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[PP - F1] <<The First Few Lessons Are Free!>>

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Star yawned as she leaned back in a bench that was close to where she had spawned into the world. This world was brand new and yet... She now found out that she couldn't leave. Well, at the very least, things would get interesting from here on out. Most people seemed to be used to the kind of lifestyle here, but since Star was brand new, it seemed like she'd have to acquaint herself with a few things before venturing out into the world. And the first quest she saw, which she assumed to be the tutorial quest, caught her eye.

Star smirked as she ventured toward the older NPC and accepted that first quest, "The First Few Lessons Are Free!" Although it didn't seem to require any combat yet, this was a good opportunity for Star to branch out and use the skill she got at first level. Searching; an interesting skill that allowed her to find things more easily. Maybe it would come in handy for this beginner quest. This was a good way for her to test out how this system worked and get used to the movement mechanics within the game. It could also give her an idea of what kind of build she was hoping to get later into the game. She was somewhat hoping to keep with a DPS-style knightly slash rogue-ish build with a focus on scouting and perception.

Star wondered if there would be anyone else somewhat new to the game. She thought maybe she was joining the party a bit too late, but who knows? Maybe she'd get lucky and accidentally bump into someone. Star began heading out, looking quite flashy as she did so. Hope gathering these materials won't take too long. I've got a lot of catching up to do it seems. A partner would make things move quicker. Seems I'll have to keep my eye out. As Star thought this, she decided to stick around a little bit near Zackariah's home to look for some promising candidates.


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Akiris was new and figured out quickly there was no escaping this game. No logout button was in the menu option she searched and others of the game that were friendly enough to answer her questions did. They all told her the logout button was taken away the only way to get out of this hell hole was permanently dying here and in the real world or finishing the game itself.  
This surprised here but it only took a few days for her to get over it. There wasn’t an option to get out except for dying both here and in the real world or beating the game so everyone could get out. Akiris knew what she had to do she had to get to the front lines as soon as she could to help. Now having a plan, she had a mission she needed to beat not just needing…Akiris wanted to beat it.

As she walked around the city of Beginnings and was figuring everything out, she started to search her way around the quests. Noticing a lot of them seemed a little to risky for a rank one just starting out. She didn’t want to throw herself right into a battle and die instantly. Looking on the bulletin board and reading the different information posted. One caught her eye “The First Few Lessons are free!”.
“Interesting that seems to be a basic introductory quest.” Whispering to herself as she took it off the board while another piece of paper explaining the information right away popped up in its place. A screen popped up in front of her as it then stated, ‘Would you like to accept the quests attributes or leave it for another time?’. Nodding her head, she pressed the little circle icon with the blue and white. Accepting the quest right away since it seemed to be the easiest and would help her figure out the game’s complete basic workings.

Akiris started off right away walking towards where the quest directed her. To an NPC’s house named Zackariah and opened the door. When entering he introduced himself and seemed relaxed. Asking her if she came here to accept his quest and she nodded. “I am sir.” Akiris replied kindly as she walked up to him. Once close a screen popped up asking if she was confirming to accepted and go on the quest given to her by Zackariah. She instantly pressed the icon for acceptation. “Have fun! Go on your way and do collect the five tier one materials for me!” Zackariah seemed happy she took on the duty and she smiled and bowed. “I will don’t worry!” Akiris acted as if he was an actual person but why not? NPC’s seemed to have a decent amount of human emotion and interaction as the players did.

Walking out of the door she stood there now with her menu open as she started reading what she needed to get and where the items could possibly be.



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Star smiled as she saw a woman head into Zackariah's home. It seemed her patience had paid off. Of course, nothing less should be expected from her. Lucky or not, she had found someone to accompany her and she was happy enough with that fact. As the girl was exiting the house, Star pushed herself off of the wall that she was standing on near the house. She looked the woman who had exited the house up and down. Hmm... Interesting outfit. Personality doesn't seem to clash with mine. This should be a fine partner for me, as long as they listen to what I've got to say.

Star quickly walked up next to the woman, saying, "Hi, I saw that you were also starting the starter quest. I'd like to accompany you if possible since I'm also doing that quest. I'm hoping that it will make things quicker."

