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[PP-F1] More Herbs I Need More! [Earning A Living]

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Finding herbs among the bushes in this part of the field is a pain the ass, but Ichi is still confident that at least one is somewhere here. And no matter how long it takes for him to find enough materials, he will keep on finding until he has enough to restock his alchemy shop. After all, what's the point of keeping a shop with nothing to brew potions or lagoons? 

Half of him wishes that he would seek help as usual, but the other says, "No. It's time for you to do this all of your own and stop being an anchor to others. You wuss." 

"I..I can do this myself..." Ichi says as he is brushing his hands against another bush, hoping to find any herb. Lavender, basil, whatever. But to no avail. Well, he may do things on his own very well. When it comes to killing people and fighting that is.

Wiping the sweat from his brow, he looks up the clouds as the breeze blows through his hair, cooling down whatever frustration that is building up in his mind. Keep calm, Ichi. The last thing he would do is to go on a violent outburst and start killing random players for goddamn materials.



ID: 88381

LD: 14 (Failed)

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Kotone had just finished her training for the day and was still wandering around the field when she saw another player in the distance, they were looking through bushes for some reason, probably just trying to get some materials. They were struggling a bit with the task, so Kotone decided to help out and started looking through some bushes as she walked closer to him. But there was nothing that even looked close to being a good material in the bushes. No herbs of any kind had struck Kotone's eye.

Kotone walked up to the player and gave a small wave. "Hey, do you need some help here? This doesn't exactly look fun for you, so maybe I can lend you a hand?" Kotone asked, now just a few feet away from the player, with a small smile on her face. There was no way that this player could possibly be enjoying looking for materials.

ID: 88383 LD: 3 (Fail)


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He hears your voice at his right and turns his head around to see you, smiling as he nods while saying, "Yes please. Thank you so much."

Finally, someone willing to ease his burden. And at the same time, he finally has his luck too. After searching deeper into the bush, he finally found a herb! Parsley eh...sounds good enough.

Keeping the herb into his inventory, he stands up as he looks at you and decides to introduce himself. At least he can show himself to you that he is friendly...even though, you know, player killers can do this method to lure you towards the bait. There was one incident he heard recently...about a green player bandit trying to ambush a beta tester with her comrades, which were orange, after pretending to be friendly. Too bad he had the ability to regenerate health every 10 seconds, and in the end, they were teleported to prison.

"I'm Ichi Kakihara, level 3 one handed swordsman. And you are?"


ID: 88388

LD: 17 (Found 1 Material!)

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Kotone smiled at the player's response as she continued to walk towards them. "You're welcome, I just like to help out." Kotone said as she started to go through more of the bushes around them. She just wasn't having any good luck at all though, since she found nothing but leaves and grass in the bushes. Kotone sighed to herself and moved on to the next bush, looking through, hoping to find some herbs.

Kotone looked over and saw that the player who had now introduced himself as Ichi had found some parsley. It was something, so Kotone was glad to see it. "Me? Oh, just call me Kotone. I prefer to use rapiers over swords. Nice to meet you." Kotone introduced herself, giving a welcoming smile. Kotone didn't feel the need to share her level or anything like that, so she just left it at her name and weapon.

ID: 88413 LD: 13 (No Mat Found)


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Rapiers eh? Not a bad weapon skill at all, but must have been a pain in the ass to try not to slash with such swords. Ichi searches one more bush for an alchemic ingredient, and this time he fails at it. Sighing, he stands up as he sits down on the grassy ground, looking at you while hoping that you get to find at least one more herb. 

He is ready to leave anyway. There is a place that has herbs too, but he should expect bugs or on rare occasions, boars, according to a random NPC. The NPC also spoke that there is a chest that may or may not be a mimic, the contents remain unknown to adventurers and civilians alike. That is something Ichi can look forward to. 

"Erm, tell me when you are done, okay? I searched the last unchecked bush," Ichi says as he lies down onto the grass and looks up the blue sky. The clouds are moving like a river today...that is pleasant to watch unless they end up looking like a goddamn tsunami, which would make anyone s**t their pants upon seeing that. 

He starts to fidget his legs as he itches for a fight, since he hasn't done so in days or weeks.


ID: 88422 

LD: 5 (Fail) 

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