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(PP-F1) Double Rapier

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Kotone kept trying to get training in every day, but it almost always resulted in a near death experience. Today was no different on that regard. She was facing boars one on one in the fields just outside of the Town of Beginnings, but this boar was the usual evasive type of boar that refused to be hit.

Kotone had swung, but the she hsd missed and nearly tripped. The boar sidestepped out of the way and tried to headbutt Kotone in the side, but barely missed her. Kotone took a few steps back and got a firm grip on her rapier. She was humming the theme to Keijo to herself as she prepared to counter the boar's next move. Kotone's thoughts started to go to how much easier this would be if she had a partner. Someone at her level, since whenever she trained with someone of higher skill, the boar's HP would be way too high for her too handle.

ID: 88230 BD: 3 (Miss) MD: 3 (Miss)

GreenBlade: 1 Energy 20/20 HP

Boar: 20/20 HP


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Joseph was walking around the field and decided he might as well start training and getting stronger. He was playing a VRMMORPG, he needed to start playing the game. He didn't want to fight alone though. He looked around for anyone fighting boars around his level with no luck at that point.

He turned around, about to give up when he saw a girl fighting a boar in the distance. Neither of them hit each other so he thought that they were probably around his level. He rushed over and drew his rapier. He focused on the boar that was attacking the girl and flanked it. Once it dodged the girl's attack, he stabbed it in the side before standing next to the girl. "Hope you don't mind if I join in. I don't think I could handle one alone. Joseph, by the way, nice to meet you." He said with a bright smile as he awaited her reply and the boar's retaliation.



ID: 88232

BD: 7 (Success!) 

Damage: 2 (I think)

Joseph: 20/20 HP (Level x 20 right? So you should be the same) 2 Energy (Level x 2)


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Kotone watched as another player ran up and stab the boar with his rapier. He definitely didn't look helpless that was for sure. Kotone took this chance while the boar was reeling from the attack to hit it right away. She lunged forward with her rapier and tried to pierce the boar, but instead the boar dodged yet again and Kotone missed her target.

Kotone clenched her fists a little bit in frustration, but eased up, not wanting to look bad in front of Joseph. He had smiled at her, which definitely calmed her down a little bit. "I don't mind at all if you join. I'm amazed you hit this boar though. I can't handle one alone either. Glad you showed up. I'm GreenBlade, just call me Kotone." Kotone introduced herself as she looked up at Joseph. This distracted her from seeing the boar coming right towards her, headbutting her in the stomach, getting a critical hit in.

ID: 88234 BD: 5 (Miss) MD: 10 (Critical)

Kotone: 18/20 HP 0 Hate 1 Energy

Joseph: 20/20 HP 1 Hate 2 Energy

Boar: 18/20 HP


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"Right, let's get it Kotone! This boar can't handle the two of us!" He said as he lunged forward. The boar was focusing on Kotone so he managed to stab it in the side once more. The boar growled as the blade slid into its hide and blood splattered around it. Joseph pulled the blade out and stayed ready. 


He looked at Kotone who looked a bit frustrated. He smiled at her. "Hey, it's ok. Just try to stay loose and look for opportunities to strike. The rapier is a weapon that needs grace and timing, just a little more practice and you'll get it for sure. Now, let's kill this thing!" He said with a confident smile. He wanted to help her and thought that this was a great way to do just that.



BD: 7

Damage: 2

Hate 2


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Kotone took a deep breath and concentrated her focus on htting the boar where it was already wounded by Joseph. "I am aware that I have to stay calm, using a rapier is a lot like fencing. This boar is just quick on it's feet. That's all." Kotone said as she got a good grip on her rapier's handle and took a guard stance.

Kotone then lunged forward and stabbed the boar right on the side where Joseph had stabbed it, making more blood come out of it. The attack was a critical hit, to which Kotone started to laugh a little bit. "Now that's what I like to see!" Kotone continued to laugh as the boar tried to charge at Kotone. She stepped out of the way and let the boar run right by her. "I think you're up now. Go for the side we've been hitting. Good luck hitting it." Kotone said, looking towards Joseph. 

ID: 88237 BD: 10 (Critical) MD: 4 (Miss) Damage: 3

Kotone: 18/20 HP 1 Energy 2 Hate

Joseph: 20/20 HP 2 Energy 2 Hate

Boar: 13/20 HP


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Joseph took another lunge without another word, lunging forward at the boar and stabbing deep into the open wound. The boar roared loudly in pain as the blade cut open its hide again and again. A critical hit did so much damage to this boar. "Not much longer now! Just a few more hits like this and we can take it down. Hell, we might be able to take a second one down after this one." He said with arrogance and a bright smile on his face. 