She was a bit... Well... She was a bit shy since she had never interacted with another person as herself really, so it was hard for her to get up the courage to act as she usually did from behind her usual screen. She was this character now since she couldn't log out. Things... Were going to be a bit different for a moment. But she had to be brave and strong to keep this person from brushing her off so easily.

Star scratched the back of her neck a bit. "Ah... I suppose I should introduce myself as well. I'm Star, and you are?"



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Akiris wasn’t paying much attention of her surroundings as she was just finishing reading the whole information for this quest. Somebody then started to vocalize words and instantly she exited out of her menu and glared over to the feminine voice. A female stood there with blonde hair and amber colored eyes. A somewhat intrigued yet bothered expression stayed on her face only for a few seconds before disappearing.
She was still a little jumpy to everyone in this place especially since another player decided to tell her the horrors of orange indicator players. In that thought only took a split second for her eyes to dart up to this players indictor. It appeared green and she relaxed a bit more.

Surprised that the female was plainly asking to tag along she titled her head. “Oh…” Only being able to reply with a noise at first as she was considering this. Shrugging her shoulders. “I don’t see the harm in it. You can come along if you want too.” Akiris replied with a gentle tone as she was showing her social side. She was a waitress/hostess at her family’s café in the real world and this caused Akiris to have a regular social attitude to everyone.

Smiling at the slightly taller female she started to notice the artificial properties of the game and thought it was interesting how realistic they tried making the graphics. “Amazing.” She reached out but then noticed she was going to touch the girls face. Yanking her hand back quickly to herself. “Sorry!” Rubbing the back of her neck awkwardly as she kept the smile on her face. “It’s just game graphics have always intrigued me and now I can’t escape them.” Akiris tried to clarify why she went to reach for the woman.
The lady started to introduce herself as Akiris stood there and nodded her head. “It’s nice to meet you, Star. I’m S-“Stopping as she realized she started to introduce herself by her full real name. “Akiris. I’m Akiris.” Trying to cover up the ‘s’ sound she was beginning to make. Hoping the girl didn’t catch onto or noticed the sound at all.


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Star saw that Akiris' expression was one of concern for a moment. Her eyes darted up to the crystal that hung above her head. Star was a bit confused by this interaction, but it must've been a fluke. Surely she just saw something in the sky or something behind her. No matter what it was though, she did turn her attention toward Star. And strangely, the woman reached out to grab Star's face. As her hand reached out, Star made a confused look and stepped back a little bit.

"It's alright. I just... Wasn't expecting that, is all. Indeed, the graphics are quite realistic." Star put a little smirk on her face. "I'm sure there are places you can go if you do wish to experience all of the graphics of a person, quite personally." As she finished this, she let out a hearty laugh.

"Lovely to meet you Akiris. Seems we'll both be venturing through this world a little late to the party. But I don't plan on falling behind. I hope you've got the same determination to head up towards the front-runners of this game." Star began to walk a bit. "As such, I'd like to get moving as quickly as possible. I do hope you don't mind me rushing us a little bit." As Star walked, she sent a party invite to Akiris. "Your character model is quite lovely if I might say so for myself, did you take inspiration from anything in particular?"



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“They are and it is amazing. This well realistic game is quite amazing.” Stating as she looked up to the sky for a moment even the sky was to a realistic extent with visual clouds and everything. Laughing a little to what Star had said she rolled her eyes. “I am fine admiring the graphics from right here where I stand. Everyone’s is different yet made from the same basics.” Akiris said as she looked around a little more.

“Falling behind?” Questioning as the other female she just met brought it up. Shaking her head in disagreement. “I know we just met but you need to know. I am a very ambitious person and when I entered this game realizing there was no way out except…” pausing for a moment and sighing. “…dying or beating the game. I made a promise to my family that I will come back home.” Akiris seemed to have a fire in her eyes as she said her words of honesty. She wasn’t going to allow herself to get stuck here for ever till some creature killed her in this place. She was going to strive to help beat the last boss on the last god forsaken floor of this virtual reality.

