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[SP-F1] The Swing of Things

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Carambit clipped his belt into place and began stretching with the gear on, allowing all the material's folds and creases to settle into place. Next, swiping his index finger downward and opening op his inventory, he scrolled down to find his sword, "Entling", and equipped it; the sword spawning on his back and resting in place in it's wooden sheath. 
"Oh man, its been a while..." He thought to himself, finishing off with a few more stretches before heading out toward the gate out of town.

The player began walking over to an open field, looking for the spot he remembered well enough as a wolf spawn zone. "Alright," he thought to himself, "start out small. Just one real small one for now, and we'll work our way up as we go." he waited for a few wolves to spawn, until he spotted one that was weak enough for his liking. It probably wouldn't be worth a lot of xp, but it would do as a warm up to get back into combat and shake off the rust. "You'll do." he thought to himself. Carambit slowly drew his blade, nervously clutching the woody hilt and holding it before him, ready to charge in...

Carambit: 21/21
Wolf: 10/10

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[ID# 85702]
[BD = 7 (+1 ACC) = 8 (Hit)]
[MD = 7 (-1 EVA) = 6 (Hit)]

Carambit: 18/21
Wolf: 7/10

Carambit charged forward toward the wolf, paying no heed to stealth, which as he moved, he realized in hindsight this would have been a good thing to remember. The wolf spun about to face him, and snarled as he began to slice with his blade. As he brought his weapon down upon the wolf, it slashed back at him with it's claws, dealing just as much damage to him as he did to it.

"Darn... You're going to be quite the fighter, aren't you?" Carambit sneered at the beast. As meager as it appeared, it was still a wolf, and in this world still quite the threat. He and the beast began circling about one another, his steps matching the wolf's, as he attempted to get into the same mindset as it and be ready for it's next attack.

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[ID# 85703]
[BD = 4 (+1 ACC) = 5 (miss)]
[MD = 5 (-1 EVA) = 4 (miss)]

Carambit: 18/21
Wolf: 7/10

Carambit waited for the wolf to move, watching its every muscle for any indication of what it was going to do next. Then he saw it; one step that was closer than the others. He shifted himself into a defensive stance as the wolf lunged at him, its sharp teeth ready to tear him apart. Thankfully since he was ready for it, Carambit was able to step back, out of the way, and successfully evade the attack. As the wolf passed he attempted to swipe at it with his sword, but unfortunately, he didn't have enough reaction time to land a hit, and instead ended up swiping at the air behind it as it glided past him. 

As it landed, the wolf pivoted about its front paws and spun around, facing Carambit and ready for it's next attack. Carambit also lowered his stance into the same defensive position he was just in, as it had just worked, he figured he'd try it again... However, the wolf may have figured this out, so he would have to be extra careful.

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[ID# 85704]
[BD = 7 (+1) = 8 (Hit)]
[MD = 9 (-1 EVA) = 8 (Hit +1 DMG)]

Carambit: 14/21
Wolf: 4/10

The wolf had indeed figured out his defensive strategy, and managed to sink it's teeth into him on it's next strike, latching onto the forearm of his left arm. Carambit reeled back in an attempt to shake the beast off, and still maintain his balance so it didn't pin him down and maul him. He slashed at it with his sword, held in his free hand, dealing some damage to the wolf's furry underbelly. It whined in pain and freed it's jaws from Carambit's arm, leaping back off of him and sending him stumbling backward. He didn't lose his balance just yet, but had come pretty close.

"I have to deal with this thing quickly..." he thought to himself, anxiety beginning to set in "or else others will spawn to help him, and then I'll be dead meat."

