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[SP-F5] Feeding the Enemy

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Once they materialized again, Angel took a deep breath and smiled. No sand, no unbearable heat, and no monsters; except for the one he was riding of course. He and Lucifer trotted down the street while players and NPC's alike started to stare. They must have either been terrified or impressed but Angel didn't concern himself with their opinions. He was just happy that he had someone to talk to now.

When they came to Angel's shop, Celestial Arsenal, he dismounted and lead Lucifer into the store. He carefully guided the walking fire hazard into the back where the furnace and anvil were resting. Angel had found some hay that he occasionally used for fueling the furnace, or sleeping in if it was a long night, and spread it out over a flat area in the corner. A barrel was also there and Angel decided to fill it with water. Finally, for food, Angel would come back everyday and feed him a chunk of whatever meat he had on hand. "We can go for a ride everyday if you want, or you can just run by yourself. All you need to do is ask." Angel assured his friend as Lucifer tested his new sleeping arrangements. After having the saddle and reins removed, Lucifer slumped down onto the pile of hay and closed his eyes. For a moment, Angel was worried that his flames would catch the dry hay on fire. But apparently they didn't work when he was sleeping because they had died down to a small red/orange color that they were when he was docile. Angel quietly left the back of the shop, closing the door behind him. "Good night, Lucifer."

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