Watching as the female began to walk Akiris took a place beside her. “I understand.” Akiris nodded her head with a somewhat smirked smile on her lips. “I have the same plan as you, Star. To get to the front lines as quick as possible.” Stretching as she walked along side the other. It was funny how in this game you still felt everything you did in the actual world. Slightly cramping muscles, annoyed twitches of your body, sore spots and everything else. Right now, her body felt the need to stretch as if she was just waking up and she did not that long ago.
“I don’t mind at all. I am in the same sphere as you in a bit of a rush myself. I don’t want to stay here forever either.” Stating as she noticed a screen pop up before. Star has invited you to a party will you accept? Akiris put up her hand for a moment and seemed to be considering it. After a couple seconds she pressed the acceptance icon and she had another screen pop up. Congratulations! You entered your first party with the player under the username Star.

“My model?” Questioning for a moment as she glanced down at herself. She did notice her structured model and the foundation was different from the others. Darker in color and with trims of gold. “I personally have always thought darker colors have suited me well. Especially on the type of slender figure I have.” Akiris replied as she shrugged her shoulders. “I never really thought about it, but gold has always been a complementary factor to darker colors especially black.” Realizing she had to explain the inspiration seemed a little awkward coming out of her mouth for the first time. “I guess it resembles the dishes and basic layout of my parent’s café back in the real world. They have black dishes with golden rims, and I have always adored the colors they pick. I would say my inspiration is dedicated to my family.” Looking over her companions’ model. “Why is your model like that? Anything specific or you just thought it looked good?” Curious now since they were talking about the graphic side of this game.


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Star smiled widely as Akiris commented on how everyone looked different despite the fact that they were all using the same base model. "Well I think things changed a little bit since the game now takes after some of our physical atrributes. It is quite amazing though, to think people could make something like this almost seems beyond something real."

Akiris said she was a very ambitious person, and Star could've very well said the same about herself. As Akiris continued to go into detail, Star couldn't help but feel that she had the same affinity to live through this as Akiris did. How interesting to have met someone like this on my first quest. Hopefully we can stay in contact with one another. I have a feeling that things will get interesting if I stay around her. And I'll make sure she doesn't pull ahead of me anytime soon. A small fire was now lit in Star's heart. Akiris wasn't necessarily a rival, but she now had someone whom she could compete with in regards to moving up the rankings.

As Star saw that Akiris accepted her party request, she couldn't help but smile. Akiris was also a level one. Star wondered what kind of skills this girl already had and what kind of character she was hoping to build. She didn't seem like she'd build a tank. Assassin seemed like it would be well-suited to her, but even then... Star couldn't be certain that Akiris was going to head that way. After all, she wasn't entirely sure what weapon she was using. She'd have to ask that question later.

Akiris explained that she liked darker colors better and Star had to agree that they did suit her well. Her bright eyes made for an interesting pop of color against the dark shades. And when she spoke about her family running a cafe inside of the real world, Star's eyes lit up. "That's quite lovely. I can respect anyone who draws inspiration from their family. My model is like this mostly because I've always liked flashy things. Blonde hair has always been a staple of all my characters and acting like a rich heiress has always been a particularly fun piece I always add. So to match that personality, I have to make things look as put together and elegant as possible. This jacket that I wear over my shoulder is mostly for cosmetics. I did get the DPS set, so this is just vanity stuff anyway. Once I get a real coat, I'll make sure to match it with these colors!" Star paused for a moment. "What set did you pick? And do you have any clue as to what kind of skill-set you're aiming for?"



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On what Star said was very much the truth. Since the game caused everyone to appear as themselves in the actual world it gave off a more realistic feeling to everyone and everything in the game. “I agree on how amazing it is.” Akiris really did think the structure of this game was amazing except that they couldn’t logout.

Walking along with Star, Akiris kept observing everything not letting herself get distracted but she was letting herself take in the whole picture of everything. She did hate how the couldn’t logout and go home and be with their families. Personally, that effected Akiris mental emotions quite a bit. Knowing she wasn’t going to be able to see her two siblings, her parents or the marriage in four months. Sighing to this as she closed her eyes for a moment.

