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[F01-PP]>>The first few lessons are free<<

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Aqua had just walked out of a shop, she didn't buy anything, she just observed what was there at the moment. There were NPC's moving about, but one stuck out to her

His name was Zackariah. Aqua noticed he was a quest giver "Hello mr...whats your name?" "Zackariah. Nice to meet you...what should I call you?" "Aqua. You seem like you need something...what is it?" "Just some materials Ms. Aqua." Zackariah had a welcoming look on his face "I can do it, I'll be back." "Stay safe young lady!" She walked away, In a half job it seemed, out of the safe zone to get the items for the NPC. Zackariah had watched Aqua leave, and hoped that she could get the materials for him, but more importantly, that she didn't hurt herself. He stood in the spot and waited for Aqua to come back. 

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LD Roll:5

As Aqua left the safe zone, she immediately started looking for the items the man wanted. She kept looking, but for the time being, no luck.

'It should be easy' She thought. Maybe it was because she was new. She would get used too it. As she kept searching, she kept failing to find something "Harder than I thought." She strayed farther away from the safe zone, maybe she was too close to it.

She was walking away from the safe zone, she could barely see it again. She looked again. Nothing. She was starting to get frustrated, but she had to find it eventually. Right? She kept searching, but no luck.

She had sat down for a break and started talking to herself "Maybe I'm in the wrong place. Maybe I'm just unlucky. Maybe..." She kept going on and on. She got back up and continued looking for the items Zackariah wanted

Edited by Aqua
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