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[F-01] [SP] Punching Rocks, Testing Katana Arts and Hiking with Friends «Breaking the Unbreakable»

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“Well, I was looking for… bandages,” Rei replied, materialising said items in his hands, in a world with healing potions and crystals, normal bandages and the like were practically impossible to find,

“Why?” Yuta still didn’t understand however,

“I mean, by the time we’re done, our knuckles are probably going to bleed a lot, so I was thinking of going ahead and putting bandages on whilst we’re still ahead, who knows, it might actually soften the blow,” Rei suggested, waving the roll of bandages at him,

“You know we don’t bleed in this game, right?” Takumi reminded with a raised brow,

“Oh right,” Rei realised that he was indeed correct, seeing the skin peeling from his knuckles made him forget game like details like that, the game censored things like that to keep it at a low PG rating, so they could aim the market at a wider audience, he supposed.

ID# 135027
BD: 6
Damage Dealt = 1 + 1

Boudler's HP = 30/50

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Well, the same game has the open possibility of marriage and death, so hey, there was that as well…

“… It might still soften the blow at least?” Rei hoped,

“Maybe,” Yuta shrugged, stopping his punches and walking over as well, “Give me some as well,”

“I’d take anything at this point,” Takumi agreed, making his way over.

Soon enough, they had bandages wrapped around their arms and began to continue raining the harsh punches into the stone, as expected, they weren’t bleeding and he couldn’t really tell if the wrappings actually helped at all, but well, they certainly began to look the part of a rag tag bunch of martial artists aiming for the top by participating in gruelling training regimens,

“Hey… why don’t we play a word chain game?” Yuta groaned, bored out of his mind as well as hurting, he was desperate for something to take his mind off things,

ID# 135028
BD: 5 +3 +2
Damage Dealt = 1 + 1

Boudler's HP = 28/50

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There was a small moment for everyone to share a subtle dubious glance, their eyes conveying several trains of thought between themselves, unease, curiosity, boredom, desperation, these were among the more surface level thoughts on their minds,

“Well, sure, why not. We need a way to pass the time anyway,” Rei shrugged back in collective reply,

“Nice! You remember the rules, right? Use the last letter for the next word, no repeats, and we’ll go with 5 seconds to make it harder,” Yuta outlined the rules,

“5 seconds? Dang!” Rei remarked, a game like this usually gave you 10 seconds? 30 seconds? At least, some time to think since you were often blanking out on obvious answers.

“Let's go with something like food first, something broad,” Yuta declared, “We’ll go towards the right, so after me, it’s Kenji, Takumi, Rei and then back to me,” he gestured with his finger to signify the loop,

ID# 135132 
BD: 1
Boudler's HP = 28/50

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“Banana.” Yuta started off with something simple before punching his rock with a loud crack,

“Natto,” Kenji nearly shrugged in response before he realised that whilst intrigued, everyone was still trying to concentrate on rock punching,


“To… Toast,”




Their voices rang out, one after another, each time followed by a dull thud and crack of their fists against the boulders in front of them, it became a near unspoken rule that after answering, you would punch the boulder, it was a way of pacing themselves, they had to complete this quest after all, there was no point putting it off no matter how unpleasant.

Food for a word chain was a particularly long game since there was so many they could choose from, until the inevitable happened,

“Strawberry,” Thwack! Takumi punched his boulder with a wince and glanced over at Rei who was next, inadvertedly he had ended with a Y which notoriously made things difficult,

ID# 135133
BD: 1
Boudler's HP = 28/50

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“Er… Y…” Rei gave a worried glance over at Takumi with a small curl of his lips that expressed a pout, “Er… Yogurt,” barely making it to the timer,

“Turkey,” Yuta grinned over at Kenji on the other end,

“Er… um…Er…” Kenji promptly panicked and as with the case with most things when you panic, you usually panic even more and it eventually leads in loss as with this one.

“And that’s time!” Yuta declared happily,

“Urk…” Kenji sighed deeply, annoyed by his loss,

“Well, thank god for that, I was running out,” Rei let out a breath of relief,

“Time for round 2!" Yuta nodded with a smile,

“We’re still going?” Takumi raised a small irked brow, but Yuta was already thinking to what’s next,

“Let’s go with colours this time round, Yellow,”

“… White,” there was a small moment before Kenji gave up and joined in,


“A `D`?” Rei sighed deeply with slumped shoulders, “I feel like you always give me the hard ones…”

ID# 135134
BD: 1
Boudler's HP = 28/50

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“Er… Dark Green?” he suggested hopefully, but as expected, that was shot down,