“Thank you.” Akiris replied as Star spoke out the respect of inspiration from the Senu family. She did appreciate she found somebody like-minded and ambitious as her. Smiling to how Star went off in a rage of explaining what her model was based off from. It appeared to Akiris that Star based her model off from her personality and the things she liked to do. That seemed appropriate for the figure walking beside her even though she’s only known her for a few minutes. “The DPS set?” Curious once she brought that up. “I got that too.” Laughing a little on how similar they were, and they haven’t even really known each other that long. It was a bit of irony for Akiris to have met somebody like Star.
Out of so many kinds of players in SAO she logged in and found herself trapped with somebody that she could at least level with. “I will always keep my colors no matter what.” Akiris replied to Star keeping her color scheme. “Skill sets?” This was something Akiris kind of investigated but not majorly. “Are we talking about combat, non-combat, or?” Akiris was curious on what skills Star was trying to figure out.
“If we are talking about combat skills. I would say I’m working on becoming fast and light. Light armor and quick blades would be in my ideal future.” Akiris stated as she knew she was one to not be able to hold heavy weapons or be able to fight decent with them.

“What are you considering for combat materials? Armor and weapon wise that is.” Akiris was curious in the reasons of why people were going down the paths they were. On the different skill sets of the game and everything. Why were people picking what they were going to aim for? Why did Akiris want light armor and quick weapons. She didn’t even know why personally they seemed more ideal to her train of thought and fighting style.  


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It seemed that Akiris was as similar to Star as she was hoping with weapons and her armor set. Akiris seemed a bit confused by the question she had asked about what kinds of skills she wanted to acquire, but kind of answered her question in a roundabout way so Star wasn't all that thrown off. "Personally, I'm talking about an all-around playstyle for you." As Akiris said she wanted to be fast and light, Star covered her mouth a little bit and chuckled. It's quite easy to see through someone who wants to build into a rogue-like build.

"Light armor and quick blades, huh? Seems like we'll be needing a tank to round us out." Star wondered if she would bump into anyone of that sort in the future. Hopefully she'd get lucky enough to find someone quickly after completing this quest.

"For weapons and armor, I'm thinking medium armor. I've already got a one-handed straight sword, but I've heard that you can get a fisticuffs skill later in the game. Not sure whether I'll try that out or not, but it would be interesting to see how that would work out. For the most part, I'm hoping I can strike powerfully and intelligently. Finding an opponent's weak point or finding hidden enemies is what I'm hoping will be my specialty. I've heard they refer to people with my kind of a build as a 'scout'. Seems I'll be depended on to find traps and the like in the future. Hopefully I can find plenty of treasure while I'm at it too." Star almost took a wrong turn at this point, since her sense of direction was absolutely awful. But it seemed that Akiris knew where they were going, so Star followed her without trying to give away that she wasn't sure where they were going. It seemed they had finally exited the town and were entering into the grasslands that completely surrounded the Town of Beginnings.


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Akiris shrugged her shoulders as she kept walking along the path that she thought was the way to at least some of the items of the quest. All-around playstyle? I never really thought of it. Not that was in her thoughts and how this game had set us…wasn’t a game. Knowing she probably needed to pick a certain style instead of just going with the flow in this kind of life.
“I would consider myself on a rogue or assassin playstyle.” Akiris replied knowing that was how she played and built her characters in past RPG’s. Hearing about the plans Star had about getting a tank around them. She then realized this companion wanted more then just a party she most likely wanted a guild.

Listening to the girl explaining her style she thought it was pretty good. It reminded her of a warrior or knight of some sort. Then the lady explained that it was considered a scout in this world. Nodding to that information she smiled. “I feel like that suits you.” Akiris stated as she kept looking around making sure they were going in the right direction.

Akiris didn’t know if she was ready to be in a guild especially just starting out in this world. A feeling of something sharp went right in the middle of Akiris chest. Nothing physical hit her but she stopped in her tracks for just a moment and kept her eyes on the ground. “If you are planning on building a guild, Star. I don’t think I’m ready for something like that.” She smiled at the other girl. But all the words that came out in the melancholy tone seemed so alone. It still spun in her mind as she even stated she wasn’t ready for it. Closing her eyes for a moment to sigh and walking along again. Opening her eyes, they seemed even more brightly then usual.
“I’m sorry my friend. I’m a solo player but I promise if you ever need me. I will be there.” Putting a hand on Star’s shoulder she was reassuring this new found friend she wasn’t going to abandon anyone, but she wasn’t considering a guild at all right now.



