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[F01 - SP ] <<The Second Lesson is also Free>>

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HP: 20              EN: 2               DMG: 4               MIT:                ACC:            EVA:


Sword Skills

  • [x1 AoE] Sonic Charge (1 Energy +2 per target hit) - A forward thrust which explodes energy at the end of the move.
  • [x2 Stun] Twin Thrust (5 Energy) - A pair of quick thrusts aimed at the user's knees to immobilize them.
  • [x2] Heft (2 Energy) - Lift the heavy end of the spear diagonally across your opponent from the ground, cutting their torso with the tip.


Weapon skills:

» 2H Assault Spear (Rnk 1)                    (+3 base dmg)





  • <<equipped>> Trightning (Tier 1, 2H Assault Spear, Rare quality, PRLZ/BLD)

A long fishing trident, reforged into a weapon for battle. It's fishing nature makes it particularly good at stopping prey. 

  •  Iron Spear (Tier 1, 2H Assault Spear, Uncommon, rank 1 ACC)

  • Vanity Weapon of choice (Long-Spear of weak attacks, 2H assault spear)


  • <<Equipped>> Scale Mail (Tier 1, Heavy Armor, Rare quality, Thorns | Heavy Momentum)

Made to be paired with Trightning, this bluish-green armor resembles fish scales. It increases damage output by a lot.

  • <<Equipped>> Vanity Armor of choice (Emerald Pendant)


  • (3) Starter Healing Potions (Heals 50 HP)

  • 2,400 Col and (25) Tier 1 materials

  • 5 Tier One Health Potions of Uncommon Quality (+40HP)

  • 1 Tier One Damage Potion. (+1 Damage)

  • 1 Tier One Over-Health Potion (+50 Temp. HP)

  • Glasswing butterfly (Vanity item, no effect)

A butterfly with clear wings... releases butterfly when used... not big enough to be used as a distraction.

Once he returned from buying a new spear, and some food, it took a while for him to find his way back, thanks to the simple grid layout of the Town of Beginnings, Saruki was ready to take on the new quest. "So," he asked Lyle Tealeaf, the NPC blacksmith whose quest it was, "What is it you need my help with?"

"I, like my friend, am swamped with work, and don't have enough materials to make his special order," The NPC replied, "Would you please help me? I really am fresh out of materials, so you'd need to hunt some Boar Pups for their tusks."

"Sure," Saruki agreed, he needed a chance to test out his new spear anyways, "I'll help."

This is going to be another long day... Saruki thought, reflecting on his last quest, and his run-in with a boar... which shouldn't have ended so badly...

Maybe this time it will go better... he thought optimistically... maybe...

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After grabbing a quick snack, Saruki traversed the labyrinth that was the simple grid system based town, the Town of Beginnings.  He'd half expected to find a Minotaur in the central plaza the first day... Kayaba was close enough.

Saruki was on a quest, he made his way to the East Gate, where he'd decided was the easiest place to start looking for boar pups. When he got there he didn't see any boar pups... he thought he saw a player sitting in the grass, trying to get a sugar glider off his head or something... ?... Not important. but no boars... Moving on... next stop, the forest.

Saruki looked around the forest for a boar... he didn't see any boars, but he did see a butterfly, Cool, butterfly! It didn't take Saruki long to forget his quest entirely... because it was a butterfly, it was more interesting than boars could ever bee.

Ha, ha, ha.

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ID: 129413

LD: 15

Obtained 1 Vanity Item (Orange Butterfly)


Orange butterfly:

Rarity: vanity

Description: An Orange butterfly, using the item releases the butterfly, no status effects.

Saruki was once again chasing a butterfly, this time through a forest rather than a field. He chased it around trees for a long time, ten minutes? fifteen? half an hour? He entirely forgot to keep a lookout for mobs, but thankfully, none appeared, or at least, none which he noticed. After quite a while longer of chasing, he needed to get on with his quest... but the butterfly took priority. the butterfly finally landed on a tree flower. It was an apple tree, so it had pink flowers, which distracted Satuki for a second. Saruki climbed the tree and maneuvered over tho where the butterfly was. It hadn't moved, and surprisingly Saruki could just reach out and grab it. Which he did.

The Item, Orange Butterfly, was added to Saruki's inventory before he fell out of the tree, which did not usually happen to him.

He fell out of the tree into a clearing. This was where he found his first Boar Pup.

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Boar Pup; Hp 5  Dmg 3

ID# 130248

BD: 7 MD: 3 

Saruki: HP 60/60 | EN 6/6 (-1)

Boar Pup: HP 5/5 (-4)

Saruki got up and thrust his trident at the boar. He fast learned that his trident works as a good boar spear when the Boar pup's health bar plummeted into the red. Interesting...

The Boar Pup couldn't penetrate the bar between the three sharp points from which the trident got it's name stopped the boar dead in it's tracks. On the other hand, he had to pull the trident back to attack again, freeing the boar... Not a problem, I'll just hit it again, Saruki thought, Judging by it's health, that will kill it.

He did not judge this a difficult fight, he was just worried that he'd have to fight a group of angry adult Boars, he knew from reading, and TV, that Boars were very protective... Though that doesn't necicaraly hold true for Boars in SAO. Or at least... Hopefully it didn't, The odds were about 50/50, though he hadn't judged Kayaba as the kind of person who'd know those kinds of things... Though some information can come from odd sources...

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Boar Pup; Hp 5  Dmg 3

ID# 130896

BD: 7 MD: 5 

Saruki: HP 60/60 (-3) | EN 5/6 (-1)

Boar Pup: HP 1/5 (-4)

Saruki drew his trident back for another hit and, as he'd expected, the boar pup charged in. It ran into him, dealing only three damage, then he thrust his trident and impaled the small boar. He didn't exactly feel good killing it, but he had a job to do. Plus, it wasn't even real. The boar pup squealed and shattered as it's health bar dropped to zero. I should get this hunt over with, hunting bigger boars won't feel so bad... hopefully. 


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