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[SP][f05] Retraining a friend

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taking this quest 




Today she was going to be training her familiar. Training in the most literal sense because she wasn’t going to be killing anything, she didn’t think. She ran around and found a couple people  and her familiar and they headed to an obstacle course of sorts. All the while she had her familiar doing aerial stunts in the air and pretending to attack. It was mostly for fun because there was no experience to be gained, no levels worth grinding for. So why not have a little fun? “Oh umm,” she didn’t know she would be put on the spot but she guessed that this was normal. “I’m Hinata and I have a few abilities up my sleeve. Mostly I’m good at dodging and defending attacks I guess. Not much offensive output because I’m still pretty green despite what others might tell you. I think it’s safe to say that you’re lucky I have you all to help me through this,” she laughed embarrassedly. Not every day that she got to go and have some fun with potential friends.


gear and stuff in spoiler


Damage: 9 (1 base, 5 from skills, 3 from weapon)

Accuracy: 3

Prosperity: 3

Mitigation : 5 (light armor skill)

Current Level: 28, 560 health, 56 energy


Battle ready items: 

3 Starter Healing Potions (Heals 50 HP)

5 Tier One Health Potions of Uncommon Quality (+40HP)
1 Teleport crystal

Name: Bloodletter
Profession: Blacksmith
Rank: 7
Roll ID: 139868
Roll Result: 11+1
Item Type: Dagger
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: 2 Bleed, 1 Paralyze
Post Link: Here
A small red toned dagger that its color looks as though it has been dipped in blood that has sense solidified. Light and effective the blades edge is serrated and is sure to leave a nasty wound in its wake.

Name: Toxic Venom Salve
Your Profession: Alchemist
Your Rank: None yet
Roll ID: 140766
Roll Result: 12 (perfect)
Item Type: Salve
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect 
Enhancements: Toxic Venom: Natural critical attack rolls of 9-10 deal (8 * Tier) unmitigatable poison damage on each enemy turn for 3 turns. Effect lasts for one thread. Poison damage does not stack, but can be refreshed.
Description: A flash with green liquid inside. It has a large corked opening so that it can be quickly poured out onto a weapon. 
Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/19203-f1e3sp/?tab=comments#comment-602287
from here: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/19208-hinatao-evals/?tab=comments#comment-602388



My Equipment:


Name: Pokey Dagger
Your Profession: Blacksmith
Your Rank: 10
Roll: 12
Item Type: Dagger
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: Damage 3
Description: A basic dagger made from pristine materials, ready for usage against the lower floor's challenges.
Post Link: 


Name: Magnified Quicksilver Spectacles
Profession: Artisan
Rank: 7
Roll ID: 138142
Roll Result: 11+1
Item Type: Trinket
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: Loot Dice 3
Post Link: Here
A bright silver pair of visually enhanced frames, designed to improve ones sight as to not miss more finite details that surround them. Extremely low profile and uncompromising they form fit to the wearers face without hindrance.
Name: Obsidian Feline - Grace
Profession: Artisan
Rank: 7
Roll ID: 137732
Roll Result: 11+1
Item Type: Trinket
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: Accuracy 3
Post Link: Here
A strange black and almost glassy gloss material taking the shape of a cat with orange gemstone eyes, in its paws a ball of yarn. Adorable and distracting from possibly life threatening situations, being a source of focus to sharpen ones senses and remain calm when the world is overwhelming..


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 She didn’t like to admit that she wasn’t that great but what could ya do? “So what kind of stuff can you do,” she asked both the people she came with. As they chatted she waved for her familiar to attack some bugs that were flying around. it pecked its beak but that was about it. Its accuracy sucked and the training bar was slowly fillling. She would be lying if she said she wasn’t grateful that others were practicing in the area. She got humor out of her friend shouting at them about practicing in the area when that was kind of what they were doing, just with a little more fun. But it didn’t detract from the race. She ran as fast as she could, trying to kick into overdrive but she didn’t think she’d make it. She’d trail just a few meters behind him until they arrived. They were very wet, but at least they’d made it. “Loser has to give a favor,” one person said as they finished their first sprint. “A… A…. A favor?” she managed to get out between heavy breaths.

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“Hey I didn’t agree to any wager! What’ll it be then?” She just wanted to sink into a hot tub right now and relax. But she couldn't relax. She needed her familiar to get better so she kept commanding it to attack random things. All this practicing wasn’t her style. “I’ll tell you later,” the one guy said as they rounded the corner to their next sprint. Hinata nodded and took the hand of her friend. She scrambled back up and said, “nah, it doesn’t look that bad. It’s just a bunch of mud,” she said when asked about whether she would be okay or not. She didn’t know how she got roped into another day of just training around with no real purpose but to try to get better. One could only improve so much with the limitations of their world and their bodies. It was a wonder how people got to be known as legends at all. These were the thoughts she had in mind when she came up to a giant pile of mud.

