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«Headphone Actor» Hysterica

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» Username: Hysterica

» Real name: Akikio Hiroyuki

» Age: 17

» Gender: Female

» Height: 168cm

» Appearance: In game first appearance; Blue eyes, blue hair tied up in pigtails, fringe sparsely placed on the forehead. She wears a blue jersey with a dark blue skirt and black stockings. She pairs it up with blue and white sneakers.

Real life appearance; is slightly different, she has longer black hair that is also placed in pigtails, and dark red eyes. She usually wears hoodies and sneakers while pairing it with different bottom wear. She can be seen wearing headphones and using her Ipod frequently.

In game appearance after announcement; Hair remains the same as real life, dark red eyes. She wears a black jacket with several yellow stripes adorning the sleeves over her hot-pink shirt. She also wears a black gas-mask and silver headphones, as well as black leggings, white shorts and red sneakers.

» About: History/personality

She noted to be quite crabby in real life due to her bad sleeping schedule from playing only games. She can be usually seen with a scowl on her face, and is particularly known in her school to be a loner. However, her personality takes a 180 degree turn when she is online, becoming more cheeky and noisy. She becomes much more mischievous and can be seen 'trolling' forums and multiplayer servers in games. She is a hardcore gamer and is known to set many records in different games

Despite having a japanese name and living in Japan, she can speak fluent english with ease and is known to ace english exam papers. This is due to her frequent browsing on english forums on the internet and playing different english-speaking shooter games. She lives in a particularly average size house and often uses the computer. She pulls many all-nighters and rarely gets sleep for that. However, she does study when she needs to and scores averagely. Despite her personality, she is very caring to people she is fond of and easily gets attach onto them.

» Virtues:

. Focus - the concentration of attention or energy on something. When she needs to, she will put all her focus on one thing and complete it until she satisfied. Because of this, she is able to complete many games in just a few hours or at least shorter than the average gameplay time. This also applies to other things like homework, studying, cooking, etc. Though, she only does those things if she absolutely needs to or wants to. This makes her extremely efficient and makes her have a lot of patience for different things.

. Skillfulness - the learned capacity to carry out pre-determined results often with the minimum outlay of time, energy, or both. As she has a lot of experience in different games, she is skilled in every modern video game genre. She is an expert in both shooting and MMORPG games. She knows the basic layout of these genres, its basic tips and how to play better. She is well-known throughout the gaming world as a well known anonymous gamer.

. Knowledgeable - thoroughly acquainted through study or experience. She has wide knowledge of video games in general, like facts, history, how to play games, etc. She also knows bits of real life tips and small random facts due to being on the internet a lot. She is acquainted with using modern technology and is a decent hacker so she can glitch into games and cause different effects in the game. Because of this, she is frequently bombarded with questions related to different games.

» Flaws:

. Temperamental - Moody, irritable, or sensitive. Excitable, volatile, emotional. She is very moody and irritable, and makes her ignore others. She doesn't have many friends due to this personality and she cannot stand her classmates in general as she thinks they are annoying and ignorant. Her personality is like this due to lack of sleep and rest, along with bad social skills.

. Sarcastic - A subtle form of mockery in which an intended meaning is conveyed obliquely. She cannot express herself properly or compliment others straightforwardly so she converts it into a more sarcastic tone as she finds it easier to compliment and talk to others that way. Others may find this trait to be annoying and often might take what she said and interpret it wrongly. Instead of being compliment, they felt as if they were mocked instead, making it even more difficult for her to make stable relationships.

. Stubborn - Unreasonably, often perversely unyielding; bull-headed. Firmly resolved or determined; resolute. She is stubborn and has a lot of ego and pride, so she will not back down from any challenge, even if it is hopeless. She will keep pushing forward till the end but can also cause her trouble. As such, it is a double edge sword to her. Though, if viewed negatively, one example is if she gets something wrong, she will keep repeating that her answer is correct and will keep continuing until the other admits she is correct or gives up. There are instances where she has swallowed her pride and ego to accept the fact she was wrong, but these chances are rare.








Weapon skills :








» http://cymphony.tumblr.com/post/82849814742/ene

» http://writeworld.tumblr.com/virtuelist

» http://stannisbaratheon.tumblr.com/post/44355831170/123-ideas-for-character-flaws

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