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[F01-PP] Fishing Trip <<The Fourth Lesson, Is Actually Free>>

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Symphony and her companion, Cloak, headed over the giant lake in the safe zone on the first floor. She had just been given a package from the artisan Hannah to deliver to an old fisherman named Ol' Pete. I just hope I can find the poor guy before he dies, Symphony thought to herself as she popped a piece of mint gum into her mouth and started chewing. As she passed through town, she smiled and waved to the players and NPCs that she knew. It was a nice day on the first floor, and she hoped the old man wouldn't need too much from her. He was so close to passing, he may just ask her for a kidney!

As she approaches the lake, she saw an old man with a long grey beard in long-johns loading up an old wooden boat. "Hello there, sir!" Symphony called as she walked up. The old man looked up with his tired eyes and saw the young woman approaching. 

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To Symphony's surprise, the old man snapped back, "Whaddya want, kid?" The sudden snappish, borderline rude attitude stopped Symphony in her tracks a few feet away and left her at a loss of words for a few moments.

"U-uh, well I was sent here by Hannah to deliver this package to you," she said while carefully handing the package to him. "She said it was a fishing pole for you to use with fishing." 

"Well of course it's a fishing pole. I'm a fisher," the man grumbled as he opened the package. Then he took the pole out and tucked it into the boat carefully. While still loading the boat, he said, "Well, what are you doing over there, kid? Come get in this 'ere boat. I need help on these waters. Not even offering help to the old..." 

Symphony was again taken aback by the old man's attitude, so she just replied, "Okay. M-my apologies," and hopped into the boat, helping the old man settle the stuff in the boat and then set off. 

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The old man made Symphony row out to the middle of the lake and then cast his line. While the man fished, Symphony rubbed her sore arms. Geez, this rowing stuff is hard work. I can't believe the old guy does this everyday, she thought to herself. In fact, the old man was in better shape than other men his age. He was keeping himself fit and active from this continued fishing. 

While Ol' Pete fished, he began to talk about what he was looking for. "I've been fishing these waters everyday for the past 50 years. There is a fish in her as old as I -- if not older -- and he's the one that broke my last rod. Darn thing nearly took me with him." He paused for a moment, chewing on a toothpick, then looked over at Symphony. "That's where you come in, kid. You're gonna real this one in for me. You're young and strong. You seem good enough," he said dismissively, looking back to the water. 


Roll ID#: 116382
CD: 5 (fail)


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Right as he looked back to the water, his eyes widened and the line began to feed out rapidly. "I got 'er!" he yelled as he pulled on the line, nearly losing the fish. Symphony reached over and took the pole, trying to reel the darn thing in. "Let the line out! Let the line out or it'll snap!" the man yelled. She obeyed his instruction and the line feed out, relieving the tension in the real. "Good... good..." the old man muttered as she watched. It was like a watery game of cat and mouse. As soon as she thought she had tired to beast out enough to bring him in, he would pull hard and try to break the line. It was a tricky sword fish. She could see why it had lived for 50+ years. It was a smart one. 

During this fisherman vs. fish battle, the old man continued to speak. "Ol' Billy the sword fish. I'll get you yet today..." 

Yeah, and I'm doing all the work, Symphony thought to herself. 


Roll ID#: 116383
CD: 6 (success)


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Finally, Symphony grew tired of the regular method of fishing. "Here, old man," she said as she handed Ol' Pete the fishing pole. "Just keep this steady and let me do the rest." 

She managed to balance herself on the edge of the boat with her dagger in her right hand. A sudden storm had whipped up, which blew ice cold rain against her face and blew her hair around her. "Come here, you over-sized, tuna!" Symphony yelled as the sword fish leaped out of the water. "Steady," she told the old man when the sword fish charged towards the boat. 

As soon as the sword fish was a few feet away, Symphony reached out and used her sword art to slice four times into the body of the fish, stopping it dead in its tracks and paralyzing it in the water. The fish twitched, stuck floating at the edge of the water. Symphony smiled and planned her next move. 