“That’s not allowed, we’re not using something like `Dark`” Yuta shook his head,

“Ugh… Is there even colours that start with D?” Rei sighed, giving in, and with that, this particular word chain ended almost immediately,

“…Honestly, not really,” Takumi admitted with sympathy, “We should do something with a wider subject,”

“how about countries then?” Kenji suggested,

“No matter how you look at that, Takumi who has memorised the world map and me who barely knows his way around Tokyo, it’s too damn wide a matchup,” Rei complained,

“That’s true…” Yuta sighed somewhat,

“…What about names? That seems pretty good,” Rei suggested,

“yeah, let’s go with that, you start,” Yuta nodded in a agreement, giving him a wave,

“Right then, Airi,”

“Airi huh…. Ri… Riku,”

“Ku… Kuon,”

There was a collective stare towards Kenji that made it clear that that one felt somewhat cheap, nevertheless, they continued,

ID# 135135
BD: 5 +3 +2
Damage Dealt = 1 +1

Boudler's HP = 26/50

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“On… Eh…. Onimura?”

“Ra… Raiko,”


“Ro…” Kenji racked his brains for a moment, causing a lapse in the string of names, “Rokuro,”

“Back to ro… huh…” Takumi sighed, “…I’ve got nothing.”

“… I suppose names was a bad call,” Rei shrugged,

“Er… let’s see… what’s next?” Yuta tried to salvage the game, but it was clear that the others had had enough,

“Let’s just… Do something else,” Takumi groaned from boredom, it seemed like the word chain game barely did anything for them,

“Yeah… you’re right,” Rei sighed, “But there’s not much else we can really do to put our minds off things,”

“Why don’t we try to make a story between us, like we used to?” Yuta suggested,

“Sure, why not,” Rei nodded, there was literally nothing else for them to do at this point, and they needed something to take their minds off punching this boulder listlessly for the next couple hours, though he doubted that this particular game would last that long.

ID# 135136
BD: 10
Damage Dealt = 1 +1 +2

Boudler's HP = 22/50

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“One day, bob found…” Rei began with something generic,

“Bob? Really?” Yuta sent him a wry smile from his right,

“Whatever, it works,” Rei shrugged back and waved for him to continue,

“… a body on his front porch, it was…” Yuta followed up, leading down towards a murder mystery drama, he glanced over at Kenji hopefully, they met eye contact, which made Kenji uncomfortable to be saddled with his hopes that he had no chance of fulfilling,

“Um… er… His dog?” Kenji shrugged hopelessly,

“His dog?” Yuta raised a brow with a sigh,

“Well, it could still work out-“ Rei tried to comfort him,

“So Bob sprinted into the forest in search of…” Takumi took the story in a completely other direction now, leaving it to Rei to think of what’s next,

“…A forbidden healing mushroom, deep in the forest that his parents told him to never go near…”

ID# 135137
BD: 9
Damage Dealt = 1 +1 +1

Boudler's HP = 19/50

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“The deeper he got in the forest, the darker the trees became, the branches became gnarled and twisted, the trees lost their leaves and every inch of greenery had disappeared…” Yuta continued to delve into the deep dark drama,

“and then the spiders came,”

“…” Takumi gave Kenji a long, silent, hard look of disapproval before continuing, “So Bob took his portable flamethrower and incinerated them all,”

“… … …” Rei along with Yuta gave the pair a small dubious stare before sighing, “Then a spider the size of this boulder came, chasing him deeper into the forest, his flamethrower out of fuel, he could no longer do anything,”

“… heart pounding in his head, his lungs burning, his breathes came wheezily, he was exhausted and the spider was gaining on him, he felt his pace getting slower, that was when he found….” Yuta kept doing his best to lather on the atmosphere, however…

ID# 135138
BD: 5 +3 +2
Damage Dealt = 1 +1

Boudler's HP = 17/50

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“… Er… he uh… A shovel, he found  a shovel,” Kenji nodded to himself, trailing off with that,

“Seriously?” Yuta sighed deeply, shooting Kenji a look of incredible disapproval and exasperation from the other side of the row,

“Can’t we do something else?” Kenji gave his own exasperated frustration, they’ve done these types of games before when they were bored, like at high school hanging around in the garden with nothing at all on their minds, or when they were on a particularly long bus ride on the way to or from a trip, it never ended well and it always just drained them of energy, sure, it was a good distraction at the time, but afterwards they would be even more bored than before,

“Right, so bob took the shovel, dug up a RPG and blew up the giant spider, problem solved,” Takumi concluded suddenly, ending their little game right there,

ID# 135323 
BD: 5 +3 +2
Damage Dealt = 1 +1

Boudler's HP = 15/50

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On the note of remembering their high school trips, Kenji thought to bring it up, “Hey, do you guys remember the time we went to the beach during the summer school trip?”

