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[SP-F1]<Feeding The Enemy> A Dire Situation

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The warrior was all alone this time around, he had already acquired the quest and in the most peculiar manner too, his HUD was open as he examined the quest once again "Hm...a trap maybe?" he said quietly to himself recalling the events that happened previously.


Cobalt had just come back from slaying a few boars on F1 collecting a bit of meat & col; the warrior usually took his usual routes through back alleys to navigate through the city & avoid any large crowds right around this time. A little dark figure emerged from the shadows "You." it called out to him "Come to me, Warrior. I've a quest and the reward is to your benefit." he approached the figure seeing now who was before him a little old gypsy woman, normally he wouldn't trust shady characters like this but he was in a town which was a safe zone & the glowing mark above her head as a quest giver was reason enough to approach.

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"What is it you want from me, Gypsy?" he responded with a stern voice not wanting to play the NPCs game, it was suspicious to him, this was the first time he had ever seen this NPC & he'd been roaming 'Town Of Beginnings' since they all were stuck here. He knew every back alley, every road, every shop...just recently he'd been interested in leveling, professions & other quests but even then he had never run into this old gypsy before. A boney finger pokes his chest "Do not get snippy with me." she replied taking her boney old finger back, she reached into a satchel pulling out a piece of glowing red meat "I wish to give you this." he opened his hand letting his drop it down into his grip "Meat?" he said with a confused tone "Not ANY meat, it is said to be extremely delicious to monsters." he rose a brow "And why should I care about it?" just like an old lady to be sooo slow to speak "Feed it to a monster of your choosing & you will see." a smile came upon her face as she let out a laugh, turning his back to him & walking off down the alley way.

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"Feed it to a...monster." he looked up from the item, watching he turn the corner from the alley way "He-Hey wait" he ran after the gypsy stashing it into his satchel "What happens?!" he ran out from alley stop abruptly "What...the." he turned his head to the left & right, the alley opens up into one of the main streets it was empty though besides from a few players "Where'd she...go?" he sighed in frustration.



Cobalt looked over the item he was given the description was like any other piece of meat from the game but the color of it was different than any of the other meats "I guess...the only way to find out is to go find a monster." he closed his HUD. The warrior was already standing in the Northern entrance of the 'Town Of Beginning', the front gates opened wide as he stepped out into the fields. A few boars were roaming about but he wouldn't bother wasting the mysterious item on something so puny...doesn't mean he couldn't slay a few boars for the meat; he ran over to a small group of three boars, still keeping his distance as to not attract their attention. Cobalt swung his Great Sword over his head, gripping the hilt with his right hand holding it behind him letting the tip of his great sword hover a few inches off the ground, his body turned to it's side with his fist raised at chest level.

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Cobalt dashed forward towards the small hoard of boars, his blade following behind him "YAAAAAAH!" the three boars turned around and began charging at him, one of them ahead of the other two. Boar-1 hopped from the ground from it's charge, the warrior cocked his left hand to the right and swung it to the side trying to back hand Boar-1 but his swing just went under the boar by a few inches. Boar-1 forced it's tusks into his chest, bouncing off and landing on it's feet, the impact was painful but not enough to send him toppling back onto the ground.


Cobalt: 6/7

Boar-1: 2/2

Boar-2: 2/2

Boar-3: 2/2

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As soon as Boar-1 had laid it's attack the other two jumped from the ground trying to lay their tusks in him "GYAAH!" he swung his Great Sword horizontally with a mere one hand, in order to slash the other two boars.


Cobalt: 6/7

Boar-1: 2/2

Boar-2: 2/2

Boar-3: 2/2

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The warrior gritted his teeth "Dammit!" he cursed as the Great Sword slashed right over the two boars, it wouldn't be possible to dodge but he had a trump card, as soon as he did his full swing he let his grip loosen guiding the handle of the Great Sword to slide down an open palm. He dropped his weapon...but he was far from giving up, the drop was quick and in a flash the handle was in his left hand, he gripped it firmly and quickly plunged it down into the earth in front of him, the flat surface giving him a widened guard. Boar-2 & Boar-3's tusked clashed against the blade, they bounced off landing on their hooves "Stupid Boars." he gripped the handle of his blade with his right hand once more and pulled it out from the ground.