Roll ID#: 116384
BD: 10 (+2 crit, paralyze)
Fad edge sword art: 6+2 = 8 * 4 = 32
MD: paralyzed

Symphony: 240/240 HP | 20/24 EN | 6 DMG | 1 ACC | 9-10 PLYZ | +5 REGEN


Ol' Billy the Sword Fish: 3/35 HP | 50/5 DMG

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As the fish began to wiggle to life again and pull on the line, Symphony jumped into the water and stabbed the fish in the eye, killing it instantly. With Ol' Pete's help, she got back into the boat (nearly tipping it over) and dragged in Ol' Billy the sword fish. This behemoth weighed above 50 pounds at least. He was a big boy indeed. Panting and out of breath, Symphony leaned against the side of the boat as Ol' Pete began to revel at the death of his rival. "After 50 years, I finally got him." For the first time that day, Symphony saw the old man smile. She thought her ears were deceiving her when the old man spoke again. "Thank you," he said gruffly and quickly. It might have been short, but he had said it.

A small smile crossed Symphony's lips and she said, "You're welcome." Then she took the oars in her hands again and rowed back towards shore with their legendary catch. 


Roll ID#: 116385
BD: 10 (+2 crit)
MD: paralyzed

Symphony: 240/240 HP | 20/24 EN | 6 DMG | 1 ACC | 9-10 PLYZ | +5 REGEN


Ol' Billy the Sword Fish: 0/35 HP | 50/5 DMG

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Once they reached shore, Symphony helped load Ol' Billy onto a cart and waved goodbye as the man slowly carted it to his shop in town, where he would cut up the fish and preserve it. He'd have some good eating for a pretty long while. She smiled. This had actually been a fun time for her. In the beginning, she had hated the thought of being trapped in a boat while an old man fished, but it had actually turned out to be quite the adventure. 

She looked up at the sky. The clouds had suddenly cleared after she had caught Ol' Billy. Quite fitting weather, indeed, she thought to herself. She looked at the time on her display and saw that it wasn't even noon yet, so she decided to take out her own rod and try her own hand at fishing. She stood at the edge of the pier and cast her line as Cloak flew over her in the nice breeze of the lake. 

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Symphony let her line reel out far into the lake, and sat, waiting for something to bite. She chewed on a piece of mint gum and decided to sit down at the edge of the pier while waiting. She pulled out a book and let the reel rest on her leg, one hand resting lightly on it while she read the book. Cloak soared in the air above her, chasing after the seagulls by the lake playfully. He wouldn't hurt them, but he just liked to chase after them. 

Symphony felt a pull on her line and managed to reel in a shoe. One leather shoe. Geez, people need to stop littering, Symphony thought as she put the shoe in her inventory. She could recycle the material for a project in the future. Once she had tucked the item away, she went back to fishing. At least things were peaceful.


Roll ID#: 116386
CD: 5 (+1 T1 material)

+1 T1 Material

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While she let her line drift back and forth, she pondered at what was going on in the real world right now. Had another world war started? Had anyone discovered a cure for cancer? She wished there was just one way for any news from the outside world to somehow get into this one. Even a newspaper clipping. Something. It would make her feel less isolated and away from her family and the ones she loved. 

Her thoughts were briefly interrupted by a tugging at her line. She reeled up a heavy mass. Geez, how big must thing be?! she thought to herself. After a few minutes of struggling, she managed to pull up a huge chest! "Wow! Cloak, come look at this!" Symphony shouted to her companion. She couldn't wait to open this wooden beauty. Cloak pecked at the top of the chest, curious as to what was inside as well.  