He was honestly surprised the boar didn't charge at him yet. He was doing a lot of damage to it and  and the boar was still charging at Kotone. Speaking of, Kotone was doing great. She stabbed the boar deeply, enough to gravely injure it. It was like their rapiers were in tune and made a harmonious melody. Joseph started to bob and weave in quick succession while humming. "Come at me you big pork chop!" He taunted the boar. 



BD:9 (Critical!)


Hate 3

((Sorry, my internet died for a bit))


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Kotone stopped laughing and got another good grip on her rapier, ready to charge at the boar again. "Here I go again..." Kotone said to herself as she took her fighting stance again and got ready to strike.

Kotone charged forward and thrust her rapier at the boar's weak point where it had been stabbed repeatedly at this point. The boar was apparently expecting her to do this as it wobbled out of the way just before Kotone could hit it. Kotone kept her balance this time, but she wasn't too happy about missing yet again. "Oops, I missed..." Kotone said in a non-caring tone, trying to hide her annoyance.

The boar then turned it's focus to Joseph and started charging at him, but it didn't get very far at all, as it tripped right away and landed on the ground just in front of Joseph. The stabbings really had gotten to that boar. Kotone almost felt sorry for it, almost.

ID: 88266 BD: 5 (Miss) MD: 4 (Miss)

Kotone: 18/20 HP 1 Energy 2 Hate

Joseph: 20/20 HP 2 Energy 3 Hate

Boar: 10/20 HP


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Joseph was cocky, he thought that this boar would be child's play. He walked up to the boar that tripped over and stabbed it. At least, that was the plan. He walked up to the boar, expecting no resistance. As soon as he got close, the boar stood up and was ready to charge. Joseph was surprised and he jumped backwards. 

His attempt to stab the boar failed and he was pretty embarassed. Looks like they both missed that turn. He blushed a little out of embarassment. He twisted his rapier around to get flexible again. "That was pretty bad, shouldn't have let my guard down. Let's take him out, Kotone." He said with a serious tone. He was going to take it seriously now.



BD:2 (Fail)


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Kotone was getting even more frustrated with how things were going with this boar. It was at it's weakest point, but now neither her or Joseph were able to hit it. Her frustration didn't help with her accuracy either, but Kotone remained calm and just got another good grip on her rapier's handle. "Here I go again..." Kotone started to say as she watched the boar fall over again.

Kotone ran forward and thrust her rapier outward, but the boar hopped to the side and Kotone missed yet again. "Oops, it dodged again. Darn." Kotone said, keeping her uncaring tone.

The boar tried to go after Joseph again, but this time it ran right past him, seeming to be dizzy. Kotone started to run after the boar, but stopped as soon as it tripped again. "It's your turn again. Good luck." Kotone said, turning to Joseph. This boar was somehow still evasive enough to dodge the thrusts after the damage it has been through.

ID: 88270 BD: 3 MD: 4

Kotone: 18/20 HP 1 Energy 2 Hate

Joseph: 20/20 HP 1 Energy 3 Hate

Boar: 10/20 HP


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Joseph goes to stab the boar but misses entirely. He grunts in frustration as this clumsy, yet somehow evasive boar keeps dodging their attacks. It's taking two people on at the same time, bleeding profusely, nearly dead, but still dodging perfectly. It's so unlikely to miss, yet it still happened. 

"This stupid boar!" He screamed with anger. He then realized that it was rude and improper. He composed himself and readied himself for the next strike. "Your turn now. Let's see if you can turn the tide Kotone." He said with a focused stare at the boar.




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Kotone was trying to figure out a way she could hit this boar as she watched Joseph miss the darn boar yet again. It was just too evasive for her liking. These stupid boars were basically slimes in other rpgs, which urked Kotone even more. She was better than this, but she just couldn't figure out a way to hit it.

As she watched the boar dodge yet again, an idea popped into Kotone's head, and she got into a guard stance. Her plan was probably going to get her a little bit of damage, but it would actually let her hit this boar.

The boar started running towards Kotone, but she didn't seem to even want to try dodging. The boar hit Kotone in the stomach, but this is exactly what she wanted. Kotone thrust her rapier forward and pierced the boar in the front of it's body, landing a critical hit as well. "Finally hit it. Just let the boar hit you, then strike at point blank range. It can't dodge that close!" Kotone exclaimed as she took a few steps back to Joseph.

ID: 88303 BD: 10 MD: 7

Kotone: 17/20 HP 1 Energy 4 Hate

Joseph: 20/20 HP 1 Energy 3 Hate

Boar: 7/20 HP


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Joseph visibly gulped. He looked nervous, he wasn't used to the guard system yet. He mostly relied on dodging. However, if that's what it took to tske out the boar, he would have to do it. He switched to guard stance. His face was unsure and hesitant and his hands shook a little. The boar charged at him, causing him to flinch. He switched out of guard stance and jumped out of the way, scared. 

