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[F01 - PP] One to brew... <<EaL: Alchemist>>

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Osgii had found Beelii once more as the two reconvened from finding their respective shopkeeps. While the two were waiting on them to finish their craftinng, they figured it would be time to find themselves a profession for each. They had initially entertained the idea that they could have the same profession, and therefore twice the production. But with their potential deal with dagger, it would be much more conducive to have more variety in what they made. Having already found the woman who gave the alchemy profession, Osgii told her sister that she would be going first. There was no sense in splitting up for the moment. The other would be able to gather materials for the both of them. They would also be able to communicate silently with each other as the two of them worked. Osgii had already talked with the woman in charge of giving professions and had the quest started when she met Beelii at the teleport gate. The two wasted no time in making their way to the fields to gather materials.

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Beelii had returned from getting the hairpins made by the girl in the Frozen Gemstone shop. Handing the flower one to her sister, she began to walk with her towards the main gate of the Town of Beginnings. They didn't really need to communicate much between the two of them. There was no sharing of stories, as they all experienced everything together. There was also no need to say what had happened so far for the two of them. She had gotten the pins already, and Osgii was still waiting on her order as she had not handed the other dagger over. It was something the benefit of the trust and communication they had built up between them since they were little kids gave to them. Something she had noticed so few others had. Even the men who said they felt a genuine connection couldn't have nearly earned the level of trust that she had developed with her sister. It didn't matter what it was, but there was always something that meant they couldn't possibly live up to that expectation.

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The two moved outside of the gate, and Osgii quickly found herself the first material that she would need to complete the quest. There was only 4 more that would be needed, and hopefully they could move along quickly. She had no clue how fast the blacksmith would be able to work on their daggers. It was a smaller weapon, so likely not as long as something like a broadsword, but still a form of metalworking. She had never enjoyed the idea of a forge, though things like that were necessary in this world. So long as they needed weapons to be made, there would be someone to make them. Silently thanking she wasn't the daughter of a smith, Osgii continued to look around for more materials to gather. Hopefully Beelii would also find something of note while searching for materials for the both of them, perhaps gear for them to have taken to Dagger.


Roll ID: #109153

LD: 20 - mat found (1/5)


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It didn't take long for Beelii to find herself a material. Hopefully the two of them would be able to find quite a few on their way to becoming actual crafters. As her sister was continuing to look for more materials for he quest, Beelii thought about what other profession they could consider taking. Though perhaps becoming a performer would be good with how little supply she had found, there was also extremely little demand for it. About the only profession seeming to be lacking was a tailor. There was the one shop she had found in her search that seemed to actually be open, and even then it had an abandoned feeling to it. Perhaps that would be where they could fill in demand for others. If they were cautious with it, they could possibly corner one of the markets.


Roll ID: #109170

LD: 19 - mat found


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As the two kept searching around for materials, Osgii found herself stumbling across several possibilities. There didn't seem to be many that would be accepted by the quest, but perhaps they would make for a good quality of item if her sister picked them up instead. It was impossible to tell from a single glance. Perhaps ranking up some form of gathering skill would allow them to more easily spot these forms of materials. Knowing dagger and his plan, he had already begun to do so. There was little else that he seemed to be working towards. He was mostly focused on creating an empire with his merchant shop, and She intended to join at the top of that empire. Then they may be able to find a way out of their situation. The largest issue is the unscrupulous nature of the people they would be dealing with. It meant transferring debts would be difficult to say the least.


Roll ID: #109171

LD: 20 - mat found (2/5)


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Beelii moved along with her sister, not finding any other materials worth keeping. Not knowing what profession to go for was making the selection of materials rather tedious. It seemed that the materials would change into a universal material if picked, but perhaps they weren't as universal as they appeared. It was entirely possible that they could end up with a pile of materials they would be unable to use. Should that become the case, hopefully Dagger would find a use for them. This part of the journey was barely begun and already growing tedious, hopeful the two of them would be able to quickly move along to other things. If materials began to dry up, it might be more difficult to actually find the rewards that they needed. Perhaps they could try taking out a few of the enemies around here for more materials.


Roll ID: #10917

LD: 7 - no mat found


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Osgii continued to not find anything for her to grab for the quest at hand. Perhaps it was being more picky, or perhaps they were just getting unlucky. "You should go take out a few of the mobs around here, we should be able to get more experience that way. I'll come in if you need assistance, but you should be fine on your own." Not waiting for a response, as one wasn't necessary, she then continued to search for more materials. Hopefully they would begin to surface themselves shortly. Once she had all the materials, there would undoubtedly be some time required to actually finish out the quest and receive her profession. Hopefully her sister would be careful, but also be able to walk away with a few more materials or possibly even gear to bring to Dagger to identify. She was still unsure what all dropped off of the mobs on this floor.


Roll ID: #109178

LD: 5 - no mats (2/5)


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Beelii looked out into the fields andd saw a few of the boars. It mightbe interesting to take one of them down, but they were still waiting on receiving their daggers from the balcksmith. "Perhaps another time. I'm unsure if we can actually take them on, even if we worked together on it." It was a fair assessment. Neither of them had any particularly high amount of damage output for the time being and their best defense was currently just her armor. Sure she would outdamage a boar, but it would take much longer than would be worth the reward. Once the other had the chance to use the equipment they had ordered, they would be able to find much more value in taking down monsters. Taking the time to look for more materials, Beelii hoped that her sister was finding much more luck than she was at the moment.


ROll ID: #109202

LD: 2 - no mats found


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  • 3 weeks later...

Kian nodded towards her sister. It was reasonable to think that they weren't quite able to take on a monster at this level. At least not one that would actually give them some rewards. They should remain safe for the time being. Stay safe and slowly accumulate power. Once you have something to risk, then you can take the gamble. Right now they were working from nothing, trying to create something of value. At least in this world they could sell themselves once they had invested some time into their own strength. If that weren't the case, they would probably never be able to find themselves rising becak towards the top. A silent look wasexchanged between the two, and they both knew that they would need to start their climb up if they wante dto have something of worth when the were released. Either that or some way to never see their father again.


Roll ID: #110053

LD: 3 - no mats (2/5)


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It seemed that Osgii was trying to scheme her way towards the top once more. It was soemthing that she was always prone to, especially when at something tedious like a formal event. Beelii occupied herself for now though by grabbing another piece of crystal from the ground. Who knew what it wold actually hold, or if it was anything useful. But she could, at the very least, try to create something that she could use for her and her sister. She much preferred if she could get out there and start doing something. No plan unless given, but doing something. That progress wasn't always useful, but it at least felt like they were moving forward. Sitting here and planning, that didn't feel like anything was actually happening. "We should find a way to move this along quicker. At the very least to get more resources in order to have more to expend when we are done."


Roll ID: #110054

LD: 16 - mat found (2 total)


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