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Nomad's Journal

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<< Profile >>

Username: Nomad

Real Name: Mason Brown [He may Lie about his Name]

Level: 1

Ambitions: Exploration

<< Physical >>

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Height: 5’ 8”

Noticeable Physical Traits:

Slim Body

Hazel Blue Eyes

Brown Hair

Small Scar on the Back of the Right Hand


<< About & History >>

- About -

Nomad is witty and sly. He is average for his height with brown hair, he also has hazel blue eyes and a small noticeable scar on his right hand, which he covers up with a glove most of the time. Nomad never felt too attached to anyone to care about them, most of the people he meets he tends to feel cold towards but not show it. He acts different from person to person, and varies on the way others act. Nomad likes to explore, this started after getting stuck in the game. He was bored, sitting in town with nothing to do, no one to talk to, and nothing to take his mind off things. He quickly decided to leave the town, and he found the surrounding landscapes, amazing. Impressed by what he saw, he was determined to explore every cravise and cave, every valley and hillside, and every village and town, he didn’t know what he felt invigorated when he did this, but he did. His goals, are different. One goal of his is to find a way out of the world he was trapped in, but that may change over time. Another, is a goal he subconsciously created, and will remain hidden.


- History -

Nomad was born into poverty to a single mother who died when he was in middle school. No one seemed to care that there was some poor kid on the streets and he quickly learned to live in a world where he was unwanted. Winters were the hardest, he spent most of his nights shivering in an alleyway. It was a month later he developed a strategy to survive, and that required him to lie. He begged for money on the streets, he convinced others he was someone he wasn’t. But what they didn’t know wouldn’t hurt them. When he was sixteen years old, he was taking into Foster Care. Not that he wanted to, he was moved all around the country. Until one individual took him into his care. By this time, he was seventeen. They moved to Japan for a year, hoping it would “Expand his thinking” by visiting a new county with a new culture. When he was eighteen, the whole Nerve Gear Incident happened, and Fox was just one of ten thousand.


<<Virtues, Flaws & Behavior Traits>>



Intelligent - Nomad is incredibly intelligent, but what would you define as intelligent? In this particular case, it's: His ability to understand, his logic, his ability to learn and adapt, his creativity, and his problem solving are all affected by this one trait. Making him a very resourceful person.


Humorous - Due to his witty personality, he can think quickly and no doubt get someone to laugh with a simple remark or an abrupt comment. Making others happy in a comedic sense is what makes him feel whole. Though before doing this, he would attempt to see what kind of humor they liked beforehand.


Memorious - Nomad has an incredibly great memory. He can remember almost everything from when he was seven up until now. He can remember every articulate detail. From the location, to what they were wearing, to what their facial expression was, even their voice and what they were saying. Even details of what time it was on the clock in the background. Though this can become twisted against him if he were to recall a horrible event. He might never be able to live it down.


- Flaws -

Sly and Devious - When it comes to getting what he wants, Nomad is underhanded. Which means “acting in a secret or dishonest way”. To put it just, he tends to bend the rules, break the rules, or find a way around them. He isn’t seen as trustworthy by anyone. His persistence is another factor that plays into this.


Unpredictable - His unpredictability is, difficult, to work with. He makes moves that tend to confuse people, including allies. His way of “convincing” others to get what he wants varies person to person. Sometimes he would try to charm them, sometimes he would try to use logic and common sense, and others, he would threaten them with information or with other means.


Insensitive - A complete disregard for the well being of others. He gets into trouble a lot when it comes to this, he doesn't know when to stop talking either. There is more than one reason he doesn't have many friends. Insensitivity just happens to be the bow on the present.

Fears (Like flaws, but they change)-

Athazagoraphobia - The fear of being forgotten, or ignored. Nomad doesn’t like the spotlight, but he doesn’t like being left in the dust even more.

Philophobia - Fear of being loved. He has never been loved, nor does he know how to love. He is afraid he would make a fool of himself, so he tries to avoid such interests.

The Unknown - Fear of the Unknown. This accounts for his lesser fears such as fear of death. That would be the technical terms for it, in reality: He isn’t afraid of death, he is afraid of what comes after. He isn’t afraid of the dark, he is afraid of what inhabits it, the same goes for why he is afraid of the ocean. Think like that. 




Weapon skills:

Weapons/Tools: Balanced Kit Chosen


» [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle
» [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle - in progress
(no "in progress" means its complete; "incomplete" can mean one or the other person stopped replying for a long time)

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Story Thus Far (optional)

Edited by Nomad
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