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[PP-F03] Valkyrie's can grow cold (Huggin)

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Mace was on floor 3 for some fast leveling after having done some fast leveling on other floors, Mace was much untouchable by most monsters on this floor now and even if they tried to attack her with power she would just push them away easy, No matter what was going to happen Mace needed to show how strong she truly was and did not want to be all brain and no muscle. She was wearing her normal combat armor. Her so-called Valkyrie wings on her head, being two White metal wings on the side of her head and wearing a white and blue battle dress with normal trouser and combat boots. Her shield was a targe shield tied up to her arm. It was quite long as it was 4 feet long and had also two golden wings on them and a mace in the middle. In the other hand, she has a mace, A long pool with a sharp spike at the top.

She was looking around calm a bit and was wondering if something was going to happen maybe a monster would show up or maybe even another player. staring out at the settlement Mace looked to get a bit of a smile. She still had to grow quite a bit to be ready for real dangerous combat and that would take quite a lot for sure. "Itza would be proud of me to see me now, coming up for myself, seeing how strong I am. But I have a long way to go Itza, Trust me your little twin sister is going to beat this game and come back to you," Mace said low with a smile looking up at the sky losing a bit of her surroundings as she was standing here at the top of a hill.


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A boy comes rocketing through the field, trying to test the limits of his speed. As he turns, he sees a lady standing there and his spear collides with the ground, inches in front of her feet. The awkward stop hurt the boys feet so running away wasn’t his first option, he just hoped she didn’t hear the thud of the spear slamming into the ground, or the clang of him colliding with his spear or the constant buzz of lightning dancing around his elegant golden spear. He winces, knowing he has officially been caught. This is gonna be the worst, she looks like she’s gonna be annoying. That shield looks like it’s gonna hold her back though, so if I run, I might be able to get away. He pushes, his ankle rolling as he grabs his spear and falls, flipping to his back and staring at the sky. His blank stare focused on the blue and white above him. Yeah, this is 100% gonna be a drag. I should’ve just apologized and left. His ankle glows red slightly to signify his hurting.


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Mace was still looking in front until a sound behind them made them turn with a quick swing of their Hammer, "WHO IS THERE!" Mace Yelled turning around looking quick angry and not drop of fear was seen in her face. She saw someone with a spear run off and stared at him "Whoever you are, Face me, I ain't scared of you," She yelled again before lowering her weapon but still holding on to it walking to where she was thinking the person went too. It seemed like something was about to go down and Mace started walking a bit following the sound of movement.

Once getting to spot Mace sees someone and still holding up her guard moves to the players sitting there. Then she placed the Hammer on his shoulder as it was quite heavy even just for a hammer. "Speak! Now!" Mace said demanding to hear what the guy had to say about himself, "You failed to hit me, didn't you!" Mace said still keeping the Hammer on his shoulder ready to swing it at any time, "Don't move, Or you lose something, And I will make sure I hit. My calculation never fails me," Mace said sounding quite angry and demanding. 


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Huginn stabs the ground between the hammer and the boy, levering it off of his shoulder. “I used my spear to stop so I didn’t hit you, now. Move, before I make you move.” He stands up, turning on his heel and walks away from the girl who thought herself intimidating. God, people like her piss me off. Just because I was near you doesn’t mean I want anything from you. He walks, keeping his hood up as well as his head on a swivel. She could come back and try to take the answers forcibly. He turns around trying to find his original path, hoping she was gone but not sure whether or not she was he prepared for a shouting match. Like a said, a drag. I hope she isn’t there because if she is we might have ourselves a duel coming. He pulls out his spear and uses it to push himself forward, like as a launch into incredible speed. His motion indiscernible to the naked eye. As he shoots across the area, his eyes scan his surroundings for an escape if he needed one again.