Cobalt: 6/7

Boar-1: 2/2

Boar-2: 2/2

Boar-3: 2/2

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"Round 2." the warrior dash forward at Boars-2&3, he swung the Great Sword over his head...the pointed end facing down towards the ground, the widened flat side of the blade covering his body. Cobalt pushed the blade forward just pushing Boars 2-3 back, as soon as they stepped back, he turned his body to Boar-1 and swung it around his head and downward towards Boar-1.


Cobalt: 6/7

Boar-1: 2/2

Boar-2: 2/2

Boar-3: 2/2

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Boar-1 strafed to the side as the sharpened edge of the sword crushed the ground that boar-1 was at, the other two boars approached behind him, the warrior circled around Boar-1 thrusting forward to pierce it.


Cobalt: 6/7

Boar-1: 2/2

Boar-2: 2/2

Boar-3: 2/2

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The thrust was successful! Boar-1 was sent flying forward, the other two creature side stepped letting the creature fly between the two of them, there was his opening! The warrior dashed forward in the middle of all three of the boars, he swayed his blade to the left and swung it a full 360 degrees "YAAAH!"


Cobalt: 6/7

Boar-1: 1/2

Boar-2: 2/2

Boar-3: 2/2

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The attack hit them all in succession sending Boars 2&3 tumbling away from him, Boar-1's HP reaching 0 & disappearing "Stupid Boars." he scoffed turning around to face the other remaining creatures. A grin came upon his face "Come at me, stupid pigs." the boars snorted & came back onto their feet, they got into a line both dashing forward "What the..." as soon as they closed the gap he swung downwards. Boar-2 strafed to the side, as Boar-3 was already launched in the air ready to attack, they had used a distraction method....good thing he swung downwards.


Cobalt: 6/7

Boar-1: 0/2 Defeated

Boar-2: 1/2

Boar-3: 1/2

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The sword fell fast than the boar that launched itself from the ground slicing the creature in half, each half flying at both his sides "Heh~ Not good enough but a nice trick." he grinned turning his attention at Boar-3 the LAST of them "Hyah!" he dash forward preparing his blade to thrust, the boar following along and dash towards him as well.


Cobalt: 6/7

Boar-1: 0/2 Defeated

Boar-2: 0/2 Defeated

Boar-3: 1/2

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The warriors last kill was a level up from what it looked like, his health was replenished and increased to 11/11...Level 4 and more than enough for the single boar. It came down to him & the last boar, the thrust charge he had done was successful...the edge of the sword slicing through it's side "Too easy." the boars disappeared & items floated around in their places "Loot." he was about to holster his sword but something was off, he turned around in battle stance but he couldn't see anything around "There's something out there." he whispered to himself "But what?" a dark shadow dashed behind him, he turned around quickly, he could now hear the grass ruffle underneath the creature's foot.


Cobalt: 11/11

???: ???/???

Boar-1: 0/2 Defeated

Boar-2: 0/2 Defeated

Boar-3: 0/0 Defeated

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Cobalt's ears twitched at the sound of a snarl "Hm?" from the corner of his eye he could see the a black shadow dashing at him, it was just a blur "Aaah!" it hit him across the back leaving scratch marks, standing before him a monster he'd never seen...a wolf...no it was bigger than a regular wolf, its jaws larger & it's sharpened pearly whites protruding further out. There was a name above the creature 'Midnight Dire Wolf' this was it....this is the animal he'd test it on "Alright then..." he prepared himself for the true battle; the wolves eyes were like his ruby red, they had fire in it's eyes, a will to survive & strive...like him "...Battle well, friend." they both dashed forward with their tools of destruction & ready for the first slash.


Cobalt: 10/11

Midnight Dire Wolf: 5/5

Boar-1: 0/2 Defeated

Boar-2: 0/2 Defeated

Boar-3: 0/0 Defeated

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