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[PP-F1] "I picked his pocket, and that's how we met"

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Akio had been up all day and he hadn't been able to pick pockets well.  Actually he hadn't found many 'unsuspecting' victims.  If they were alert he couldn't risk it.  Maybe people were hearing about the pickpocket lately?  Either way he needed the gold so, what the hell right?  He kept hiding in his little alleyway, silently waiting for someone to walk by.  His hood was up, obscuring his face, and his hidden dagger was...  Well hidden.  It wouldn't do any good of course since players were immortal objects here but still.  It kind of annoyed him that clothing on the player was considered immortal too.  Otherwise he could cut a coin purse off the belt, grab it and go.  "AAaaaaagh, this suuuuuucks."  He said aloud as he leaned against the wall, arms crossed and pouting.  He had tried to complete that darn quest which taught him how to fight, but when night fell the monsters got stronger.  He tried to complete it the next day but the time expired and now he had to do the whole stupid thing all over again.  Well.  At least he knew how to fight now.  Or at least how to activate sword arts.  He didn't know how to do that before and it was kind of important.  'Don't worry mom.  I'll stay safe.  I'll see you again, I promise.'  And he kept his promises.

Suddenly he spotted someone who was prime for the picking.  He watched them fumble and he took a stance ready to race forward.  Maybe they saw someone they were scared of?  Bumped into someone?  Tripped?  Either way he saw that coin purse spill open, the gold flying in the air.  Taking a small bag of his he ran forward and opened the bag.  As he ran past the person, he caught most of the gold.  A solid fifty col at least!  He tied the bag and dashed like his life depended on it.  Running into the other alley opposite of his, he made two large steps onto boxes and landed a solid step on the wall before pushing himself over the fence that cut the alley in two.  He landed, failed a roll and landed on his behind.  Got up and continued running.  A wide grin on his face.  YES!

LV:  3  Iron_Lion
HP:  [                    ]
EN:  [
XP:  [


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As time went on, the various players of Aincrad seemed to finally drown out the looming sense of dread from being stuck in this virtual world. The frontliners continued to push farther and farther upwards into Aincrad's castle, while those players who, for reasons of their own, stayed away from the boss fights and made their way in life. Vandrin was also a bit grateful that players began to get their own gear and customize themselves a bit more, for it grew a bit tiresome to see every player wearing the simple starter armor, just in different colors. He, of course, was one to talk.. since he still sported the beginner's gear. His weapon, however, his assault spear, was a bit more powerful than a mere newbie's weapon. Thanks to a generous player who was ridding himself of his old gear to another in need, Vandrin was able to score the weapon he called "Little Slugger" for next to nothing. Now it was just a matter of continuing to quest and equip himself with better gear so he could make a name for himself, and live this new life as Vandrin.  

This portion of the Town of Beginnings he walked through was a bit more jam packed than normal. The marketplace, as it became known to many, was a few blocks of pop up shops made from crates and tents where NPCs sold food and other wares. It brought a bit more life to the city, so players were not forced to just continue walking into enclosed businesses all the time. Ahead of him, a vendor selling avatar accessories, such as bows, hats, and other small vanity items, had drawn quite a crowd. As one player would step away from the shop, another would take his place. He watched as one woman reached into a pouch to acquire col to purchase an item, only to be accidentally bumped by a player passing by. The col from her purse had been sent tumbling to the cobblestone ground. However, before the clanging of the small metal pieces could be heard, a hooded player flew through the crowd with an open pouch of their own, catching most of the coins out of mid air. 

Vandrin's eyes went wide, at first thinking the move to be a bit impressive, but also realizing that he just watched a burglary. "Hey, stop!" Vandrin called out to the hooded player who had vanished from sight. "Dammit.. I gotta find them." he said to himself, before charging off in the direction he had seen the player go. On the other side of a fence tall fence that blocked off half of the alleyway, Vandrin saw the player fumble before getting back up to their feet and taking off running. "Hey!" he shouted, before hopping up and climbing the fence himself. 


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