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[SP - F02] A Rage Like No Other <<Breaking the Unbreakable>>

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Awateru had heard of a man on the second floor that would teach her how to fight with her hands, and she was quite interested. Though she had a dagger to begin with, she just felt more comfortable if she could use her own hands rather than an extension of herself. It felt wrong to be holding a tool to do a job. She was hesitant to go to the second floor before having found her sisters, but decided it would be best if she kept her visit short and had more power to show when she finally found them. They hadn't even all decided on a way to meet up, so for all she knew they were off the first floor by now. Hopefully she would find them soon. If she didn't, she hoped to see them on the front lines, where they would all be making progress together.

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Walking out of the town on the second floor and into the mountains, Awateru came across an older man meditating on the side of the cliff. It was in a bit of a precarious spot and she couldn't help but wonder if he had ever come close to falling over. As she approached, the man spoke.

"I see you have come to learn what I have to teach. You also seem to be one with little patience. This may take some time, so let's get you started while we make the introductions shall we?"

"Sure, I just want to see what you have to teach."

The old man guided Awateru to a rock. "Do not discredit what your elders have learned, for that is when you get stuck lots on your own path. There is virtue in blazing your own trail, yes. But it must first be known where others have gone."

Frustrated, Awateru threw a punch at the rock. It didn't budge, but she felt it give just a little.


Roll ID: #103717

BD: 8 + 2 = 10 - Hit

Boulder: 48/50


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"It appears you are already building up some frustration. There is no harm in letting that frustration out, but you must control it rather than let it control you."

"I don't need any advice from you old man, just show me what you've got."

"The lessons I teach are not a show and tell. You must learn by listening, both to me and your heart."

"What has my heart got to do with pummeling a rock?"

"Use your heart to guide you. Even if others help, it is there that things will first go wrong. If that is wrong, you will never know where the issue truly lies."

Awateru let out a frustrated scream and slammed her fist against the rock once more. It continued to sit there, and no cracks were forming on the exterior. On the inside, it was letting out just as many screams as she was.


Roll ID: #103718

BD: 6 + 4 = 10 - hit (forgot the -2 eva of the rock last time, still a hit last time though)

Boulder: 46/50


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"Good, bring your emotions to the surface. There is where you can acknowledge them in full."

"I don't need any of your stupid nonsense, just show me what you have to show!"

"I know what you seek, and it can be learned here. However, what you seek is not something I have. Each person must find their own path to this truth, or else it becomes a lie."

Frustrated by the man's antics, Awateru punched the rock once again. "Stop speaking in riddles and give it to me plainly. How can you know something I want yet not have it, that's not even possible. And a truth is a truth, there's no way a truth could be a lie."

The man gave out a sigh. "It appears we still have quite the long ways to go, or else you will never understand what I am trying to say."

"You can say that again."


Roll ID: #103719

BD: 4 + 4 = 8 - Hit

Boulder: 44/50


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Awateru was getting more and more frustrated as the time went by, she just wanted the man to show her how to use her hands as weapons, like she had heard others say he could. Yet so far all she was doing was punching a rock in frustration while trying to convince this man to do what she wanted him to do. She didn't even care at this point whether or not she sounded like an entitled child, she just wanted to know whether or not she could actually learn what she wanted from him. Now he was just speaking in circular riddles that made no sense to her. It was honestly unfair. With his latest statement, she let loose another punch out of pure frustration. Small cracks began to form and she realized that the boulder was actually a breakable object, the immortal object sign had never appeared. Maybe this was the reason the man was getting her to become frustrated.


Roll ID: #103720

BD: 4 + 4 = 8 - Hit

Boulder: 42/50


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"Now that the emotion is fully recognized and on the forefront of your mind we can begin in earnest."

"So what, was all this just so you could get me riled up? That just sounds like a way to get yourself into a fight."

"On the contrary, you need to be this angry to understand what being out of balance feels like. If you truly wished to fight me right now you would most certainly lose and be stumbling off of the cliff that is now behind me."

"And what makes you so sure of that?"

"You're favoring your left leg more and aren't paying attention to how you're throwing your punches, all I need to do is pull a little onto your arm as you go for a punch and you'll easily stumble forward off of the nearby edge."

"Well, screw your predictive abilities." Awateru threw another punch at the boulder. She knew the old man was right, but didn't want to acknowledge it.


Roll ID; #103721

BD: 2 + 4 = 6 - Hit

Boulder: 40/50


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"Thoughts of the two of us facing off aside, focus on that anger you have. Find just where it is coming from. Now that you have it on the surface, you can trace it back to its origin. Find where that is."

"And if I can't find it?"

"You'll find it."

Awateru tried to think back to why she had so much rage, and she went all the way back into her past. Though she hadn't lived as long as some of the others trapped in this game, she still had reasons to hate. She was always stuck in her sisters shadow, always stopped from achieving what she could. All the effort went to making Kireina the strongest. All the protection wen to making Ilulu the most innocent. All Awateru was stuck with was the last shreds of effort or protection that her parents were willing to give. She threw another punch at the rock, a bit more focused this time.