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Mace was taken back by the guy as he ordered her to move as he then took with the same speed he came, "Arg Coward," She said yelling after the guy not wanting to pay any attention to the player running off now. Mace lets out a sigh and looks on how the guy takes off, He is too shady to be innocent of anything, and if he is nothing special he should lose that hood of his, Mace thought lowering her guard and seeing how the guy ran off. She looked around for a bit waiting before leaving, waiting to see if the guy came back. For sure something was going to happen she just knew it and she was prepared to fight, He looked fast but there was no way he would get past her shield, as she had a fast reaction with her shield, holding of almost every attack that came at her. If he comes I will just smack him down, I don't care he looks shady as hell, Only if he is orange he will get smacked in the face for sure, She thought holding on to her Hammer waiting around to see if the player really came back and if he was an orange player or not, If so she would try to beat him down.


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Another burst of speed hits the boy as he stops, a good 10 feet from the girl. “What the hell do you want?” He asks, his voice plain and almost bored of everything. If she’s here to fight, I’m not holding back. Maybe she knows where that damn dagger user is. He flips out his golden spear in a storm of gold and lightning. “Do you know any orange dagger users? One with a dagger that has Paralyze?” His face blank but his voice filled with anger. He flips his spear up and point the elegant weapon at the girl with one hand. If she does know where he is, I’m gonna have to beat the answers out of her, which will be fun, but with that shield, difficult. I love a challenge though. “I don’t want to fight, especially not a stubborn wall like yourself. But, if you don’t tell me, or if you don’t let me go, I’m out of here.” His constitution unwavering, and his spear staying straight and steady. It was obviously true what he said, and he was obviously not scared to fight.


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Mace turns around with a smile, "I knew you would come back, They always do... Murderer," Mace said getting ready to fight if needed. Mace took up the shield right in front of her body and it was protecting her from any incoming hits. As then the question came about if she knew an orange player with a dagger with Paralyze, Mace was confused why the hell a murderer like him would ask that kind of question to someone and why the hell would so even know an orange player. "Your Dumb or something, I don't care for those guys, Why would I even try to speak with one," Mace said sounding even angrier than before. "If you don't want to fight then Piss off, It is useless to go and Fight another green player to get something out of nothing," Mace said.

Before Mace could say another word a fast beast jumped past her slamming into her shield as she turned to the sounds. Two wolves showed up One white one looking and a normal gray wolf, They Gray wolf was called Wolf Hunter while the white one was called Alpha wolf, "Darn It, Talked to long they respawned," Mace said trying to take a swing at the Alpha wolf as it moves away from the incoming attack. "If you don't want to fight Me, Fight those two there," Mace said holding her shield no longer in the direction of the boy and was facing the wolves now.

Action:  Power Strike *2 | ID: 109605 | BD 3 | Miss
-2 Energy | Missed attack

Mace | HP 80/80 | EN 6/8 | MIT 27 | DMG 4
@Huginn | HP -- | EN -- | 

Wolf Hunter  | HP 30/30 | DMG 9
Alpha Wolf      | HP 40/40 | DMG 12

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Shiro chuckles. She thinks that even with her incredibly low speed, she can beat me. He spins his spear back and stands at the ready, when suddenly a wolf attacks her. Then her request rings out to the boy, Only Misako can give me orders b*tch. He launches in, almost attacking one but missing ever so slightly. The gray wolf lunges at the girl with the huge shield and slams into her, scratching her narrowly. Just because she’s not my friend doesn’t mean I can just let her die though. It’d Make me the monster they said I am. His spear flips. “I’m sorry, I should’ve attacked just then.” His emotionless face darts around the battlefield, appearing behind the girl and zooming next to her, his spear once again at the ready. “Next time I’ll make sure I get the damn dirty dog.” His body stands at the ready, like he had fought so many times before. I’ve never had to fight an animal, that’s just cruel. There’s no reason to go fighting cats and dogs. But I’ll make an exception here. His eyes lock on the grey wolf. “Can you handle the white one? If so I’ll take the gray one.”  His hand slides up his spear as he rotates his foot.