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Star looked at the girl she was following and smirked a little bit when she heard Akiris was planning to run a rogue or assassin playstyle. It was exactly as she predicted, but that fit with her perfectly. A tank would be the perfect addition to their little party, giving them perfect balance. Star was happy when Akiris said that Star's 'scout' build would be suitable with her. She figured that was the case, but it was certainly another thing to hear it without giving that compliment provocation. "Well I wouldn't pick anything that wouldn't suit me. Plus, I'm quite used to these kinds of things." Star winked a little as she smiled and walked.

When Akiris suggested the idea of a guild, Star shook her head. "No no no, I think you misunderstand. I don't want to be part of a guild or start my own. I suppose that could be a long-term goal of mine, but that's not what I'm shooting for. Being part of a guild would mean I have to give credit for my progress to others, but I wish to prove myself with my own effort. Normally I fall in line with a guild because it has different benefits, but if this game has none, then I'll be using a regular old party for most things. I'm sure I can rely on you to be a consistent member of that party."

As she finished this, she put a finger to her lip. "I suppose we should start searching for materials now. We each need to find five, right? Let's make it a race to see who finds them first! With that, I'm gonna start!" Star laughed heartily as she began to search for materials.

[Searching Roll +1 LD] = 19 (Success!)

T1 Materials Found: 1/5

ID# 115781


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Akiris didn’t want to seem odd or weird for not wanting to be in a guild especially to this new friend. Nodding as she smiled to Star’s comment about a guild. Seeing how they both didn’t want to consider one for now. But, Akiris didn’t know if she would ever truly consider being in one. She has never really been in guild life before and has always played solo and sometimes hopping in and out of parties.

“Still I am not always in a party, but I do leave my messages and notifications opened to all my friends and even strangers.” Akiris commented on her social outcome. She was very social but that was more picked up from the real world being a waitress/hostess at her family’s café. Which right now she was kind of missing since she knew she had to work a noon to six today. Sighing to this thought some tears swelled up in her eyes but disappeared quickly.

“Alright game on.” Akiris replied to the race of finding all the materials. Both needed five tier one materials and she always loved a challenge though she wasn’t a sore loser. Competitiveness was a bonus to having fun but not when it took a tole of anger. She never was that competitive even if the person winning was poking fun and names at her.

Akiris then went off and started searching. “I hope you are not a sore loser, Star!” Akiris called out playfully trying to figure out more about her newer companion. She wanted to figure out how this person worked and what they were like. Starting to search around she seemed very focused on finding materials now. Akiris wanted to know the other girls limits so she didn't cross the line.


ID# 115791 [Searching roll 1LD] = 19 (success) 

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Star looked at Akiris as she began to gather as well. Star wasn't sure exactly what she was looking for, but it seemed that something lit up when she got near a random plant. Guess this is something I need to find for the quest. Hopefully I can get them quicker than Akiris will. She seems faster than I am, but I've got my Search skill, so things should probably be a bit easier for me! I won't lose!

As Star picked up her plant, she looked around to see if Akiris had found something as well. It seemed she was reaching down to grab a plant as well. Shoot... I've got to move faster and find them! "Seems we're equally matched for now, but I won't lose!" Star continued to look around for materials, hoping she would be able to get lucky again.


ID#115796 [Searching Roll LD+1] = 20 (Success!)

T1 Materials Found: 2/5

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Akiris was searching around for the quest items and it didn’t take too long to find the first one. A light lit up and a soothing ring stated it was a quest item as she picked it up. “Awesome!” Keeping it a low rumble. Happy that she found herself a quest item and it was the first quest in the game for her to start. Wonderful I already found one! Four to go now! Akiris stood up putting the item into her bag. Now looking around for her companion. Star wasn’t to far off and she smiled and waved. “I already found one! Are you getting lucky too!?” Akiris called out in curiosity.

This wasn’t the first RPG Akiris ever played but this was different. They were going to be eating, living, sleeping and spending all their time in this place. There was no escape from this world except death or beating the game. She was far from the front lines now and death wasn’t an option for Akiris. Going over to a different spot to search for her second item she hoped she would find it quickly too. She wanted to get through these quests so she could level up.
Also hoping that Star wasn’t competitive to the bone. She didn’t want the only friend she had in the game abandoning her because of a first mission turning down a bad road. If it happens it wouldn’t bother Akiris to much it just would cause a splint in between newer individuals in her future. Though that would most likely happen anyways since its harder for Akiris to get close to people in general.
Searching for her second item now she was searching through taller grass. Curious if she could find anything in this bushel of long weeds.


