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COMPLETE! [F01-PP] <<The First Few Lessons are Free>> Lets go Gryas!

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"Oooooh!" Zanne squealed as she half skipped, half jogged through the bustling crowd of people in the Town of Beginnings. "Hey look there on your map Gryas! Isn't that where the peddler said we could find our first quest?" Zanne hurried along, half expecting, half hoping that Gryas was right behind her and she wouldn't lose him in the crowds. Its been a few months since this game had started, even though she had met Gryas on day one and they have been in a party ever since, they have hardly ventured out into the wilderness. Gryas had immersed himself into a trade straight away and she never really felt like going out on her own. She finally convinced him to put all that to the side and to try and get stronger together! Even though the last few months have gone relatively quick she couldn't help but get the feeling that they had a lot of catching up to do.

"Come on! Zackariah's store is just around the corner!" 

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It was early morning and the streets were already starting to fill up with the bustle of "life". Zanne had come by his room and woken him early this morning, it was nice to see her so lively and full of excitement. She reminded him of someone he once knew... although he never liked to dwell on the past he always knew that one day he would have to return to it.

Well I can mark this as day 1 in my new life here, the day that I truly begin to fight back. He picked up his pace and turned the corner, Zanne had stopped moving, she looked like a coiled up spring waiting with anticipation just outside of this old stonework building.

"Looks like this is the place" Gryas walked up to the front door, old and wooden but build sturdy. Pushing it open he stepped inside and looking around him he felt a familiarity with the place, it reminded him of his old study and research lab. An old man clad in blue with long fine white hair was currently tinkering with the nozzle on a drip that had a potion beneath it.

"Ah welcome!" The old man said as he looked up from his work. "what brings you here on this fine morn?" 

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"Hi! We were told that you were looking for help with your work?" Zanne asked and she glided past Gryas and into the center of the room.

"Why yes I am! I have been held up lately with my research however I have a few orders that I need to complete. Firstly I will need you to go and collect some thistlebloom from the field just north of here, fill up this pouch with as many as you can find and then hurry back! I hope to get this order done by lunch and my legs are not what they once were so I would never had been able to do it myself this morning!" 

Grabbing the pouch and tying it to her belt. "Well we best be off then!" she said, opening her menu as she walked out and clicked the share quest with party button. "Lets head out the gate and start looking!" Zanne began to lead the way in an excited pace.

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A pop up appeared on the side of the menu, a quest invite send by Zanne. Clicking accept he looked up and realized that he had to pick up his pace as she already took off at a rather excited speed. She seemed  far more nimble then he felt he was. Still getting used to the bulk of the Iron armor he was wearing he thought to himself that he would need to find something a little better made that felt more fitting. Picking up his pace me caught up to Zanne as they headed through the town towards the Northern gate. The fields outside were so prefect, Gryas was in awe at the amount of detail that went into just the grass and how it almost seemed to be alive. Something glittered on the ground so he reached down to see what it was. Success! He found exactly what they were looking for! A little pop up appeared saying: Loot: 1 Thistlebloom

"Hey look Zanne! I found one already!"

ID# 84318 results:   Loot: 19

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"Oh no way! Nice work!" Zanne said with a smile, a little deflated that she didn't find the first one. She spent a few moments looking around and realized that she actually had no idea what it was she was looking for! She had never used the search action before and besides she kept getting distracted by that boar off in the distance. HUMPH she breathed out with a sigh. I might just pay attention to what Gryas is doing, he seems to know what to look for!

ID# 84319 results:  Loot: 4

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Failing at searching
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Gryas thought that this gathering thing seemed like a pretty simple way to find materials, it would be an easy way to fuel a trade.. although this wasn't the kind of material that he was after for that, he was being drawn towards being a smith and for that he'd need ores. Well the sooner we find enough of these the sooner we can start the next quest! Whilst lost in thought something caught his eye, he had left his search ability on while he got distracted in his own mind and just noticed something else shinny just a few paces away... "Hey Zanne look I found another one!" He said, placing another into the quest pouch that was in his inventory.  "We will be done in no time!"

ID# 84321 results:   Loot: 20

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Looking around Zanne moved over to where Gryas was, maybe they spawn more frequently over in that area? She searched for a few more minutes but all she could see was the green rolling plains and that lovable goof of a friend of hers that seemed to be using up all the luck! She had to be missing something! She stopped searching for a moment, turning it off completely, closing her eyes and then reactivated it. Turning to Gryas tho she was wondering if there was something else to it that she didn't know.

"Hey Gryas... how do you keep finding them so easy? Its felt like an hour and all I can see is grass and boars!"

