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[SP - F02] A Rage Like No Other <<Breaking the Unbreakable>>

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The old man backed off a little bit to let Awateru vent out the rage she had held within her for this long. Pain rushed through her mind as she pummeled the rock, cracks were starting to go down the length of it now as it threatened to fall apart. Her anger continued to go unchecked, and there was almost a sense of guilt for beating this rock up for so long now. As that feeling sunk in, the old man approached once more.

"This is what it feels like after you have finished your revenge. You will feel immeasurable guilt for the pain you brought about. No matter what your goals are, you cannot run abandon a set of morals."

The realization was painfully obvious to Awateru now. She had been frantically searching for her sisters this whole time. All she needed to do now was wait and her sisters would likely come to her.


Roll ID; #105778

BD: 7 + 4 = 11 - hit

Boulder: 5/50


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"I know that you do see reason. You see that you are causing this pain to yourself in your quest of ambition. You..."

Awateru interrupted him with another punch at the boulder. "I'm not going to deal with it any longer than I have to."

"And this is where you must decide. You have almost discovered just what lies within you, and you must choose how to use it. Do you wish to use it for yourself, or for others."

"I don't see why that has to be a binary choice. Why can't I use it for both."

"It is only binary in the moment. You may think you can always apply it to both, but the root of your intent is always for yourself or for others. Figure that out and you will be well on your way to mastering the art I have taught you."

"But you've taught me nothing."


Roll ID: #105791

BD: 5 + 4 = 9 - hit

Boulder: 3/50


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