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[PP - F1] Reveal << The Second Lesson, Is Also Free >>

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Ragnarok had twisted and turned in his bed having a nightmare that had continued to appear in his mind, the dream had his ex "Maria" being taken away from her by dark demons that had no face just a evil face in the shape of a humans body, after she had called out for help and screamed Ragnarok had immediately woke up shouting out "Maria!". After a moment of breathing heavily pushing himself upward, he looked around saying "W-where am I?" he then moved sitting up then placing one of his hands on his head wiping the sweat off from his forehead then another still on the bed. He took this time to breathe and think about everything that went on then he looked down and saw that his vanity armor had been removed, he then looked around in a panic and saw his armor and cutlass on the table. He looked back down and sighed saying to himself "She needed to bring me up here didn't she..."


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Symphony heard the commotion and came rushing in, still in her light blue pajamas. Her dagger was in her hand as she looked around and made sure everything was okay. Then she realized that Rag had probably just had a nightmare. She sighed and threw her dagger back into her room, where it perfectly stuck into the headboard of her bed. “Hey, you alright?” she asked. “It sounded like someone was hurting you. But it must have just been a nightmare, huh?” She rubbed his back. “No need to worry, I was in the room next to yours the whole time. And yeah, I had to drag your tired but up here,” she teased playfully. He seemed fine besides being sweaty from a bad dream. She felt bad that she hadn’t gotten him into comfier sleeping clothes, but she also didn’t want to cross any boundaries. She handed him a boiled egg and a bagel out of her inventory. “Also here is some breakfast. Now let’s get ready to set out for your quest today!”


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After a moment Ragnarok had jumped when Symphony had rushed in his room still wearing her pajama's and everything, then he had just was relieved that it was someone that he knew or at least Symphony. After a moment he smiled a little bit at her rubbing his back and said out to her "Yeah... its a nightmare I constantly have. I'll be honest with you, I don't really sleep because of these nightmares, its always the same one... over and over..." he stated outward. After he finished his statement he looked over to see a boiled egg and a bagel. Ragnarok had looked up at her and said "Are you sure? You could use this yourself or keep it for another day." however he knew that she wasn't go to not let him eat it, he then just moved to the food slowly and said out to her "Well, thank you Symphony. I appreciate the care given to me so far. Its... refreshing to say the least." he let out a small chuckle then took a small bite out of the food a little happy that he was finally able to taste flavor again, even though he'd probably not tell Symphony that as hes only eaten bland bread and barely flavorful apples.


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Symphony smiled. "Of course," she said to him when he thanked her. "You need your strength for today. Don't forget that we're doing your second quest. It'll be a long one, I promise you." Her had taken her a long while. Too long to even want to remember. She just hoped that he had the luck to get this mission finished quickly. "Now, once you eat and we get on the road, you can start telling me about that nightmare." 

She grabbed a cup of yogurt with strawberries on top from her inventory and began gobbling it down. Once she had finished eating, she rubbed Rag's back. "Now, I'm gonna go into the room next door and get changed into my gear. Knock on it when you're ready to leave, okay?" She went through the door to her adjoined room and locked the door. Next, she changed into her royal blue bodice armor with black jeans, black combat boots, and a blue bandanna to keep her hair out of her face. 


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