Roll ID: #103722

BD: 6 + 4 = 10 - Hit

Boulder: 38/50


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"You have found where that anger comes from, and can see it's source. You now have the way to let it out in full. Do not hold back, open the floodgates."

Awateru let out a scream, punching the boulder with everything she had, she could see some more cracks beginning to form along it. The anger she had wasn't subsiding, it just kept flowing out of her without an end. It felt like it would consume her in its entirety.

"You hold on to more anger than most. When many people come to me, they are hanging on to life's sorrows. You seem to feel no regret, only the lust for vengeance. You have yet to live to see the consequences of these actions. You know only of what the results are, and they seem sweet to you."

"And what does it matter to you old man!"

"It matters to me because seeing someone lose themselves in hatred is not the way for someone to go. It is a terrible fate for any involved."


Roll ID: #103723

BD: 7 + 4 = 11 - Hit

Boulder: 36/50


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  • 2 weeks later...

Awateru gave another frustrated swing at the boulder. "You're just a mindless being programmed to act this way, why would care what happens to me?!"

"Whether I am real or not does not change that fact. I care because I am programmed to, that doesn't make the feeling fake. Though perhaps I am more compelled to help than others it doesn't mean that the help I give has no impact on the people involved."

"Why bother to help though, you have no reason to do so. All you'll get out of helping people is them leaving sooner."

"Though people will leave me, they will not forget. There will always be that lingering memory of me whenever they use my teachings."

Awateru grew increasingly frustrated with the man. He seemed to have her running around in circles with his logic, and she just wanted to know what he had to offer. She didn't have time to just be punching rocks.


Roll ID: #104100

BD: 4 + 4 = 8 - hit

Boulder: 34/50


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As her frustration continued to grow, Awateru threw yet another punch at the boulder. It gave a little rumble before more cracks began to form on the surface.

"It seems as though you are barely paying any attention to me. Are you sure that you even wish to go through with this lesson."

"I came here to learn whatever secret technique you hold. I don't want to wait around doing nothing."

"It seems you are as stubborn as I thought. I cannot teach you like the others. You must be taught a different way."

"And in what way would that be?"

"Keep punching that rock, you will see eventually."

"Stop speaking in circles, I can't take it anymore."

"If you want it straight, you are unfit to have this knowledge. I am prompted by my compulsions though that I still must teach it to you. If you wish to earn them, you must prove your worthy of them."


Roll ID: #104103

BD: 9 + 4 = 13 - Minor Crit

Boulder: 31/50


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"So I'm not even worth your time then. Guess that means you're just like everyone else. I bet when my sister eventually comes to find you, they'll be your best student ever. They'll be the person everyone should look up to, the one who did it without breaking a sweat. They'll be the one who gets the glory even though I found you before her." She let loose a punch at the rock in frustration, letting the cracks form deeper. She didn't notice though, as she was blinded by her rage.

"If you truly wish to learn this knowledge, than you must let go of your anger. There is no way you can truly find your balance if this is all you feel."

"Well I'm sorry to tell you old man, but right now anger is all I need to feel. It is all I need to send someone flying away from me. I can get people away before they have a chance to take advantage of me."


Roll ID: #104408

BD: 5 + 4 = 9 - hit

Boulder: 29/50


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"Anger is not the answer to your life's troubles. If you want the answer, you need to balance your emotions."

"I can choose what solution I want to each problem. I have no need to find this balance. What I want is for you to teach me what you know."

"I say that balance is what I have to teach you, yet you do not listen. Are you sure you even wish to learn."

Awateru throws another punch at the boulder. "What I want is for you to teach me how to take things down with my fists. That is what I was told you have to teach, not some fancy lie about finding balance."

"That is what I teach, but to do that you need to find balance within yourself. Only then can you take down opponents. You need to take them off center and destroy them from within, not fight them from without."

"Stop speaking in riddles!"


Roll ID: #104412

BD: 2 + 4 = 6 - hit

BOulder: 27/50


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"What I speak in is not riddles, but things you must learn. If you do not wish to listen, then there is nothing I can teach you."

"Then stop speaking and start showing."

"I have nothing to show that hasn't been already. You are the demonstration here. Though currently a demonstration of what not to do, it is one that shows how to progress."

Awateru threw a punch at the boulder, hearing it crack once more. She was sick and tired of this old man and wanted to learn how to use martial arts. She had figured it out from the information brokers that he had it and didn't want to be wasting her time here if they were wrong. "If I'm doing something wrong then show me how to change it."

"There is nothing to show. You show all that needs to be shown. Look inside of yourself and then the answer you will find."