ID: 109623

BD: 1

MD: 10

9 + 2 = 11 DMG

11 - 27 = 1 DMG

80 - 1 = 79 HP

@Mace | HP 79/80 | EN 6/8 | MIT 27 | DMG 4
@Huginn | HP 40/40 | EN 2/4 | 2 DMG | 1 Para

Wolf Hunter  | HP 30/30 | DMG 9
Alpha Wolf      | HP 40/40 | DMG 12

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As the wolf Hunter attacks Mace she slams the shield against his attack making the wolf attack the shield. The wolf moved fast and Mace was trying to take a good swing at both of them. But before she could attack the Alpha Wolf went for the attack and Mace placed her shield in front of her as the wolf smashed into the shield but Mace was not even pushed back by the attack and seemed to have no trouble defending against the monsters, Then with a wide swing Mace moved her Hammer to the Alpha wolf but sadly swinging a miss. "Sees we will have to work together if we want to make sure we get out of this," Mace moved to the guy with her shield up high waiting for any monsters to move in. "Stay behind the shield I will tank them, You just focus on hitting them," Mace said standing in front of the guy without any fear of being hit by them and with no emotion as well. It seemed almost like Mace as a Robot without any programming but to be a wall of protection. The wolves seemed to have a basis on who to attack first and it was just because Mace was a higher level than him.

Action:  Power Strike *2 | ID: 109630 | BD 1 | Miss
-2 Energy | Missed attack 

+1 Energy Regen

Mace | HP 80/80 | EN 5/8 | MIT 27 | DMG 4
@Huginn | HP 40/40 | EN 2/4 | 2 DMG | 1 Para

Wolf Hunter  | HP 30/30 | DMG 9
Alpha Wolf    | HP 40/40 | DMG 12

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Shiro grins. I can work with her, she seems like she can handle a fight or two. Also, so far she hasn’t been two loud. He spins his leg and lets go with his front hand, pushing forwards with his back hand. His spear slams into the side of the wolf in front of him. “Be careful with the other one, this one won’t be moving for a bit.” The lightning from the spear climbs off onto the wolf. So, all we have to worry about is the white wolf. Good, that makes this fight a bit more manageable. “You shouldn’t be taking all of the hits by yourself, so I’m gonna try to take a few.” He flips his spear and grins a little more. His hands shift on the spear as he moves back next to her. Come on, you can handle one or two more hits right? If you get hit you’ll be fine. He looks up at his healthbar and he nods. “Hey, My name is Shiro by the way.” He slides behind her and hopes that the wolf won’t get out of the paralysis. 

ID: 109648

BD: 10

2 + 2 = 4 DMG

30 - 4 = 26 HP

Apply Paralysis

@Mace | HP 79/80 | EN 5/8 | MIT 27 | DMG 4 [0|0]
@Huginn | HP 40/40 | EN 2/4 | 2 DMG | 1 Para [0|2]

Wolf Hunter  | HP 26/30 | DMG 9 [Paralyze]
Alpha Wolf    | HP 40/40 | DMG 12

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Mace looked how the guy seemed to help fighting landing quite a good hit on the Gray wolf as he gets a shocking effect off the wolf. As he then moves behind the shield and Mace and she nods knowing that the Gray wolf was paralyzed by his weapon. As he then introduced himself as Shiro, Mace got attacked by the White wolf as that happened and it slammed into the shield "Mace," She grunted as the wolf hit the shield. Before she smashed into the wolfs with a very powerful hit and the Hammer turned blue as they hit the head of the wolf making it fly quite a bit away, "Name Is Mace," She said Before going back to focus in the combat. Mace was always quiet only when she needed information she would speak a bit more, but normal Mace would just nod and point most of the time by giving small hints and it was her normal day to day life not saying a thing. And While in combat, you could see that Mace did not have any emotion and was just a blank stare at the wolfs.

