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[PP-F1] Treasure Chests and Whatnot [Invious and Able]

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Rumors had come to his attention that one could do more than just go out to train. While others were already high level, some players had been off gathering material and looking for chests which contained treasure, gear, and potentially even consumables that could make his adventures that much easier. Taking the day off from training to go out into the wilderness on a floor he felt more than comfortable with, he had decided it was time to go out and just hunt for treasure. Today he'd be a online pirate looking to steal treasures right from under people's noses. "Okay, so I know these exist but-- Where do I even start looking?" he said as he opened up his map through the menu that floated before him. Players all around him would be off fighting boars, which he had no intention to deal with the most hostile enemy in the game... The Frenzy Boar. Countless lives it has taken from this world, and even today it poses a threat to a majority of the population. It was only a matter of time before the entirety of the world was wiped out by the boar.

Walking forward on a straight path toward the woods of the first floor that one can only be entered by exiting the plains and fields. Through the trees he weaved in the efforts to find a spot where he could start his search, but his efforts seemed pointless as the woods were exactly that.... just some empty woods with nothing but trees, brushes, and a few animals that would scatter at his appearance. A sigh of frustration came through his lips, but his eyes remained focused on the map, so much focus was spent looking at that thing that he had actually walked into a tree. Not a stump, not a log, no a standing tree. It didn't move by any means, he had simply not paid any attention to where he was walking that he now had a mark on his forehead and a stinging feeling on the same spot. He held his hand up to his eyes to make sure that he could still count all five fingers and that he wasn't losing it or that he had some form of digital concussion, but it did sure leave a mark on his forehead, which he had hoped would go away sooner rather than later.


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Training... training... training, this was a word Invious was honestly worried about doing as she is still level 1. However to progress more into levels, she has to swallow the bullet and just try her best to get out there and get materials or do something to gain the EXP that she needs to level up. More so she mainly just wants to find some materials while she's going to be out and about today, instead of attempting to live against a boar. She had heard many stories of how many many players would fall to a simple boar on their first attempts to fight which seems to be very unfortunate. Invious had kept her mouth covered by her cloth and her head covered with a hood and her face blocked by a snake mask, barely any skin to be seen. She had looked over from the side to side as she had entered the forest, she needed to be on guard... who knows what could be in this forest... boars, bee's, people... anything to be honest, she's not the creator of this game.


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Focused on the map some more, even after walking into a tree, he had stopped for a brief moment. He heard shuffles in the brushes nearby and footsteps snapping sticks and twigs along the way. Not sure if he should hide, he simply put his map down and headed towards the location to investigate. Calling out to it would be a poor idea, especially if it wasn't even a player, instead he had attempted to be quiet about it, but the sticks on the ground said otherwise. He saw off in the distance a figure walking, definitely human however, so that was already a slight relief. He had no idea of who this player was or NPC for that matter so he got closer without making himself noticed just yet. He had the intentions of seeing how they looked first before confronting them. If the humanoid he saw before him had the desire to kill, I'm sure it wouldn't be so loud and noticeable. Anybody who tries to kill one another does it in one of two ways, either in public for everyone to see, or through stealth-like efforts. He had finally decided what he would do. "Excuse me!" he called out as he waved, he were about to find out if this is where he died or met another acquaintance. The mark on his forehead still rested as if it had found it's new home, and Able could still feel it too as if someone was taking a fork and randomly stabbing him in the forehead just to tease him that he had walked into a tree so stupidly.

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