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[ID# 85706]
[BD = 3 (+1 ACC) = 4 (miss)]
[MD = 9 (-1 EVA) = 8 (Hit +1 DMG)] (FML)

Carambit: 10/21
Wolf: 4/10

The wolf unfortunately had other ideas for poor Carambit, as it charged at him, zig-zagging as it moved. The sudden change in it's attack pattern confused the player and he didn't know quite where to defend from, when just as suddenly as it changed its tactics, it vaulted forward at him and slashed at him with both it's claws, dealing another considerable blow to his remaining HP. He took a few steps away from it and turned so that he was always facing it. As soon as he let this thing get on his flank, he was dead.

This was starting to look ugly. A couple more hits like that and Carambit was certainly going to be toast; another tasty meal for a wolf, dead like so many other players before him. "I can't let it end like this." he thought, "Not to some lowly wolf..."

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[ID# 85737]
[BD = 9 (+1 ACC) = 10 (Hit +1 DMG)]
[MD = 5 (-1 EVA) = 4 (miss)]

Carambit: 10/21
Wolf: 0/10 (finally)

This time, Carambit wouldn't let the wolf lead the attack. Instead of being on the defensive, it was time to strike. He lunged forward with his Entling in hand, and swung down on the wolf's head, cleaving through it and stopping the wolf in it's tracks. It froze for a moment, letting out a howl, before exploding into blue shards, which evaporated up into the air.

Carambit took a few moments to catch his breath, walking in a circle. The thrill of heart racing combat was still something he had to get used to again, and with the adrenaline still coursing through his veins, he decided to act against his impulse to attempt to fight another wolf. Instead, he decided to sheathe his sword and head back to town for a brief rest before coming back out. There was little sense in staying out here and remaining in danger.

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The exhausted player sunk into the bench in town and watched other people walk by, left and right. The odd one here and there would wave or nod knowingly at him and he'd smile back at them. A few people around town knew who he was now. This was mostly because he had spent his time (and most of his savings in Col) here in town over the past few months/years. However his funds were running low and he was starting to lose patience in the clearing team not having the support they truly needed. Corey saw himself at the Frontlines, backing up his friends and the other players who had helped him get a foothold in this world, and he didn't want to let them down.

If he was going to get up to their level, then he was going to have to push himself to his limits and get up there with them. He couldn't keep taking naps and breaks from the cause...

Well... This short break was acceptable and necessary. But you get the point. It was time to get back out there and get to work leveling up.
... Maybe just 5 more minutes first though.

[HP regen: +10 (20/21)]

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(noticed now that my HP was incorrect for my level in the previous posts, so I'll have it set correctly from this point onward)

Now with the dust shaken off and after catching a nice breather back in town, Carambit was ready to get back out there and keep grinding. This time however, it was going to be worth his while. He was going after a slightly bigger fish. A bigger wolf with a decent hide, or a boar with a hide drop he could use back in town. After wandering the fields for a little, he found a boar spawn that may work for him. Carambit drew his sword and edged tentatively closer to the boars, before picking up a rock and throwing it at the closest one to him, in an effort to break it away from the rest of the spawned pack so that he could take them on one at a time.

Luckily this caught the boar's attention and it turned around with a snort, emitting a snotty, spray from it's big nostrils. "Ugh." he thought to himself. "Boars are not the most pleasant creatures around."

There wasn't much time for thought past this however, as the boar was quite displeased with him for throwing the rock, and wished to share it's feelings with him in the form of goring him with its tusks as it began to charge.

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[ID# 85784]
[BD = 3 (+1) = 4 (miss)]
[MD = 2 (-1) = 1 (miss)]

The boar rushed at him, sharp tusks ready to slam into the player with all the creature's might. Carambit faked a step to his left, and as he saw the boar's slight change in trajectory, he spun back around to the right, dodging the boar's attack and pivoting on his heel to turn back around, facing it once again. The boar came to a skidding halt and turned back toward him, rushing him relentlessly once more.

"Olè." he said with a small chuckle to himself.