Roll ID#: 116409
LD: 20

Found a treasure chest

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Several minutes and lockpicks later, Symphony finally opened up the treasure chest to reveal a little bit of col, some materials, and two unidentified consumables. Not too big of a surprise, but still a welcome find! Symphony tucked all of the items into her inventory and took note to go see Kairi so that she could identify the items later. Humming happily, she closed the top of the chest, and it disappeared into thin air. Woah! That was so cool! Symphony thought to herself. 

This had been her first chest ever found, and she had to say, it was quite the find. A unique experience indeed. In fact, this find just wanted to make her fish some more to see what else she could find. Sitting back down at the edge of the pier, she cast her line once more and waited. She hummed a little tune to herself while doing so. 


Roll ID#: 116412
LD: 7

Items gained: 50 col, 2 T1 materials, 2 <<T1 Unidentified Uncommon Consumables>> 116412
(3 T1 Materials total)

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For a couple of minutes, Symphony had some moments of peace. She looked up at the clouds and actually had time to daydream and make shapes out of the fluffy cotton balls in the sky. As she was about to fall asleep, she felt a jolt on the line and grabbed it up in her hands. Now, whatever was on the end of the line this time was pretty powerful. She had an even harder time reeling the darn thing up than she did with the treasure chest. After several minutes of struggling, she pulled up an ugly creature on the opposite side of the dog. 

The monster had the title "Frog Fish" above it on her display, and oh boy did it look like a weird mash of those two animals. It had giant, human-sized frog legs coming out of a giant fish head with a tail at the back of it. It had weird, bulging eyes and had green, slimy skin. It had human arms popping out of its sides oddly enough as well. 


Roll ID#: 116414
CD: 3

Symphony: 240/240 HP | 24/24 ENG | 6 DMG | +1 ACC | 9-10 PLYZ | +5 REGEN


Frog Fish Monster: 120/120 HP | 36/36 DMG

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Symphony immediately lunged for the froggy beast, but its slimy skin let it slip against the blade without hurting itself. "Ew, that's absolutely disgusting," Symphony said as her blade dripped with slime. She wiped it on the leg of her black jeans and looked up just in time to see a ball of goop flying at her face. She dodged the ball, which she now realized had been launched from the frog fish's mouth, and nearly fell off the dock in doing so. Once she caught her balance, she whistled to Cloak to come over in case she needed help in battle. Cloak dodged around and pecked at the monster. It smelled like the fish that he loved to eat. The monster ribbited in fear and annoyance as the bird kept dive-bombing it, trying to peck at its tasty flesh. Symphony just looked on, a mildly disturbed expression on her face. 


Roll ID#: 116416
BD: 2 + 1 = 3 (-2 energy)
MD: 3 (fail)

Symphony: 240/240 HP | 22/24 ENG | 6 DMG | +1 ACC | 9-10 PLYZ | +5 REGEN


Frog Fish Monster: 120/120 HP | 36/36 DMG

Rank 1

  • [x2 Stun] Side Bite (5 Energy) - Stab your opponent in both sides, pincing nerves, stunning opponent.
  • [x2] Round Accel (2 Energy) - Dash around target at high speeds, delivering two slash/stabs into target.

Rank 2

  • [x3] Tri Pierce (3 Energy) - Stab target three times, slashing diagonally to cause a triangle effect on each one
  • [x4] Fad Edge (4 Energy) - The user swiftly strikes the opponent with four thrusts in brisk succession.

50 col, 3 T1 materials, 2 <<T1 Unidentified Uncommon Consumables>> 116412

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Well, I guess I should put this weird mutation of a creature out of its misery, she thought to herself as she charged her blade. While Cloak distracted the freakish monster, she charged and stabbed the frog fish in the gut, neck, weird tail-back-of-the-head thing, and leg. The odd creature flailed and wailed a weird sound upon the pier. That is ungodly and unnatural. The thing then tried to lash out at Symphony, but she easily leaped back and dodged the attack. Cloak came back and landed in front of the creature taunting it, and pecking at the abomination. Symphony just watched it happen and popped another piece of gum into her mouth. At least I get some entertainment during this fight. Kinda mean, but kinda funny. She sighed and stretched, taking a break to watch the scene in front of her. Once she figured the thing had had enough torture, she marched over and drew her blade. Cloak moved out of the way for her. 