ID: 109650 | MD 7 | Hit | 12-27=1 DMG

Power Strike *2 | ID: 109650 | BD 10 | High Crit | 4+2=6*2=12 DMG 

-5 Energy | Power Strike

+1 Energy Regen


@Mace | HP 77/80 | EN 5/8 | MIT 27 | DMG 4 [2|0]
@Huginn | HP 40/40 | EN 2/4 | 2 DMG | 1 Para [0|2]

Wolf Hunter  | HP 26/30 | DMG 9 [Paralyze 0/1]
Alpha Wolf    | HP 28/40 | DMG 12 [Stunned 1/1]

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Shiro charges the wolf, launching his spear forward. He plunges it into the poor creature’s side once more. Though this time the lightning dances around the spear, instead of around the wolf. Sh*t, that was my only chance of not getting hurt by this prick. This wolf is gonna be the death of me. He notices the wolf move and turn, opening it’s mouth with a snarl. The boy quickly raises his arm, catching the monster’s teeth before they could get to a vital areas. Well that’s fantastic. His eyes shift to the girl with the shield. “I can take maybe 4 hits.” The boy’s eyes look at his health bar, now a quarter under maximum. This is definitely gonna be close, if I get hit again, I’m gonna have to run. “So your name is Mace, well Mace, if I get hit again, we may have to get out of here. We’re in over our heads.” He steps, no questioning in his movement, like he was sure he was where he was supposed to be. But he knew deep down that he could very well die in that field. Misako is gonna be pissed. Oh man. Well, I fought bravely. His mind begins to think of his sister. I can’t die. I have to protect Misako. That’s why I’m in this world. His grip around his spear, tightens, then relaxes. Fighting is difficult when too angry, calm down Shiro. He breathes, flipping his spear up and dashing back to stand by Mace.

ID: 109670

BD: 6

MD: 8

26 - 2 = 24 HP (Wolf Hunter)

40 - 9 = 31 HP (Huginn)

@Mace | HP 77/80 | EN 5/8 | MIT 27 | DMG 4 [2|0]
@Huginn | HP 31/40 | EN 2/4 | 2 DMG | 1 Para [0|2]

Wolf Hunter  | HP 24/30 | DMG 9 [Paralyze 0/1]
Alpha Wolf    | HP 28/40 | DMG 12 [Stunned 1/1]

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Mace looks on how Shiro got hit and she looks at the Alpha wolf get back his attack and moved in right away, going for ... Mace. As is moved in to bite, but its head just head first into Mace her shield and is backs of right away, as it seemed a bit hurt, "Worry not, I can deal with them, you get into a tree or something once you get hit again," Mace said taking a swing at the Alpha wolf but missing her chance to hit it. yet again mace was emotionless and was just swinging around her Hammer in the hopes to hit it was going down. The wolf was however still trying to get at them, and Mace started thinking a bit, What if the Alpha is down and use the switch tactic, it would mean Mace got the hate from the monster Shiro was fighting. It was a good plan, it was either that or Shiro needed to run as she really could not take damage from these beasts, No matter how hard they tried.

ID: 109688 | MD 2 | Miss

Power Strike *2 | ID: 109688 | BD 4 | Miss|

-2 Energy | Missed attack 

+1 Energy Regen

@Mace | HP 77/80 | EN 1/8 | MIT 27 | DMG 4 [3|0]
@Huginn | HP 31/40 | EN 2/4 | 2 DMG | 1 Para [0|3]

Wolf Hunter  | HP 24/30 | DMG 9
Alpha Wolf    | HP 28/40 | DMG 12 [Stunned 0/1]

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Shiro shifts his grip once more, spinning and pushing his spear backwards with an unorthodox thrust. The spear plunged into the wolf’s side once again, leaving it with a present for after the strike. Okay, so now that it’s paralyzed, Ishould be okay to do this. “Mace, wanna switch? If we do, I can keep attacking while neither of us truly get hurt.” He pulls his spear out and flips it around, pointing his spear at the gray wolf, grinning. Please say yes, I need to protect Misako. Damn it Shiro, Misako is stronger than that. He looks at the girl and tilts his head. “You carry that shield, even though it’s a disadvantage. I use this spear to reach my enemy from a distance and to do as much damage as I can. There has to be a reason you lug that fricking wall around.” He says, spinning and pushing the paralyzed wolf to see if the game just froze the model or if Kayaba actually made an animation for this. Turns out it was the latter. Huh, Kayaba really wanted to make sure this game was thorough. 

