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[PP-F03] Maze off confusion <<Search for the Hoya>>

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Reading about the quest on Floor three Sunova was very interested in the Item you could get, Something like a gift sounded amazing to Sunova. But however, it was still far away and floor three would be a bit harder than all the other floors Sunova has been to. walking on the floor three Sunova saw that is was a much different place then the floors below, Even If Sunova was not strong she still wanted to her part and become stronger. Sunova walked around a bit to see if she knew someone but off no luck, Sunova started to panic a bit because she was a train wreck if she was alone and got scared really fast because of this. walking back and forwards a bit Sunova did not know where or what to do. Looking a bit like a headless chicken the small white haired girl started to panic a bit even more. what if those guys from floor one show up here, and start to push me around again. Sunova was getting a bit scared for every player that she saw but calmed down once she saw two players walking hand in hand like to love birds. Sunova was lost of her surroundings by now and stood there in the middle of the plaza with her arms crossed trying to ask people something but of no luck as most people just walked passed her or even though she was an NPC.


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It had been a minute or two since Ruby has last stepped on Floor 3, she had stepped forward and took a deep breath of air, she had exhaled and had a smile plastered on her face. Place a hand on her hip she had looked over to Purobolos her familiar, seeing him with crossed arms and still being as grumpy as usual. Ruby had giggled and said out to him "Oh come on, you really need to open your heart and like more things. I swear the only things you like are food and exploding." Purobolos had nodded its head in response but then rolled his eyes. Ruby had let out a sigh and said out to him "Sometimes I just wish you liked more things." but eventually she had shook it off and continued to move forward. She had looked around trying to see the old floor she had not seen in a while reminding herself of all of her previous memories.


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Sunova really did not know what to do but trying to ask people for a bit a help, She did not have any trouble with that, however, most people ignored her. walking around for a bit Sunova seemed to lose a bit of hope and walks head down, All alone, again just like first time. walking around without a plan she began to think about how she did it the first time, most of the other times Sunova just ran up to someone out of nowhere and greeted them. Maybe it was a good plan to do that as well now. Looking around for a person that looked alright to her she sees a female player with blond hair and a familiar walking around. The small white-haired girl walked up to her tugging on the player's arm. "Hiye, Sorry if I bother you, I wanted to ask if you had time to help me out with something," Sunova said with a smile, "If you can help me of course I ... um... well need help with a small quest so I wanted to ask someone," She said with a scratching her head "And you look like a nice person so I wanted to ask you If you wanted to help me," Sunova said with a big smile on her face.


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After speaking to her familiar, Ruby could feel someone tugging onto her arm, which had immediately got her attention and look to see who had been tugging on her arm. What she had saw was a pretty cute white haired woman that had a smile on her face as she had spoke out to her. Usually, Ruby would be against people asking random people for help as of previous mistakes, however she couldn't help but feel have some sort of soft spot for the woman, however it was still a talk she would have with her later. Ruby had sighed and with a smile "Well... okay, only because you look cute." she had turned to face the woman and extended a hand forward greeting her and just being friendly "My name is Ruby, its a pleasure to meet you today. And this is Purobolos, however... don't touch him. He'll explode on you, quite literally." she had giggled.


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Sunova blushed a bit as the lady called Sunova Cute, Sunova heard that from many players but mostly guys whom she ignored most of the time. "Yeah, Thanks," not really knowing how to react to the lady because it almost never happened that she was called cute by a girl. Sunova then reached out for the lady's hand to go a proper introduction, The lady started calling herself Ruby and her familiar Purobolos notifying not to touch him or he would explode. Shaking Ruby's head Sunova smiled, "Sunova, the pleasure should be all mine," she said and she then looked off to her Familiar, "And also nice to meet you Purobolos," as she gave a small wave at it. Sunova tapped her two fingers together "Well about what I asked just a second ago, I wanted you to help me, so why not say where I want you to help me, Its about a strong Monster in some kind of maze," She said still a bit smiling at Ruby, "So yeah,  Um If you want to help me with defeating it that would be great." she full of energy.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Ruby had smiled a bit seeing the woman blush as they shook hands "Sunova, what a cute name." she had let out a giggle. Purobolos had looked over as she had waved towards him, however he had simply rolled his eyes and let out a grunt, Ruby had patted his head and said "You know you could be a little more nicer Purobolos, you don't have to immediately hate everyone you lay eyes on." Purobolos had looked up however with a bit of a angered look, Ruby replying back "Don't give me that look Purb, you know being nice helps." Purobolos once again just rolling his eyes and looking the other direction. Ruby had looked over and she had smiled, she knew the quest she had been talking of, however... it was more than just one monster Ruby had said out to her "I am more than happy with helping you, however... its two monsters not just one."


