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[SP F1] Earning a Living

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The main road heading towards the center of town was lined with a large assortment of shops: armor, textiles, weapons, food, anything a player could want in this imaginary world was for sale.

All the shops though, despite their differences, had two major things in common. Firstly, nothing was free. Everything that you could ever want was here and attached that thing was a convenient little price tag. Secondly was that they all stared at the creaking mess of tattered cloths and ruined armor as he walked by.

Chain glared a boulder, How is something made out of rocks quieter than me when I walk? The black river rock golem noticed and smiled in response to Chain's scowl, the light blue fire that coursed through his body gave even the friendly smile a menacing appearance, at least as menacing as a two foot tall pile of rocks can manage.

Leveling had been going great for Chained, the search for loot was a different and completely opposite story. So here he was, walking past hundreds of judging eyes that he normally avoided looking for a light armor repair specialist.

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After an exhaustive search Chain finally found someone who could help him, but the guy was kind of a jerk who only said hurtful things like, "Yes sir, that will be 500 Col," Or "I can absolutely fix that, and for only 300 Col." After a few minutes the oppressive nature of the shop became too much and he had no choice but to leave. Also there was some sort of sign that said something around the lines of 'paying customers only' and 'no loitering'

The next two shops he found were just as inhospitable.

How do people expect to maintain a business if they have a crappy attitude like that. Chain lied to himself.

Three shops before the great long row of commerce someone actually yelled at him to come over, as opposed to the "Get away you freeloading bum," that he usually got.

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