“The one to Yokohama, you mean?” Takumi confirmed questioningly,


“I remember it, what about it?” Yuta leaned over from the end of the row quizzically,

“Well, we tried playing this game on the way there and in the end it just made us even more bored,” Kenji pointed out,

“Yeah…” Rei sighed despairingly, “But…. What else can we do?” he asked rhetorically to the air as he winced from another punch into the boulder, they’ve been at it for some time now, their fists were incredibly sore, but because it was a game, it didn’t go so far as to give them broken or bloody knuckles, even though by now, in reality they definitely would have been forced to stop an hour ago for safety reasons.

ID# 135324
BD: 6
Damage Dealt = 1 +1

Boudler's HP = 13/50

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“I was wondering, when the power went out because of that earthquake during the evening, where were you guys? I remember the teachers were in a panic searching for you,” Kenji glanced over at Rei and Takumi,

“Oh yeah, I was wondering about that as well, you never told us,” Yuta nodded, sharing in the desire to know as Rei and Takumi shared a look,

“Well, it’s not exactly something we’re keen on telling,” Takumi explained and hoped that would be enough to push the matter aside,

“Come on, tell us…. tell us…. come on… it can’t be that bad….” Yuta groaned, walking over, interrupting their quest to punch rocks to nudge them, he was being strangely insistent, he would usually back away immediately in fear of touching upon a sensitive subject, though, he probably presumed that this couldn’t possibly be serious considering they were happy go lucky high school students messing around at a school trip at the time.

ID# 135325
BD: 1
Boudler's HP = 13/50

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“Well, you know how it is, the burning youth of high school boys and girls, on the last night of their final year trip to the beach, out of the way, starry sky above,” Rei went on at length,

“`Isn’t it just the best romantic moment we could have?` … he says,” Takumi sighed deeply, remembering how when the pair of them got back to their room, Rei spotted some people walking along the beach, recognising them as the girls from their school.

The four of them were in the same room but Kenji and Yuta at the time had both gone out to buy some drinks, and even though Rei had short sightedness, by some means he still managed to identify the girls as Airi and Yui. Rei had at the time managed to become good friends with Airi, clearing their misunderstandings throughout the year of arguing and Yui was someone that Takumi had a crush on since they were middle school,

ID# 135400 
BD: 1
Boudler's HP = 13/50

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In any case, he left those words to convince Takumi before dragging him out to the beach, he texted Airi before hand and synchronised a plan, she would bring Yui over to one of the stony outcrops by the beach, it was like a small ramp/cliff as well as a natural pier that gave a nice, somewhat elevated view of the beautiful ocean, which was sparkling from the moonlight, with starry skies as the backdrop, it would make the absolute perfect time for Takumi to confess to her.

Airi quickly agreed, since on her end, Yui didn’t dislike Takumi in the slightest and even liked him to a degree otherwise, Airi would’ve immediately brushed Rei’s plan off.

So, when they got close enough to the meeting point, Airi would make up some excuse and run off something into a hiding spot with Rei, together they would watch over them and attempt to give the sides hints as to what to say and so on by positioning themselves so that they were only in the line of sight of their buddy.

ID# 135401
BD: 4 +3 +2
Damage Dealt = 1 + 1

Boudler's HP = 11/50

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“Sorry, Yui, I have to go, I forgot that I made plans with my boyfriend tonight,” Airi gave her best apologetic smile, raising her hand towards Yui when she sighted Rei’s frantic waving over Yui’s shoulder in the distance, Takumi in tow,

When the moment came and Rei saw Airi move, the pair of them went opposite ways, carefully hiding amongst the rocks, leaving Takumi hanging and for Yui to sigh and look around, spotting him.

Takumi sent a furtive glance over at Rei who gestured fiercely for him to engage before he dipped out of sight, chatting in hushed whispers to Airi, the eb and flow of the ocean masking their sounds and steps.

“What brought this on anyway!?” Airi hissed to Rei, pulling him over afraid that Yui might spot the two,

“What? Just look around, anyone with a shred of romance would know what’s up,” Rei raised a brow in disbelief at her puzzlement,

ID# 135402
BD: 2 +3 +2
Damage Dealt = 1 + 1

Boudler's HP = 9/50

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“Well…” Airi looked around with a small sigh, the beautiful view was of course the reason the pair of them snuck out despite the curfew anyhow, but he didn’t expect Rei to see them from the window, considering how far away it was, “How did you even know it was us from there?”