Joseph was very nervous and scared, and the sight of the animal chasing after him caused an instinctual reaction. He was dissapointed in himself. He looked over to Kotone and nodded. "You can do it, Kotone. I'm sorry, I just can't, I'll try the old way for now." He said as he started to move around, bobbing and weaving, waiting for the time to strike. 





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Kotone frowned a little bit upon seeing how Joseph handled the situation. She wasn't mad at him, just a little disappointed. She decided not to say anything about it to Joseph since he already looked very nervous and scared, so she didn't want to push him down that route even further. Instead, Kotone just gave him a quick nod, letting him know that it was okay. "Just do your style, and I'll do mine. The same weapon doesn't mean the same style." Kotone said as she got a grip on her rapier.

The boar was coming after her again, this time with a much more aggressive look on it's face. Kotone started to laugh at it charging towards her. "It's still trying after getting those wounds? It wants more of my thrusts! I shall give it more!" Kotone exclaimed, still laughing as she charged at the running boar.

The boar tried to headbutt Kotone, but she jumped up and avoided the attack. As she came down, Kotone held her rapier downward and thrusted into the boar's back, still laughing. "Alright! Ypur turn Joseph!" Kotone shouted, waving her rapier.

ID: 88334 BD: 9 MD: 1

Kotone: 17/20 HP 1 Energy 6 Hate

Joseph: 20/20 HP 1 Energy 3 Hate

Boar: 4/20 HP


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Joseph nodded back at Kotone with a weak smile, he did not mean to let her down, but he was visibly shaken by it. He was trying to shake it off and he was failing. Joseph held his rapier close and he was stiff, almost like a statue. He then saw Kotone's critical and he smiled, he loosened up a bit. He thought that he could do it. "Yeah, just one or two more hits will do it!" He screamed with excitement as it was very wounded now. 

Joseph walked toward it, seemingly with confidence, as he lunged forward to strike the extremely weakened beast. He was slower than before and he still hesitated, causing him to miss the strike. Not only that but the boar was so close to him now that he screamed out of fear. He jumped back and tensed up once more.

ID:88335-88336 (I rolled twice by accident)

BD:1 for both :(



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Kotone sighed once again upon seeing Joseph miss, but she tried to hide and just kept a small smile. "You're doing good, just keep doing your best!" Kotone called out, trying to be as encouraging as possible. The boar was still stumbling around from it's pain, but it clearly had the ability to run still.

Kotone darted toward the boar and lunged toward it, holding her rapier out so she could stab the boar again. A grin got on her face again as she successfully stabbed the boar in the side, landing yet another critical hit. She had done 3 damage, which meant that it would only take one more hit to knock out the boar.

As soon as Kotone hit the boar though, it turned around and slammed into Kotone's back, landing a critical hit on her as well. "Ow! Well, you finish it off Joseph!" Kotone shouted to him, giving a thumbs up.

ID: 88387 BD: 9 MD: 10

Kotone: 15/20 HP 1 Energy 8 Hate

Joseph: 20/20 HP 1 Energy 3 Hate

Boar: 1/20 HP


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Joseph looked at Kotone and offered a weak smile. He knew she was disappointed in him, especially after his display earlier on. He couldn't let himself be humiliated by a boar, and a virtual one at that! He went into a fighting stance, ready to strike at any moment. He spun his blade slowly and rhythmically, bobbing along with it. He slowly circled the boar and he was very cautious and focused, he seemed like a completely different person. 

Then, his moment came. Joseph linged forward much faster than he did before and the blade cut straight into the boar's hide. However, Joseph wasn't done yet, he pushed the blade further and the blade appeared on the other side of the boar, ending it's virtual life. It disappeared into red pixels and he sheathed his rapier with a graceful motion. He then smiled and returned to his normal self. "How was that, Kotone?" He said with a confident grin. 




Loot: 60 Col + Rare Consumable

Not sure if I should roll for loot so I did it anyway


LD:20 (That's pretty Good!)




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Kotone smirked as she watched Joseph hit and finally kill the boar. She slowly clapped upon Joseph killing it and the reward pop up appeared in front of her. "Yep, that was pretty good! You could use some more practice, but later on I'd be willing to bet that you would make out to be a great fighter." Kotone complimented, as she pressed the accept button for her 60 col. She walked up to him and sat down on the grass besides Joseph. 

"I need to take a quick break and get my energy back, you should take a break too." Kotone said as she unequipped her rapier and put it in her inventory. Hopefully they would have more success on one of the later boar, as this one was just too evasive. The sun was still high in the sky, so they had plenty of time for more training.


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