Roll ID#: 116437
BD: 5 + 1 = 6 (success)
fad edge: 6*4=24
MD: 4 (fail)

Symphony: 240/240 HP | 19/24 ENG | 6 DMG | +1 ACC | 9-10 PLYZ | +5 REGEN


Frog Fish Monster: 96/120 HP | 36/36 DMG

Rank 1

  • [x2 Stun] Side Bite (5 Energy) - Stab your opponent in both sides, pincing nerves, stunning opponent.
  • [x2] Round Accel (2 Energy) - Dash around target at high speeds, delivering two slash/stabs into target.

Rank 2

  • [x3] Tri Pierce (3 Energy) - Stab target three times, slashing diagonally to cause a triangle effect on each one
  • [x4] Fad Edge (4 Energy) - The user swiftly strikes the opponent with four thrusts in brisk succession.

50 col, 3 T1 materials, 2 <<T1 Unidentified Uncommon Consumables>> 116412

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Again, the thing tried to attack her. She just stepped out of the way. She blew a bubble and popped it, then charged her blade. A grin crossed her face, and the frog fish knew he was royally hecked. With a twisted grin, she stabbed the thing for more times, in its back this time. The thing squealed and she let Cloak get back to torturing the darn thing. "That's for jumping out at me instead of letting me get useful materials or a chest." She played with her dagger while she waited for the Cloak to have enough fun with the thing. Then a twisted thought entered her head. I wonder how much I can torture this thing? she thought morbidly. She had cut open frogs and fish in zoology class at university. But she had never gotten the chance to cut open this type of abomination. She licked her lips and readied her blade once more. 


Roll ID#: 116438
BD: 5+1 = 6 
fad edge: 4 * 6 = 24
MD: 3 (Fail)

Symphony: 240/240 HP | 16/24 ENG | 6 DMG | +1 ACC | 9-10 PLYZ | +5 REGEN


Frog Fish Monster: 72/120 HP | 36/36 DMG

Rank 1

  • [x2 Stun] Side Bite (5 Energy) - Stab your opponent in both sides, pincing nerves, stunning opponent.
  • [x2] Round Accel (2 Energy) - Dash around target at high speeds, delivering two slash/stabs into target.

Rank 2

  • [x3] Tri Pierce (3 Energy) - Stab target three times, slashing diagonally to cause a triangle effect on each one
  • [x4] Fad Edge (4 Energy) - The user swiftly strikes the opponent with four thrusts in brisk succession.

50 col, 3 T1 materials, 2 <<T1 Unidentified Uncommon Consumables>> 116412

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She threw out her blade before the thing could attack it and hit it in the right eye. The thing was paralyzed from the affect of her blade and fell to the floor, twitching in utter pain. She took out the blade with the eyeball attached. Cloak dived down to catch as she threw the tasty eye up as a treat for her lovely companion. "Alright, so while you can't move, I'm going to have some fun," she said to the paralyzed monster. She made four slashes in its back, cutting the first layers of the skin of the creature open. She saw the fat along its spine and poked it. No movement. Hm, no fun while it's paralyzed, she thought to herself. As she poked and prodded the thing further, she realized the bone structure and anatomy of the creature was an absolute mess. Shortened spine, misshapen ribs. Absolute abomination. 


Roll ID#: 116439
BD: 9 + 1 = 10 (+2 crit)
fad edge: 8 * 4 = 32 
MD: paralyzed

Symphony: 240/240 HP | 13/24 ENG | 6 DMG | +1 ACC | 9-10 PLYZ | +5 REGEN


Frog Fish Monster: 40/120 HP | 36/36 DMG [paralyzed]

Rank 1

  • [x2 Stun] Side Bite (5 Energy) - Stab your opponent in both sides, pincing nerves, stunning opponent.
  • [x2] Round Accel (2 Energy) - Dash around target at high speeds, delivering two slash/stabs into target.