“I mean, your blonde hair is a dead giveaway, I had a hunch, so I sent a text,” Rei shrugged in response, seemingly casual and lucky,

“I can’t believe you,” Airi sighed in exasperation, “H-hey, watch where you’re stepping!” she hissed when she noticed Rei stumbling over some of the smaller loose rocks underfoot, sending him a bit too close towards her,

“Yeah, yeah, sorry, the ground’s just a bit…” Rei scowled, expecting her to send him a barrage of insults as usual, trailing off when he looked up, finding his face a bit too close to hers, their eyes widened at the same time and froze in shock for the moment,

ID# 135403
BD: 6 +3 +2
Damage Dealt = 1 + 1

Boudler's HP = 7/50

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A blush quickly spread across their faces when they realised what was happening, it was slow process before their brains realised what was happening, they turned away, covering their faces and expressions which were wildly going out of control,

“W-w-what are you doing!? Idiot Rei,” Airi stammered out her words, “Stop being so clumsy, be at least 3 meters away from me! Or I’ll contract your idiocy disease,”

“S-shut up, I’m not an idiot, studying’s just a pain!” Rei retorted, he looked at their spot for good measure, “There’s not even 3 meters to this place, I’ll be in plain view!”

“Whatever! Just get away!”

“Don’t be unreasonable-“

Their exchange was halted when they heard the footsteps above them on the stone, the pair shared a stunned look and covered their mouths in silence, listening in,

“Er… what a coincidence, seeing you out here,” Takumi greeted awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck as he walked over, not meeting Yui’s eyes,

ID# 135404
BD: 8 +3 +2
Damage Dealt = 1 + 1

Boudler's HP = 5/50

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“Y-yeah…” Yui answered shyly, “I was with Airi but she suddenly left me, saying she had plans with her boyfriend,”

“R-right…” Takumi nodded, not knowing that he had contacted Airi but considering how Rei signalled to her earlier, he couldn’t push the idea that the pair of them were working together out of his mind,


“You used that excuse? A boyfriend? Again?” Rei raised a brow over disapprovingly at Airi,

“W-w-what about it?” Airi sent him an indignant glare,

“Couldn’t you have just said you needed the toilet or something? The last time you said you had a boyfriend we ended up wasting a whole weekend trying to get rid of your exes,” Rei sighed deeply, feeling that she would never learn,

“D-don’t be an idiot!” she raised her hand to hit him with her fist, but halted, remembering how she didn’t really have any male friends to turn to at the time when some boys from another school were harassing her constantly, “A-and they weren’t my exes!”

ID# 135405
BD: 8 +3 +2
Damage Dealt = 1 + 1

Boudler's HP = 3/50

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“Is that so…?” Rei looked over unconvinced and dubious,

“S-shut up and be quiet!”

“You’re the one shouting, anyway, shh…” Rei rolled his eyes and pressed a finger to his lips, glancing up at the rocky ceiling, listening carefully,

“Y-you….” She grinded her teeth in anger but did the same, they were here for a reason after all,


“What brings you out here?” Yui asked tentatively, showing a small smile, to Takumi, it seemed dazzling, silver like the moon, in that moment, along with all the bias and experience of a young boy, it certainly made her seem like the most serene, gentle and beautiful girl in the world, in truth she was nothing special, but in her simplicity it made her attractive like seeing a single white flower,


He glanced over nervously at Yui, having a hard time actually staring at her directly, that’s how he noticed Rei’s head poking over the rocks, miming with his hands,

“I saw… you from… the window,” Takumi interpreted,

ID# 135406
BD: 5 +3 +2
Damage Dealt = 1 + 1

Boudler's HP = 1/50

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“Oh, from that far away? That’s amazing,” she clapped her hands together impressed,

“Ah, nah, it’s nothing, I just have 20/20 vision,” he explains, eyes darting over to Rei’s signals, “It’s a er… beautiful night, right?”

“Yep, it really is, I wanted to chat with Airi and enjoy the gentle breeze before summer starts again and we all go to different universities,” she spoke sadly, gazing over at the ocean, Takumi felt a small chill at her words and realised that indeed, all too soon, he might never see anyone at the school again, not his classmates, not his crush or even his friends, he was however, distracted by Rei’s now even more frantic gesturing, clearly feeling the mood going south,

“Yeah… you’re right…” Takumi spoke sadly, inwardly sighing as he tried his best to understand Rei, “which er… university are you applying for?”

“Kawada University, it’s a bit far away…” she smiled, dripping with melancholy, “I don’t think anyone else is going there…”

ID# 135407
BD: 4 +3 +2
Damage Dealt = 1 + 1

Boudler's HP = 1/50

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