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Alexandria's Character

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Profile: Username: Alexandria  Real Name: James Hawk   Age: 14    Height: 5'6    

About:   James was born in a small town In southern Indiana in the United States. James had many friends before entering SAO, but unfortunately, none of his friends were able to get the game so he is trapped alone. Although he Had many friends, he never considered himself popular. In fact, he was rather, unpopular. Growing up, James always looked up to heroes like Steve Rogers (Captain America) and Tony Stark (Iron Man). This did effect the reason why he had many friends, James was always getting beat up growing up. Although he had no muscles like other kids, his heart and spirit were twice as big as any other. He always stuck up for the little kid even though he also was a little kid (hes not really a kid, he just has almost no muscle). He hated bullies, and always stopped them in their tracks, but never having the guts to throw back a single hit. James was also a Life scout in Boy Scouts, almost getting to Eagle and completing it before he got trapped in SAO. As for how he was able to be one of the lucky (or unlucky) 10,000 people to get SAO, He was a born gamer. He cant fight for his life IRL, but in game, he owned it. Gaming made him feel, special. Like he could actually change something. so when he heard about SAO, he literally Called his relatives who live in japan to pre-order for him, which they then shipped to him. He got it after people got sucked in, because the news didnt reach the U.S in time, So he was one of the few, if not the only Kid in the U.S to get trapped. Hes got many people waiting for him back at home. If anything, getting traped in SAO  showed people how special he really was.

Virtues/Flaws: James's Courage is one of his many virtues, but it can also be a flaw, always getting into fights he know he cant win, just to save someone from harm. James was also very, very Smart. And he often played war games, so his sense of strategy is through the roof. James was also quick and agile. being a little kid, moving around quickly was never a problem for him. As for flaws, one would also be his strength. He is almost a walking twig. hes got some muscle but not a lot. His final flaw would be his persistence. He doesn't know when to give up, whether it be in a fight or something as simple as a little argument, James always has to have the last word.

Skills/Inventory:  5 skill points and the set C "tank package

Friends-list/Relationships:   None



Edited by James Hawk
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