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[ID# 85786]
[BD = 1 (+1) = 2 (miss)]
[MD = 6 (-1) = 5 (miss)]

Carambit: 80/80
Boar: 45/45

His overconfidence got the better of him, as the boar landed it's next strike against him. It's hard skull slammed into Carambit's thigh as he attempted to step out of the way, throwing him slightly off balance and sending him into a stumble. Thankfully the boar's tusks hadn't had the chance to tear through his flesh. His stumble meant as it flicked it's head upward in an attempt to catch him with the tusks, he managed to just barely get out of it's way, avoiding any major damage.

After quickly scrambling to get back to his feet and ready his weapon again, he found the boar was not letting up. It was already in the middle of another charge at him. "How much energy does this thing have?! Will it ever stop running?"

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[ID# 85787]
[BD = 6 (+1) = 7 (hit)]
[MD = 7 (-1) = 6 (hit)]

Carambit: 77/80
Boar: 42/45 (hoo boy this is gonna be a long one)

The player wouldn't lose his resolve however, as it charged him, he charged it right back. He lifted his sword in one arm, and pushed the other shoulder forward, tucking the arm in to protect his chest. It was at this moment he thought "I should invest in a shield... That could probably do me some good." but at the end of this thought was when he felt the impact. The boar had knocked him into a fully upright position and given him the chance to swing back against it as it had left itself wide open. With a grunt he slashed at it's side with his sword, carving a decent piece out of it.

The boar squealed in pain and broke free from the grapple, showing it's rear to him as it attempted to gain some distance for another charge.

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[ID# 85789]
[BD = 9 (+1) = 10 (hit +1 DMG)]
[MD = 9 (-1) = 8 (hit +1 DMG)]

Carambit: 73/80
Boar: 38/45

As it fled, Carambit called out "Oh no you don't!" and brought his sword across it's rear, cleaving it for more damage. However in leaning into it to do so, he had left himself wide open. The boar's rear legs kicked back and collided with the player's face. Although he knew he couldn't actually feel pain, he still recoiled back and brought his free hand to his face and he clambered backward away from the boar, allowing it to gain it's distance. "Darn it!"

Once he freed his face from his palm, he noticed the boar preparing for yet another charge. "Okay then swine," he said, stepping his right foot back and lowering his stance to prepare for impact. "Bring it on!"

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[ID# 85792]
[BD = 3 (+1) = 4 (miss)]
[MD = 3 (-1) = 2 (miss)]

Carambit: 73/80
Boar: 38/45

The boar didn't charge however. It stood still, lowering it's form and kicking up dirt. Carambit figured it was attempting to intimidate him into retreating, but he would do no such thing. The player crept forward, slowly and cautiously, watching the boar for any kind of movement that might indicate another attack. As he stepped closer and closer, the boar seemed more and more agitated, until eventually it decided to charge again. With a squeal it began it's assault, picking up speed with every step toward him.

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[ID# 85793]
[BD = 10 (hit +2 DMG)]
[MD = 6 (-1) = 5 (miss)]

Carambit: 73/80
Boar: 33/45

Carambit knew that last time he got lucky, and he wasn't about to risk charging against the boar again, at least not right now. He began in the same pose as last time, however as the boar got close enough to him, he leapt up into the air, and thrust his sword down into the boar's back, leap-frogging over the top of it as he shanked it. The boar collapsed onto the ground as Carambit quickly retracted his sword arm, and the boar rolled along the ground until finally coming to a halt and struggling to find its footing again.

This time the player wasn't going to give it the chance to get back onto the offensive. It was charging him repeatedly, but now it was time for him to start leading the charge back against it.

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[ID# 85794]
[BD = 6 (+1) = 7 (hit)]
[MD = 4 (-1) = 3 (miss)]

Carambit: 73/80
Boar: 30/45

With a roar, Carambit sprinted forward at the boar, assaulting it with a flurry of slashes. None of them were too deep, but he certainly landed a few hits on it. The boar squealed in pain and fled from him, charging past him to avoid the damage. Carambit wasn't fast enough to turn around and catch it, so once again it had gained enough distance to start a new charge. The player hurried to his feet and clutched his sword tight as he began to run after it. The more distance he could close between them, the less impact the boar would have with it's next attack against him.