Rank 2

  • [x3] Tri Pierce (3 Energy) - Stab target three times, slashing diagonally to cause a triangle effect on each one
  • [x4] Fad Edge (4 Energy) - The user swiftly strikes the opponent with four thrusts in brisk succession.

50 col, 3 T1 materials, 2 <<T1 Unidentified Uncommon Consumables>> 116412

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Before the thing could even get a chance to start moving again, she used her dagger to stab it in the spine and paralyze it once more. Then she used a sword art to make four deep cuts to open the arms of the beast. Even stranger, Symphony thought. The inside of the arms had a human bone structure. But how it connected to the neck and shoulders of the rest of the creature she couldn't quite figure out. She poked at the muscles and watched as the arms of the creature twitched involuntarily. She sighed and poked a bone of the creature. It screamed in pain, so she poked it again. Now it just whimpered in pain. Then she went back to the back and vertebrae of the creature. In its opened back, she could even see what looked like kidneys. She poked them, and the creature screamed louder. 


Roll ID#: 116440
BD: 8 + 1 = 9 (+1 crit)
fad edge: 7 * 4 = 28

MD: paralyzed

Symphony: 240/240 HP | 10/24 ENG | 6 DMG | +1 ACC | 9-10 PLYZ | +5 REGEN


Frog Fish Monster: 12/120 HP | 36/36 DMG [paralyzed]

Rank 1

  • [x2 Stun] Side Bite (5 Energy) - Stab your opponent in both sides, pincing nerves, stunning opponent.
  • [x2] Round Accel (2 Energy) - Dash around target at high speeds, delivering two slash/stabs into target.

Rank 2

  • [x3] Tri Pierce (3 Energy) - Stab target three times, slashing diagonally to cause a triangle effect on each one
  • [x4] Fad Edge (4 Energy) - The user swiftly strikes the opponent with four thrusts in brisk succession.

50 col, 3 T1 materials, 2 <<T1 Unidentified Uncommon Consumables>> 116412

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The paralysis wore off, and the mangled beast tried its best to attack the woman. But she just slit its throat and watched it drop dead, its body exploding into thousands of pixels. She sighed. "My toy is gone." She pouted and then checked the loot that the monster had dropped. Hm, some pretty good stuff, she thought to herself. This should be a good amount of money... enough to save up for the wedding. She smiled and tucked the loot into her inventory. Seems like she had found some more items that needed identifying as well. So much money to spend identifying them. She could also possibly sell them. Whichever was more possible. She also already had items in shop getting identified as well. She needed to check with the shop keep to see how things were progressing. She stretched and walked back over to the edge of the pier, picking up her fishing rod once more. 


Roll ID#: 116441
BD: 5 + 1 = 6
round accel 6 * 2 = 12
MD: 1

Roll for loot
Roll ID#: 116442
CD: 8
LD: 9

Symphony: 240/240 HP | 9/24 ENG | 6 DMG | +1 ACC | 9-10 PLYZ | +5 REGEN


Frog Fish Monster: 0/120 HP | 36/36 DMG [paralyzed]

Gained: 360 + 240 col + 120 = , 2 T1 material, <<T1 Unidentified Rare Trinket>>

Rank 1

  • [x2 Stun] Side Bite (5 Energy) - Stab your opponent in both sides, pincing nerves, stunning opponent.
  • [x2] Round Accel (2 Energy) - Dash around target at high speeds, delivering two slash/stabs into target.

Rank 2

  • [x3] Tri Pierce (3 Energy) - Stab target three times, slashing diagonally to cause a triangle effect on each one
  • [x4] Fad Edge (4 Energy) - The user swiftly strikes the opponent with four thrusts in brisk succession.

