple gen in the rim of the handle and blades

. <> Small ribbons of pink and purple with a purplish pinkish (magenta) tinted steel blade


1 Boar skin

2 Boar teeth

~Other Items~

. <> Has violet gem with, silver chain linked two the gem, and around her neck, and around the other side of the gem

. <> Her stuffed animal pink bunny with a soft smile of a sideways 3. and floppy (always up) ears!

. Small Sling for <> and other items, she may want to carry.


Friends: Keith, Haine, Miaki, Yue



Silver <<Bow Tie>>


Look: With soft, fluffy fur, and deep blue eyes This silver bunny is so adorable with wide eyes, and talkative personality.

He loves to sit in small spaces, and sleep a lot. He is a midnight rabbit entirely...

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