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[OP-F1] Take s stroll in the Park

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As for time has passed players all over Aincrad have been fighting, and not many have been relaxing. One of the people that have been relaxing from time to time is Hazado, He found himself a nice calm area in The Town of Beginners. A park with Birds, water, and some trees people did come here but only to eat there lunch. But for Hazado this was a spot he could escape from battle and the players most of the time. The trees here gave enough cover from the sun and whenever you got to hot you can just jump into the water, It is always so nice and calm here. Not many players are seen to walk around here but there is always some player that come here for a rest. As the day is clear nothing is happening for some time, word has been sent out to most people on the upper floors but this place kept something nice, the calm and smooth wind makes it a perfect resting place.

Hazado always keeps one eye open here while the other is going to sleep. Has he picks a tree not far from the roar in the park he just sits down next to it and put his spear into the ground. While the birds are singing Hazado starts to fall in sleep slowly, his head hitting against the tree he is next to him. The wind moves through his hair and the flowers around him are full of bees.

It's always nice to relax somewhere even if the time is not right even if your stressed you can just relax for once and after that most thing will be great again. Nothing in this park says I want to murder you and so it is. a nice quiet place to come to a calm mind. Even if you are scared, even if you don't know what to do anymore there is always this park to come and rest at, and it will never change that, Maybe it's not only that new friends can be made here at all time and even better maybe love can be created here


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As Hazado Looks up he sees his person walking on the road not far away from him, at first he doesn't see to pay any attention to the player walking over there. As Hazado lays back onto his back now looking up at the tree he still sees the tip of his spear. making a fist of his hand he raises it into the air, "One day, just you wait, one day it will come" and puts his hand back down. Hazado looks at the top of the tree thinking to himself... and saying "This will be my own story, not that someone made me do, Well at least there is nobody to order me around anymore." as he picks up a leaf that was about to fall on his head and looks at it, almost looking to inspect it. so many days have gone past already and still, Hazado survived alone. "An Ally would be good but who cares at this point I came this far let's see how far I can get"  Hazado grabs a stick from the floor and throws it in the direction of the path not knowing where it will land he just throws it as hard as he can and as far as he can.

Edited by Hazado
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