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Sugar's Journal (WIP)

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(Way unfinished!)


Username: Sugar
Real name: Peter Hunt
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Height: 5'5"

About: History

Peter lived a quiet life. Every day he slept through eleven til six, stirring awake with the easiest movements to avoid disturbing his better half. One morning routine and a commute to work later and he would quite happily tap away at a keyboard for the day's remainder, returning home to his darling after the clock struck five. A calm evening out on the boulevard or a serene hike through the nearby valley would consume his final waking hours before the Sun decided to take its rest, and he lied his head on a soft pillow to start the next day over. For a time he was quite content with this mundane fate; the pay was rising, the apartment was cheap and above all else, he'd spend several hours every eve with the one he loved. After all, things had always been this simple ever since his birth over 20 years ago, what motivation had Peter to shift from a lifestyle he was content with?

And yet, having endured this same repetition of events for little more than two years, a small part of him was beginning to yearn for something more. A brand new experience, something to breathe life into his linear existence. As the beta of Sword Art Online came to be, the first VRMMORPG to be developed with FullDive technology in mind, it was as if fate had personally answered his calling and he was pleased to know his other half was equally enthralled.

As the game's open release date neared, they were heartbroken to have only gotten a single copy of the game - they would not be able to travel through Aincrad together until the next batch was released. After much insisting on the other's behalf, it was finally settled that Peter would spend the first half of the day in-game and his partner would take the rest. Their lips grazed one another's as they shared one final look of affection, and Peter delved into the world of Sword Art Online with a happy grin.

How tragic.

About: Personality

Peter loves the world around him, real or not. Aincrad's artificial beauty came at a hefty price but he does appreciate its extravagant landscapes, considering them sights from his fondest dreams. This positivity bleeds into his personality as many consider Peter a man of spirit, having developed a bright outlook on the death game only months after its beginning. He's a professional at masking emotions, however, and will never face the despair that poisons his heart knowing he may never return to Earth.

Outside of being a mobile smiley face, Peter is an incredibly technical thinker. Boasting a degree in Computer Science, Peter's programming skills may be obsolete in Sword Art Online but not his creative mindset; Faced with a difficult situation, the red-head puts his knowledge to work and tries to adopt a less conventional, more Peter-friendly strategy. Though he'd like to say this grants a massive boost to his combative abilities, it's nye impossible to magnify what barely exists, and he gets by purely on a mixup of intelligence and luck rather than feats of strength and agility. Peter's lack of strength is also quite befitting of his personality. Weak and vulnerable aren't traits which he likes to associate with, though he wouldn't deny them if called out on it.

Though not inherently shy, Peter is nothing short of an introvert. Social interactions quickly drain him if he isn't truly comfortable with the other player(s). His kindness toward others puts him on the spot as he'll often give off the impression he's truly invested in a conversation, whereas in reality, he's more than likely attempting to inch away.


If there's one phrase to describe Peter perfectly, 'happy-go-lucky' would be it. He's always in high spirits, latching onto the hope (however slim) of escaping Aincrad and returning to the life he was unwillingly forced from. This manifests as an aura of positivity which spills over to those around him, and it's always in his most sincere interest to cheer up a glum-looking soul. Some might say this is a detriment but Peter would be hard-pressed to see it that way, and if there's ever a chance for him to make somebody else's day, he'll go out of his way to pursue it. 

Aside from his toss-up of artsy and technology-based skills, both of which are almost entirely irrelevant in Sword Art Online, Peter possesses a great level of creativity. To counter his inherent weakness, Peter needs to rely on his intuitive use of the environment to be remotely effective in combat. Because of the limitations of SAO's combat system, Peter's use of 'out-there' strategies cannot elevate his fighting skills to above average levels but it doesn't serve as a detriment either. 


Optimistic -
Although he's come to terms with the tragedy of Sword Art Online, Peter started out every part as scared as the next player. This gloom consumed him for many weeks in the beginning, and even as the first-floor boss was felled at the hands of the early front-runners, escape seemed all but an inconceivable hope. However, a transpiring of events led him to realise that not everything was actually as bad as it seemed, and from that fateful day onwards, he never looked back from focusing the positive aspects of every situation, good or bad. This earned him a reputation as a spirited player amongst the few early friends he had, though not everyone saw it as a virtue.


Dependant -

Frail -

Sensitive -

Optimistic -
He started out every part as scared as the next player, perhaps for the best. Peter's inability to focus on the negatives was keenly regarded as befitting of him, being such a happy-go-lucky player and all. However, it also stood to be one of his greatest joint flaws. Sword Art Online wasn't supposed to be a happy experience; In many ways the death game was a terrible social experiment and to find such glee in it branded him as borderline psychotic to some, realising his view was so far removed from reality.

Profession: (Leave blank until the Earning a Living quest has been completed.)





Weapon skills:

» Leather Armour
» Iron [tbd]

» [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle
» [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle - in progress
(no "in progress" means its complete; "incomplete" can mean one or the other person stopped replying for a long time)

Edited by Sugar
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