Roll ID; #104452

BD: 4 + 4 = 8 - Hit

Boulder: 25/50


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Awateru just kept hearing the old man speaking in strange phrases. She was done with trying to deal with him. The only thing that was keeping her going was this boulder here that she was able to punch for some reason. In her anger, she couldn't tell that it wasn't just an issue with the programming and actually something to do with the quest. She was so busy yelling at the old man that as she threw another punch at it, she couldn't see that the cracks forming were from a result of her own punches. As the yelling match continued, she began to realize that the boulder was meant to be punched. Though she didn't understand why, she slowly began to piece together what the old man had to say. She began to realize that the man, though speaking in riddles, was actually trying to tell her something. She dispelled the thought out of her mind, continuing to punch at the boulder with all the fierceness she could muster.


Roll ID: #104517

BD: 2 + 4 = 6 - hit

Boulder: 23/50


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As Awateru continued to punch at the boulder, the old man continued to talk.

"I see that you are starting to realize what it is that I am trying to teach you. Though the lesson will be ending soon, I still hope that I can instill some value in you."

"Hah, I doubt that you really need to instill anything in me. If you want my ambition, I wear it on my sleeve. If you want my anger, I'm giving it to you full force. If you want my sadness, you needn't look any further. I show what I mean, and I don't play any games."

"You say that, yet here you are, dealing with the emotions bubbling within. You wouldn't have come here if there wasn't some positive force driving you here. No one comes to me by accident. Only those that come here with purpose are the ones that will find me."


Roll ID: #104522

BD: 5 + 4 = 9 - hit

Boulder: 21/50


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"I don't care what you say, the only emotion that matters is the one that I show you."

"But it is not. The emotion that matters isn't what you show, but what you feel. That is why it is an emotion. There is no sense in hiding them, but you do. You say you show what you feel, but that feeling is only superficial. If you wish to show your emotions, you must first know that you aren't able to just express without first understanding. Whether it is either understanding others or understanding yourself, you need to understand to to know how to show."

Awateru punched the rock again, letting her frustration out on it. Though she was still tired of this old man, she could tell he had a point. She didn't want to listen, but knew in the end that what he was saying was true. She wasn't feeling the emotions that she was showing.


Roll ID: #104523

BD: 7 + 4 = 11 - hit

Boulder: 19/50


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"I see in your mind that you are trying to ignore me when you know I'm right.  Your mind is becoming clouded with these emotions and you don't know how to fight them."

"Whatever you think you see, you're wrong. My mind is my own, and no one else's."

"Though you try to hide your true feelings, you cannot from someone who sees in emotion. You cannot mask everything, even if you put on a show of anger. There is nothing you can do to hide it."

"Oh yeah, just watch me. I'm going to get rid of these pesky emotions and then you'll be sorry."

"And now we see the mask reapplied, unyielding to any prying."

With her renewed anger, Awateru punched at the rock and let her fist hurt. "There is no mask. What I show is what I am. I don't care whether or not you think you see something underneath me, I will be who I wish to be"


Roll ID: #104580

BD: 4 + 4 = 8 - hit

Boulder: 17/50


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"If there wasn't a mask, then there would be no turmoil. You do not show what you don't wish others to see, and try to suppress that which you don't want them to see. The feeling is still there, and you must face it. You do not need to show others the struggle, but you must recognize it yourself."

The old man's words cut deep. Awateru knew he was right, but couldn't fathom doing something else. She threw another punch at the rock, not wanting to drop her frustration. She knew that she was trying to hide the pain, hide the suffering. But everything she did only served to make it greater. She wished to have the feeling go away, that feeling of worthlessness. All she knew was being shunned by others for not matching her sister's greatness. All she could picture was her sister in the spotlight while she just stood in the wings. She wanted to have her chance to shine, but all she could picture was her sister being above her.


Roll ID: #104601

BD:  7 +4 = 11 - hit

Boulder: 15/50


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With all these thoughts in her mind, Awateru threw her fist into the rock and felt it shudder. She still didn't want to acknowledge how right the man was. Though she took the idea to heart, she didn't wish to fully embrace it. Instead she wanted to finally take on the old man himself.

"So if I'm just wearing a mask, than why don't you try and rip it off of me."

"The mask of emotions is not like a physical mask. Though it can be ripped off by someone else, the amount of restraint required by them may be greater than the will of the masked. There is benefit in tearing it off of another, but they will break or reach for the mask again to cover up the shred of their identity."

"Than rip my mask off, I don't care."

"And that is precisely why I will not rip it off. If you don't care for the mask, than why do you still wear it wherever you go."


Roll ID: #104644

BD: 10

Boulder: 11/50


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"So then I guess the mask stays on."

"If you listen, I can give you the hands to take it off yourself."

"I don't feel that that is necessary right now. Why not just leave the mask on."

"Leave it on and you will be stuck wallowing in your own feelings. THere will be no one you can go to. All they will know is the mask, not the person you truly are."

Awateru punched the rock with her still building frustration.

"Fine, then I'll solve my problems myself. I don't need advice from someone who won't give any that is useful."

"Your problems will not go away on their own, even if you address them the mask must first go before the emotions behind it can. Though you feel that you are releasing them, you are only showing what is behind the mask and letting it drain a little before putting it back on."

"So be it."


Roll ID: #104674

BD: 10

Boulder: 7/50


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