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[F1 - SP] Awkward Beginnings <<The First Few Lessons Are Free>>

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Leucis leaned up against a wall. He stared off into the distance, thinking intently about nothing in particular. Among those thoughts was a theme of just how pointless him standing here was. But what was there to do about it? Stat wise, Leucis was useless. He just had his natural charisma and con abilities. Sure, that had gotten him this far, but it had just helped him do the most basic form of living.

Sadly, he couldn’t even pull his cons off all that effectively anymore. People were catching on in the town of beginnings, and he was running out of new ways to pull the wool over their eyes. More and more the only remaining option left was honest work. At least for now. Perhaps once he got some proper levels and stats, he’d be able to go back to conning again. Once he had new people to fleece.

Edited by Leucis Akmenos
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So now that he had finally convince himself to get his feet moving in a different direction, the question was how? Perhaps he could open up a storefront? Honest labor for honest results. At least up front. But his con capital was limited at best, and he really didn’t want to go spending it on anything less than a sure investment. After all, people doing so was how he made the money in the first place. He was the con artist. He wouldn’t be conned in return.

He continued to stare off into the distance as his brain worked on his newest conundrum, until it finally clicked. There was that quest line for beginners, wasn’t there? Surely that would be a perfect place to get some money and some stats. Not that Leucis would admit he was a beginner, even if he technically was. And so he set out on his way.

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As Leucis set off, he had remembered that quests could be found using bulletin boards dotted about the city. This would be a good starting point for him, and would no doubt have the quest listed. At least, so he hoped.

So he set off, only to realize that... he had no idea where the bulletin boards were. He froze, thinking hard and trying to remember where he had seen one. They were always swarmed by other players, at least here in the starting city. Surely that would have stuck out in his mind, but he just couldn’t recall to save his life.

Not really wanting to just wander the city, Leucis tried to flag down other players for help. As a younger man passed him by, he tried to get his attention, only to be ignored completely. A girl passed by, gave one look at Leucis flagging her down, and then darted into a nearby store. Now, Leucis knew he was an imposingly tall man, and didn’t have the kindest looking face, but this was ridiculous.

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After an impressively long time of trying to flag down other players only to be ignored in one way or another, Leucis finally gave up. He’d just have to find a way to the bulletin board on his own. So he set himself to wander. Unfortunately, the Town of Beginnings was huge, and not exactly full of easy to remember landmarks. Leucis wandered for the better part of an hour, before finally breaking into a plaza. A plaza full of other adventures swarmed around a bulletin board. Exactly what Leucis needed.

Weaving his way through the crowd with relative ease, with some people simply moving out of his way due to his height, he eventually made it to the board itself, and began searching for the beginner quests. There was the one listed, specifically as <<The First Few Lessons Are Free>>. That had to be it. So he called to accept it from the board, hit accept on the requisite popup, and was good to go.

Edited by Leucis Akmenos
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After accepting the quest, Leucis opened up his map to find the golden exclamation mark notating where he was supposed to go for his quest, only to realize that the bulletin board was marked on the map as well. He covered his eyes with his palm, and gave a heavy sigh, before pressing on. He followed the golden marker to its destination, before stopping in front of the little store that was presumably that of Zachariah, the quest giver.

There were people consistently going in and out of the storefront, presumably other people on the quest. Leucis nodded and made his way in with some other people. They gathered up in front of the man in question, and each of them was told to gather materials, Leucis included. Leucis nodded to the man and noticed that the golden marker disappeared as the quest step was fulfilled. Now he just had to figure out where to get materials.

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