Total: 770 col, 5 T1 materials, 2 <<T1 Unidentified Uncommon Consumables>> 116412, <<T1 Unidentified Rare Trinket>> 116442

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Symphony stared up at the sky once again as she let the fishing rod do its thing. When the rod started pulling, she reeled it in and discovered a leather material on the end of the line. She put the piece of leather into her inventory to be used for crafting at a later time. Then she threw the line back into the water and yeeted the rod back into its holder at the side of the dock/pier. She laid back down and looked up the sky, resting her eyes and still chewing her gum. Chew chew chew. She blew bubbles and let them pop against her lips as a calm breeze brew over her. It felt nice. 

Above her, Cloak soared on the easy breeze over the lake. It was easy flying with the nice winds they were having. He watched Symphony as she rested her eyes and made sure to watch out for any enemies that could approach her. 


Roll ID#: 116462
CD: 5 (+1 T1 material)

Rank 1

  • [x2 Stun] Side Bite (5 Energy) - Stab your opponent in both sides, pincing nerves, stunning opponent.
  • [x2] Round Accel (2 Energy) - Dash around target at high speeds, delivering two slash/stabs into target.

Rank 2

  • [x3] Tri Pierce (3 Energy) - Stab target three times, slashing diagonally to cause a triangle effect on each one
  • [x4] Fad Edge (4 Energy) - The user swiftly strikes the opponent with four thrusts in brisk succession.

Total: 770 col, 6 T1 materials, 2 <<T1 Unidentified Uncommon Consumables>> 116412, <<T1 Unidentified Rare Trinket>> 116442

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She felt the line pull and immediately jumped up to reel in whatever was pulling on the line. This catch was a big one indeed! After much effort, she reeled in 3 materials and tucked them into her inventory happily. Then she put the reel back in its holder and relaxed once more. Nice breeze, not too bright of a sun. It was a peaceful moment in a world of death. Too nice, but okay for the moment. She blew some more bubbles and stretched in the sun, enjoying the warmth against the cool breeze. She felt like a seal sunning on a nice rock or something. Just really warm and nice. She felt safe for once. It felt... nice. But she knew not to trust such things. Being lulled into a false sense of security was what killed players here. Especially the beginners. Cloak cawed above her as he looked for fish to eat. 


Roll ID#: 116463
CD: 9 (+3 T1 material)

Rank 1

  • [x2 Stun] Side Bite (5 Energy) - Stab your opponent in both sides, pincing nerves, stunning opponent.
  • [x2] Round Accel (2 Energy) - Dash around target at high speeds, delivering two slash/stabs into target.

Rank 2

  • [x3] Tri Pierce (3 Energy) - Stab target three times, slashing diagonally to cause a triangle effect on each one
  • [x4] Fad Edge (4 Energy) - The user swiftly strikes the opponent with four thrusts in brisk succession.

Total: 770 col, 9 T1 materials, 2 <<T1 Unidentified Uncommon Consumables>> 116412, <<T1 Unidentified Rare Trinket>> 116442


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She was fishing up a good amount of materials today. She had gathered eleven so far. Now she would definitely have enough to try and make herself a perfect T1 armor. She only had a rare set of armor, and it made things a bit frustrating in battle. The Mii theme song began to idly play through her head. Doo do do do do doo doo doo. Doo doo doo! doo doo do, doo do dooooo do do. Do do do do, do do do do do do doo, do do do do do do! do do do! doo doo... (It is a valid song, and I am trying to use up space. Please do not judge.) She tapped her foot to the beat and sighed, the song now stuck in her head. It would probably be stuck in there for quite a while now. Such was the way of the Mii song. 


Roll ID#: 116464
CD: 8 (+2 T1 material)

Total: 770 col, 11 T1 materials, 2 <<T1 Unidentified Uncommon Consumables>> 116412, <<T1 Unidentified Rare Trinket>> 116442

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