ID# 84322 results:   Loot: 5

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Gryas continued to search as he answered Zanne's question. "Well to be honest I am not too sure how it works, I have just been looking around and then spot these shiny little orbs on the ground." Talking distracted him slightly as he searched, he thought he saw one to the side however and turned to face it. He was half way through saying "Hey look just there" when one of the armor straps from his boot got caught under his other foot, twisting as he stumbled he collapsed to the ground in a heap of clanking metal. Right on top of the sparkling object he saw. Shards of light spread out from under him and he could hear a shattering noise from beneath his hip. "Woops... "

ID# 84323 results:  Loot: 1

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Zanne extended a hand and a cheeky smile to Gryas, offering to help him up. "Oh is that how its done is it!" Her slight deflation over not finding any of the thistlebloom faded away as she laughed at the thought of a "mighty warrior" being defeated by a little weed! She did however catch a glance at the shinny object before it was defeated by the mighty Gryas and saw something sparkle in the distance, just off to the side. "Hey! I think I see one!" She exclaimed as she rushed over to the object that she saw. She reached down and picked it up, at the same time her quest log updated and she "Wooped" in joy.

ID# 84324 results:   Loot: 16

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Even though falling in the grass didn't leave Gryas dirty he still found himself brushing himself off as he stood up with the help of Zanne. He was barely up on his feet when she let go and darted away in an excited manner. Even though he found it difficult to feel joy these days Zanne always had a knack of being able to bring a smile to his face. This was one of those times. Stretching some imaginary stiffness from his fall out he began searching around again. Eager to find more thistlebloom he thought he noticed some at the crest of the next hill over. A moment later and his quest log had updated once more, reading 3 out of 5.

ID# 84325 results:   Loot: 18

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It seemed that last one was just a fluke. Zanne paced up and down the hillside searching for more thistlebloom but to no avail. A thought crossed her mind, Maybe the boars are eating them all? Hmmmm that wouldn't make sense though would it? The boars just outside of town were peaceful unless you attacked them. She had heard many stories though of monsters deeper in the forest that would attack you on sight! The thought made her shudder, if she were venture out that way she best make sure that she was strong enough! Eyeing a near by boar she began to sneak up on it, like a graceful cat stalking her prey. Excitement, fear, anticipation, dozens of emotions bundled up inside of her and she leaped at the boar with a scream. Her aim was not quite on the mark though as she crashed body first into it. Luckily for her however the boar was thrown off balance as it tried to gore her out of shock as it turned to face her. 

ID# 84326 results:

 Battle: 1

 Craft: 9

 Loot: 8

 MOB: 1

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Gryas hear a scream from behind him and his heart stopped as he was frozen momentarily in place. That was Zanne! He turned with a start and was running before his body was even facing the direction he heard it coming from. Then he saw it, Zanne facing down a boar. Both of their health bars were still full so he made a short sigh of relief as he raced forward.

"Get back! Stay behind me Zanne!"  Gryas yelled out to Zanne as he charged past her, placing his body between hers and the boars making sure he got its attention. With his one handed sword held by both hands he thrust forward as the boar turned unexpectedly, tusk knocking his sword blade to the side. "We can talk about why after, right now though we need to fight and we need to live!"

ID# 84328 results:

Battle: 4

Craft: 1

Loot: 13

MOB: 6

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Clutching her dagger she took a step back and skirted around the battlefield, keeping some distance between her and the boar. She worked her way around behind the boar as it crouched down on its haunches and prepare to launch forward towards Gryas. As Zanne jumped forward to hit the boar it moved quicker then she expected, charging forward and rushing head first into Gryas, one of its tusks hitting Gryas in the side as Zanne slashed at the air where the boar once stood. "GRYAS! NO!" This was all her fault! Panic struck her as she saw his health bar go down.


ID# 84329 results:   Battle: 1  Craft: 3  Loot: 11  MOB: 10

Zanne: HP: 20/20, Energy: 1/2, Dam: 2, Mit: 0

Gryas: HP: 16/20, Energy 1/2, Dam: 1, Mit: 1

Boar: HP: 5/5, Dam: 5


Quest Update:

Zanne: 1/5 Thistleblooms

Gryas: 3/5 Thistleblooms


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Gryas braced himself for impact hoping his armour would hold as he readied his blade at the charging boar. With a grunt the boar crashed into him as he side stepped, pain shot through his hip but he stood firm, blade flashing in the sunlight as he lunged forward himself and leaving a deep red, pixilated gash up the boars side. His heart was beating, pulse racing, mind assessing his options. He knew they could beat this thing, but he couldn't keep taking stupid hits like that. Both Gryas and the boars momentum carried hem past each other by a few feet. Gryas turned at the ready as the boar skidded to a stop and faced him once more. Fire in his eyes Gryas bellowed out a challenge to the boar. "Zanne! Now! Lets attack together!"