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Sunova was a bit blushing as Ruby kept calling her cute, even if Sunova knew she was small for her age and knew that most boys called her cute but never did a girl call her cute. Purobolos was just acting grumpy and Ruby said to her familiar to be nice to Sunova, as fast as she said this Sunova let out a small giggle and covered her mouth a bit. "ooh yeah, it says um, twin Minotaur's awaiting on opposite entrances of the tomb, but I think we only use one entrance because I don't see the point in taking two, if we do that we just walk in and out if you know what I mean," she said with a small giggle, they didn't need to use two entrances if they only needed to enter one side and not two. Sunova not sure what to expect from a mino but she knew what they looked like at least. "I know it is much to ask but I don't want to do this alone, and my friend is a bit busy doing other things by now, so yet again if it's not a bother you want to help me," she said as she moved her fingers in her white hear a bit, and was still a bit blushing from the comments of Ruby.


Edited by Sunova
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Ruby had patted her head a couple of times saying out to her "I do know what you mean, I have done this before. I don't mind doing it with you to help out. Follow me." she had said with a warm smile. Looking forward int he direction they had needed to go Ruby had moved forward where the direction had been toward. Looking back at Sunova she had asked out to her to break the silence as they had walked toward the location "So, Sunova. Tell me a bit more about yourself? You can skip how cute you are, I am already quite aware of it. But how did you find yourself here? It seems a bit different that someone like you would end up in a world like this, I mean..." she had let out a giggle "You surely don't have the looks to be a gamer if you don't mind me saying it. However I suppose any beautiful woman could find themselves to be a gamer, I mean... just look at me!" she had continued to giggle after her self compliment.  


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As Ruby patted Sunova on the head she did a all shock reaction to it but went on to blushing quite quick. While Ruby patted her it reminded her of her father who always ended up doing it just because she was quite small. Ruby then said she would help her and asked her to follow, with a quick nod to Ruby "yeah, thanks Ruby," she said as she skipped behind Ruby follow her it was not sort after that Ruby asked her why she was here or maybe even how she got here. It was a very simple thing to explain as Ruby said to skip the cute part. "well, I don't look like a gamer but I have played a lot of MMO's with online friends, but gaming was only a small thing for me, maybe did it three times in a week." she said counting on her fingers. It was true Sunova did not game much but ever sees she met her friend online she has been talking to him, only because she felt a bit sorry for him and like to tease him. "I have been busy with mostly competitions for dancing and sword fighting, won quite a lot with dancing been to the Japanese championship twice, got once tenths place and an other time got fourth place."  she said making a quick few dance moves smoothly around Ruby it looked almost as if she was floating. As she followed Ruby again she went on with her story, "well my friend I met online is a very much loner but I like him, he is like a bodyguard sometimes. But because I met him I decided to ask my parents for the game so I could play the game with my friend but it seems we got both stuck and however I did meet him again." she said as she knew that she was out of contact with her friend for quite a long time, but she did not blame him from bringing her here, she was even quite happy he was with her at least. Sunova skipped alongside Ruby and she was thinking about her school friends she had, she was quite popular with almost everyone but who knew maybe if she woke up all her friends would be there to see her.


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Ruby had shook her head saying out to her "Ah, no need to thank me. I simply just couldn't say no to a pretty face." she had giggled, however that would be the last time she would throw a little compliment toward her, too many times she would accidentally make her uncomfortable with Ruby. Ruby as she had walked toward the location she had listened to her speaking, looking over to the woman she had smiled a little seeing her dance a little bit as she had kept explaining. Ruby had let out a hum as she had thought for a moment to figure out what she should say next. With a smile she had said to her "Oh, so you have yourself a boyfriend huh? Well it sounds like you have accomplished a lot before you went into this game. I am sorry you had found yourself here, I am sure everyone is a bit worried about you whether or not you will be able to wake up from this nightmare."


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Sunova did not really blush anymore to the comments of Ruby and she even liked it being called cute and pretty as well. Sunova gave a small smile to Ruby, but that turned into a quick shack of her head as she said that she had a boyfriend, "No No No... not a boyfriend, more like um... well Ignore it, he is not my boyfriend I'm trying to get him a girlfriend the big loner he is, But I'm NOT his girlfriend never going to be as well," she said as she pouted a bit looking up at Ruby. Sunova nodded at the second part Ruby said, and as she said this Sunova did a quick spin on her feet and made it look like she was dancing, "Skilled and never going to lose it, So Yeah, and on the second thing I know people care about me In real life, but It seems people here do too," she said looking as happy as always, as she tried not to show to Ruby that she that missed her family but still he made some great friends here and they cared as much for her as her real family did. "I made some friend who I see as best friends, One of them is a Mute she can talk but refuses to, and the other is a big softy and a good tank," she said trying to think about the things she had done with them both.