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[ID# 85799]
[BD = 4 (+1) = 5 (miss)]
[MD = 3 (-1) = 2 (miss)]

Carambit: 73/80
Boar: 30/45

What followed was a comical chase, wherein Carambit ran after a boar, more or less in circles, waving his sword around in the air and screaming "GET BACK HERE PIGGY!"
This went on for several minutes before eventually he realized this could not carry on for much longer, or else he'd throw up, pass out or die. Or all of the above.

Carambit skidded to a halt, and spun around, swinging his sword wide across where the boar might be if it continued it's circular looping pattern, only to catch air and almost get thrown off balance by his own swing. Once he caught himself, the player realized that the boar was a few feet away from him and had broken it's circuit the same time he did. The two looked at each other for a moment, catching their respective breaths, before getting back into it.

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[ID# 85801]
[BD = 8 (+1) = 9 (hit)]
[MD = 6 (-1) = 5 (miss)]

Carambit: 73/80
Boar: 27/45

Now returning to the seemingly long drawn out and complicated battle, Carambit began to consider the fact that he may need to invest in some skills. Perhaps some quests that granted skills he needed were in his future. He and the boar came to a grappling standstill, his blade blocking it's tusks and each entity pushing against one another with all their might. Carambit swiftly stepped back and to his left, allowing the boar to shift forward and throw itself off balance. As he did so, he swung his sword across, raking the blade against it's flesh and carving it open. The pig squealed in pain and anger.

"That's for making me run!" he yelled at it, the frustration of the battle beginning to bubble over.

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[ID# 85802]
[BD = 10 (YEA BOI) (hit + 2 DMG)]
[MD = 3 (-1) = 2 (miss)]

Carambit: 73/80
Boar: 22/45

The now enraged player began to take hold of his frustration and harness it in an effort to finish this battle as soon as possible. This had to end. Carambit lunged at the boar, madly hacking and slashing away at it, not allowing the boar to counterattack at all. He dealt a significant amount of damage, but he sensed that this would not be able to carry on for much longer, as the boar was seemingly bolstering itself, readying for another attack. He stepped aside just in time to narrowly avoid it goring him with it's tusks as it charged past him. Carambit took a moment to catch his breath and watch the boar. It looked like it had sustained a decent amount of damage, but he'd probably have to do just as much as he's already done to bring this thing down. He couldn't fathom the kind of beasts the clearing party must deal with, and how they manage to deal with them.

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[ID# 85813]
[BD = 10 (hit +2 DMG)]
[MD = 9 (-1) = 8 (hit +1 DMG)]

Carambit: 69/80
Boar: 17/45

The boar charged him and slammed into him, thrusting it's tusks upward into the player's leg as he brought his sword down and stabbed it into the beast's back. He may have taken some damage, but he dealt just as much back to the boar. The boar's head flung him backward over it's back and he dropped down onto one knee, balancing himself so he didn't completely fall over. The boar got distance and began to bring itself around to continue it's charge at him. Carambit barely got to his feet in time before the boar lined itself up with him and began sprinting toward him.

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[ID# 85814]
[BD = 6 (+1) = 7 (hit)]
[MD = 7 (-1) = 6 (hit)]

Carambit: 66/80
Boar: 14/45

Carambit wasn't able to stand up in time. The best he could do was attempt to roll out of the way to mitigate some of the damage. The boar's tusk grazed past him, dealing a small bit of damage, but Carambit also slashed at the boar, injuring it in return. The boar was looking much worse for wear compared to when the two started out, but the player knew there'd still be a few attacks before this thing went down. He really needed to start investing in skills, otherwise every fight he was in would be a long-drawn-out slog.

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