ID# 84330 results:  Battle: 9

Zanne: HP: 20/20, Energy: 1/2, Dam: 2, Mit: 0

Gryas: HP: 16/20, Energy 1/2, Dam: 1, Mit: 1

Boar: HP: 4/5, Dam: 5

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The boar charged at Gryas again. "Move out of the way!" Zanne screamed but it was too late, and once again collided with him leaving a gore mark through his thigh. She had to do something! Gryas's health bar was in the yellow! The fear that had previously coursed through her was gone in an instant and with a flash of speed she charged forward, she had to kill this thing. She had to protect Gryas. Just as the boar was landing on the ground from its charge she darted in front, running crouched, and with a graceful leap sailed over the boar digging her dagger down at the same time and driving it into the back. She had missed the head, but as she saw the mobs health bar drop to red she knew that for now she had done enough. The next one would kill it. 

ID# 84331 results:  Battle: 7  Craft: 11  Loot: 15  MOB: 6

Zanne: HP: 20/20, Energy: 1/2, Dam: 2, Mit: 0

Gryas: HP: 12/20, Energy 1/2, Dam: 1, Mit: 1

Boar: HP: 2/5, Dam: 5

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He felt the sting from the boars tusk again, this time in the upper thigh. Gryas however was ready for it and once again with a speed that even surprised himself he left another deep gash up the side of the boar. Its health was low, one more hit should do it. He could see it getting ready for another attack and knew what he had to do. "You can do this Zanne! Finish it off with one more strike! I will keep its attention!" The boars patterns were predictable, but still he knew he didn't have the agility to dodge out the way of its charges. I can do this! He thought to himself, steeling his will and his body for another hit.

ID# 84332 results:  Battle: 6  Craft: 12  Loot: 12  MOB: 6

Zanne: HP: 20/20, Energy: 1/2, Dam: 2, Mit: 0

Gryas: HP: 12/20, Energy 1/2, Dam: 1, Mit: 1

Boar: HP: 1/5, Dam: 5

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This time Zanne was ready. Dagger in hand she raced forward towards the boar. It had started to move towards Gryas for another attack but she was too kick for it as she lunged forward and leaping on top of the boar and stabbing down into the back of its head. She rode it down to the ground as it crashed beneath her, its health bar dropping at the same time to 0, and then exploded into a spray of shining colored lights. Tucking and rolling back up onto her feet she stood up straight with dagger still in hand, and took a deep breath of exhilaration and relief. Looking over at Gryas and his yellow health she suddenly felt ashamed for putting him in so much danger and ran over to him, wrapping her arms around him and with a smile on her face she let out a sob. "I'm so glad your safe! And I am so sorry for putting you into so much danger! Please forgive me!"

ID# 84333 results: Battle: 10  Craft: 4  Loot: 2  MOB: 3

Zanne: HP: 20/20, Energy: 1/2, Dam: 2, Mit: 0

Gryas: HP: 12/20, Energy 1/2, Dam: 1, Mit: 1

Boar: HP: -3/5, Dead

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With a sigh of relief Gryas sheaths his sword and relaxed his tense muscles. As he looked up towards Zanne he saw her dashing towards him and before he knew it she threw her arms around him and apologized. With a chuckle Gryas reached down and ruffled her hair. "Next time give me some warning ok? Its hard to keep you safe if I don't know what you are going to do or if I am not close enough to help. We are both safe though and that was actually a fun work out!" Gryas gently removed her arms and rubbed his side. "So what now? If you want to keep going with the quest its still early in the day and we have plenty of time" Mid sentence however he realized that his search skill was still on and saw the familiar glint of an item on the ground. "Well that's 4 out of 5 for me! How are you going?"

ID# 84334 results:

Battle: 1

Craft: 9

Loot: 13

MOB: 4

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Zanne was feeling too much of a high from the thrill and fear of battle to focus too much on searching right now. "OK lets find these and get back to Zackariah! Ummmm.. I still only have 1...."

She still had her dagger out while searing, making the occasional thrusts and cuts through the air. She probably looked a little silly but Gryas was the only one around that could see her and she felt comfortable enough around him not to care. What she was beginning to care about however was her inability to find any thistlebloom! 

 ID# 84335 results    Loot: 4

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Gryas looked up at the sun. "Well we have plenty of time, and its not like we have anywhere else to be right now!" Looking around for his last thistlebloom, he couldn't help but feel proud of Zanne and himself for their little scuffle with the boar. "You did really well back there! We make a good team." Gryas knelt down and brushed his hand through the grass as he scanned around. Hopefully this quest gives us a bit of Col to spend, from that fight I can tell we are in desperate need to upgrade our equipment if we are going to survive out here.

ID# 84336 results:

Battle: 3

Craft: 2

Loot: 5

MOB: 7

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