ID# 115800  [Searching Roll 1LD] = 13 (Fail)

(1/5) Tier One materials.

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Star smiled as she found another. Ah! Perfect! How lucky that I got them twice in such a short time! Maybe I found a big patch of them! Star called out to Akiris. "Yeah, I've gotten lucky! I've already gotten two! Don't fall behind now!" She laughed to herself a little as she continued to search.

This reminded her a little bit of the time that she spent with her Mother in the garden she grew on their back porch. It wasn't very large, but there were all kinds of plants compactly planted inside of their containers. This was like searching for a specific one within all of those plants. And the plants inside this game were so lifelike and there were all kinds that Star had never seen before. It was... Fascinating that things like this were created by the makers of the game. She couldn't wait to see what other kinds of things were laid out on the coming floors for her!


ID#115802 [Searching Roll LD+1] = 2 (Fail!)

T1 Materials Found: 2/5

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Akiris smiled as she knew she was falling behind. “To late already happening! I would say don’t look in the tall grass and weeds! It’s harder to find them in here.” Laughing a little as she realized how it sounded. Why would she go looking in the hardest spot anyways?

Searching around for another moment before she knew she wasn’t’ going to find anything in the place. Akiris went a few steps over to not much of a difficult spot hoping this spot wasn’t to open and she could find something. Getting down on her knees and moving the grass and everything as she searched for another item. Search in a difficult spot and you won’t be finding anything for awhile silly. Thinking to herself as she giggled at her own self.


ID# 115803 [Searching roll 1LD] = 12 (Fail)

(1/5) Tier 1 Materials.

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Star smiled as she heard what Akiris was saying. It seemed Star was getting a little luckier than Akiris in this situation. It was probably due to the Search skill! Seems she spent her 5 starter SP on something good! Star saw that Akiris moved into a different area to search, but she seemed to be having some luck looking around the area that she did.

Star really hoped she'd find a few more things. She wanted to finish this quest as fast as possible, but... It was fun doing this with Akiris. She never expected to find a dear friend this close to the beginning of her climb to the top of the ranks.


ID#115806 [Searching roll LD+1] = 17 (Success!)

T1 Materials Found: 3/5

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Akiris seemed to have no luck and rolled her eyes. “No luck.” She mumbled and stood up. She was done searching in this area since she felt like she wasn’t going anywhere in this area. Deciding to walk about two or three yards to the other part of the valley to start searching for more items.

Looking down at a little patch of randomized long grasses she smiled. This seemed as if it was a decent place to start searching for the items. Going down the little hill and getting on her knees again. Akiris started to search for her second item hoping she could find it here. Hoping she would get a little more luck then she has been. “I hope you are having luck!” Akiris shouted. “Since I’m not finding anything…” Whispering as she laughed a little halfheartedly. “I’m going to be here forever.” Akiris said to herself as she kept searching.


ID# 115807 [Searching roll 1LD] = 20 (Success!)
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Star cried out in joy as she found another one hiding between two tall patched of grass! She was over halfway there now! "Found another! I'll be there before you know it!" She was going to beat Akiris! Although her skill was a bit of an unfair advantage in this situation, but she was going to win!

Star looked over to Akiris who seemed to be a little bit distraught that she was running behind, but it was alright. Star knew that Akiris wasn't going to fall behind too much! Otherwise, she wouldn't have the competitive spirit to match Star's! You got it Akiris. Maybe this time you'll make a secret comeback and beat me!


ID #115810 [Searching Roll LD+1] = 20 (Success!)

T1 Materials Found: 4/5

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It didn’t take long for Akiris to find her second item she needed for the quest in this patch of grass. “Finally!” She shouted out. Got my second one. Smiling to this she was proud she finally went across to getting the second item now she just needed three more.
Before she could go on her way back to Zackariah’s house she needed to search a little more. “Good job! I found another two!” Akiris seemed to be having fun and forgetting about the little race.

Standing up and walking a few feet to another patch to search. Akiris got back onto the ground and started looking. Knowing Star now had three out of five items seemed to make Akiris remember the little race. Sighing to this thought as she kept searching.


ID# 115811 [Search roll 1LD] = 19 (success!)

(2/5) tier 1 materials found for quest.

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