ID: 109767

BD: 10

2 + 2 = 4 DMG

24 - 4 = 20 HP

MD: 5

@Mace | HP 77/80 | EN 1/8 | MIT 27 | DMG 4 [3|0]
@Huginn | HP 31/40 | EN 2/4 | 2 DMG | 1 Para [0|3]

Wolf Hunter  | HP 20/30 | DMG 9 [Paralyzed 1/1]
Alpha Wolf    | HP 28/40 | DMG 12 [Stunned 0/1]

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Mace does not really pay attention to what Shiro was saying but she also did not really care, He seemed to do his job in hitting the monsters and paralyzing them. once she then Looked at the other Wolf who seemed to be less Paralyzed and moved to Mace to attack, But Mace was not having any of it and swung her shield at the White wolf. It seemed not to get off a good hit and just tried to get out of the way from the shield but then did not see the Hammer incoming with a full might of it as well hitting the white wolf quite a bit. She then turned to Shiro, "No... will get My hate if we switch," She said quite making sure the white wolf was not getting any closer to her or Shiro. She then heard the next thing asking why she had the shield, "Started game with it, kept it because it is good," Mace said quite fast showing really no emotion at all and you could just see she was cold-hearted by how she was acting now and how she was before.

ID: 109773 | MD: 5 | Miss

Basic Attack | ID: 109773 | BD 10 | 4+2= 6 Dmg

-1 Energy | Basic Attacl

+1 Energy Regen

@Mace | HP 77/80 | EN 1/8 | MIT 27 | DMG 4 
@Huginn | HP 31/40 | EN 2/4 | 2 DMG | 1 Para 

Wolf Hunter  | HP 20/30 | DMG 9 [Paralyzed 0/1]
Alpha Wolf    | HP 22/40 | DMG 12 

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Shiro pulls up his spear, his face as emtionless as the girl’s. His empty eyes lock on the wolf he had worn down to 66% of it’s health, nodding as he moves forward. His careful steps taken to make sure he didn’t get the attention of the wolf, but it was too late. The wolf charges at him as jumps up, so Shiro flips his spear around, letting the creature fall on it. It falls all the way to the ground, a spear through its body, and its mighty jaws clamp down on the boy’s shoulder. “Damn it.” He says, trying not to move too much. His health drops another segment just short of 25%. I’m halfway down and doing barely any damage at all. If this is how I die then it’s pathetic. With a random girl in an empty field as we both refuse to talk to eachother. Misako would be trying to get us to open up. He frowns, not even trying to hide it from the girl. He didn’t care if she saw him frown, he didn’t care if she died. He wasn’t gonna be happy, but he’d learn to live with it. Emotions aren’t his strong suit. “Do you have an AoE attack?” He asks, wanting to see if she’ll use it. He needed help and was finally ready to ask for it. “We need an AoE or I’m gonna die. Though I’m not entirely sure you care.” He flips back, grabbing his spear and pushing the wolf away.

ID: 109817

BD: 6

20 - 2 = 18

MD: 9

9 + 1 = 10

31 - 10 = 21 HP

@Mace | HP 77/80 | EN 1/8 | MIT 27 | DMG 4 
@Huginn | HP 21/40 | EN 2/4 | 2 DMG | 1 Para 

 Wolf Hunter  | HP 18/30 | DMG 9 [Paralyzed 0/1]
Alpha Wolf    | HP 22/40 | DMG 12 

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