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Ruby had giggled when Sunova had acted out as she did, it was obviously clear that she had liked him, at least to Ruby she easily just got to that conclusion. Ruby had smiled and said to her "You can tell me you like him, even if you aren't with him there is nothing wrong with having a crush you know. I can help you with it if you'd like, I may be interested with girls but I still know how relationships work." however after a moment she had turned around to move onto the other topic about how skilled she was. Ruby had a shocked face from the sudden change in topic, however she quickly turned to smile placing a hand onto her hip. Ruby had let out a giggle and said out to her "Well, its just like riding a bike, once you learn it you don't just forget it. At least thats how I see it, once you've mastered it, you'll never forget to. You might get rusty, however eventually through repetition you return to your mastered state."


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Totaly ignoring what Ruby said about having a crush on her friend just because it was not true, she did not like him like that more like a friend as in a childhood friend or a family member. Even if he did like him, he would probably do not as he already told her once that she was not his type and but saw her more as a little sister then as a friend. after that It was true what Ruby said about the bike thing, and Sunova would never stop dancing even if she was stuck here. "Dancing is more fun than riding a bike, And even If I'm stuck I won't stop dancing as that is the only thing that is keeping me up, Did it quite a lot on floor one, haha a group of guys even stalked me because of that," she said with a smile. Sunova looked at Ruby with a quick look "But Ruby, you know something about me now, NOW I WANT TO KNOW ABOUT YOU!" she said with a lot of energy in her voice, this was normal for her as she always was very energetic and that would never be different it was also a bit sad because of her energy she will lose her emotions quite quick.


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Ruby had shook her head hearing what she had to say, Ruby then said "No, you are missing my point Sunova. My point that I made with that statement is when you learn it its hard to really lose your ability to do what you had just done. You can get rusty of course, however you just never lose that ability after learning it." after a moment though, she had quickly looked over to Ruby and demanding to know more about herself. Ruby had simply just smirked and said with a bit of a shrug "Eh, there's not much to learn about me. In the real world I was a fashion designer for a company in Japan. Of course I designed women's clothing and I loved the job especially having other women try on the clothing that I create. Otherwise, I am just a typical sassy lesbian. Nothing more than that."


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  • 2 weeks later...

Su was a bit surprised to hear that Ruby made Clothing and it was something Sunova always liked watching fashion shows on TV and if she ever had the change to go to one herself she would. It was not every day that you meet someone who makes Clothing in the real world. Ruby already had something to do in real life but Su did not really have anything. "At least you can go back to making Clothing once we get out this, I still don't know what I want to continue on. I been in sword Fighting Championships and done a good job there, but I also took part in Dance competitions and won a few things there. But I just like both and it is really hard to work on both at the same time, at least in both I can use my movement ." Sunova said not knowing what to do as she would come back to the real world. "That's just not something Ruby, Fashion is so cool and I always like looking at those kinds of shows on TV. What kind of company did you work for then If I may ask," she said, looking with a small light of sparkle in her eyes.


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  • 1 month later...

Ruby had smiled listening to Sunova speak, a part of her found her cute the way she had acted and spoke. Ruby had said out to her placing a hand on her shoulder "Well, I am sure you will find something eventually. Not everyone will know what they want to do, I only pursued the clothing company because me and my mother bonded over making clothing when I was a little girl to roughly about your age. However... I seriously doubt that I would still have my job when I get back, more than likely I am going to have to go back to searching for something..." Ruby had let out a sigh "As well deal with whatever problems my body has when I actually do wake up from this nightmare..." However Ruby just shook her head and went back to the original topic "Well, I kind of forgot the name now, but it was a Female clothing company in Japan that ships out to many countries including America, so... it was a pretty sweet job I had going on."


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  • 4 weeks later...

Su was quite amazed that Ruby sounded so good and she wanted to know a bit more but she also knew She was here to get the floor boss on her way, she wanted it to end the floor boss here and also wanted to meet more people like this so no matter what Su was quite happy Ruby was here, "THat sounds cool Ruby, I wish I could grow a bit more so I look like my age but it seemed like my height would not help me there, But can I ask something else. How far until we get to the maze and we can fight this minotourus I heard off," Su asked Ruby wanting to know how long it would take as she then already opened her inventory and took out her katana, it was a white katana, not on her back of something but she was holding it sheeted in two hands kind off hugging it as well. The sheet of the katana itself had Markings of a Fox on it and it seemed to also have a head of one as the hilt.


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