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If only it were just mud. As she ran across it she sunk into it greatly, as if the mud was actually some kind of quicksand. She picked up her speed and found that she was more easily able to stay above its surface. Even running as fast as she could she could just barely stop her feet from sinking so by the end of the obstacle she was waist deep in mud and couldn’t even move anymore. “Okay, I need some help now,” she said with a laugh. She was pulled out and then she took a break. This felt physically exhausting but she knew that in reality she was probably sleeping in some kind of hospital bed. She wondered just how much body mass she’d lost and if she even had the ability to walk in real life. IT was troubling to say the least. She tried not to look sad. At least her eagle familiar was making progress. It caught its first fly in its beak!

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A friend came to sit next to her. He aws also training his  familiar. Both of their birds did combat in midair, his was clearly better than her own. He told her about what he thought about time and space and how maybe their sense of time had been dilated with the use of nerve gear. It was a crap shoot to believe such a thing but Hinata listened closely, feeling like her friend was more knowledgeable than any other teacher that she had gone to in order to gain knowledge in this field. It was impressive and scary at the same time that he knew how to comprehend the vast possibilities of this world as well as ways that one might be able to manipulate the world in their favor. He seemed to be focused on two aspects, space and time, which made sense given the conversation at hand. She took the piece of paper that was given to her and examined it. It detailed how he thought that this idea of his might work.


 ID# 146164 results:

 Battle: 6

 Craft: 2

 Loot: 20

 MOB: 4

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At face value she thought nothing of them. Postulations were nothing special really. They were just arbitrary guesses for how the world worked. People often disproved them but she agreed with his sentiment that the hard part was really the proving if the idea was plausible or not.  “If I’m to understand you correctly,” she told him, “It can be assumed that if the nerve gear could speed up our perception of time, That’s amazing!” she committed the idea memory. She would have to go look into if this was possible she was done here. “Does this mean that with the proper manipulation of these energies that one could cause the opposite effect? Instead of speeding the senses up, we could slow them down?” she was perhaps getting ahead of herself, but the possibility was intriguing her. It even distracted her from noticing that her familiar was getting the edge in its little battle with her friend's bird. There was no telling what else nerve gear could do and simply learning one or two possibilities would occupy her for quite some time.

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Her fingers fidgeted. It would be obvious that she was just itching to go do up some of her own drawings and theories, but she clenched her fist and reminded herself to have some patience. It wasn’t every day that you got to sit in the presence of a friend this knowledgeable and she was eager to hear what other advice that he had for her. “Sorry if I interrupted you,” she said, “I just get a little excited for this kind of stuff.” She blushed just a little which for her was saying a lot. She liked to think of herself as a hardened warrior but sometimes the girl from her childhood broke through to the surface. God this place had changed her. She wanted to just go curl up and sleep and wish this whole bad dream away. In the end she wanted to be happy and this place did not make her happy.

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Well the man continued talking about all the work he was going to do when he got out of the game. She nodded along with the man’s words. It all made sense to her. She might have dug a little more into it if she really cared, such as why someone so old was being trusted to do a bunch of innovative stuff when it was probably time for the newer generation to make their mark. But she was soon hearing about the other person she was with. It sounded like this one was a fan of puppets but it wasn’t a very common hobby to have. “Sounds like a fun time,” she said with a smile as she looked over at the horizon. There was still plenty of day left. “Say, what path are we taking to get back to the town? I don’t know this floor all to well.”

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On her way walking around with no particular goal in mind she decided that she wanted to gather just a little bit more materials to round out her day while her familiar continued attacking random things that she pointed at. It's not like it did any damage but these simple commands counted as training as far as she knew. She made sure to gather up every last bit of it because she was going to have to give it to the person who hired her. She was sure she had enough, but she was always supposed to get more than necessary because some of it invariably got removed from her supply because she crushed it or it was too young to be used. Or at least, that’s what someone had told her way back when. Now she guessed that she could finally get enough to consider being done for now and then she wrapped up. She hummed a sweet tune as she tucked away all the stuff she found and then smiled at the sky for a couple minutes before getting on with whatever she was doing.  

found 1 t2 mat

 ID# 145125 results:

 Battle: 5

 Craft: 6

 Loot: 12+3

 MOB: 3

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Ah yes, she was just lounging around, chatting with friends. She didn’t know how she ended up giving up on the obstacle course so easily but at least she was in good company. The bird was "resting" and circling around above. She had it changing its speed and all that so that it got "exersize" but it was just a virtual bird so did it do anything? She got to her feet and walked around, gathering even more as she had little else to do but that. So why was she here to begin with? That was always a question that people liked to ask. And really she didn’t have a good answer, “just bored, wanted to gather some materials,” is the answer she gave today. Unlike most she didn’t seem to have any real convictions. “I am gathering for the money mostly. What about you?” As they walked there would be something looking like a bird up above. Would anyone notice at all? By her calculations she needed like a hundred more materials at least before she could consider investing in t2 crafts.


training familiar 1/3

 ID# 146165 results:

 Battle: 1

 Craft: 8

 Loot: 1

 MOB: 9


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She asked the question and then she got told the sad tale of the person’s past as she continued looking around for mats. Oh here we go, another sob story she thought as he told her about his past. But in this world loss was just so commonplace that it made it incredibly lucky for her to never have experienced it. “No, it’s okay. It’s good to say these things or else one might forget.” Hinata would look up into the sky and see the flying figure and note that this was a humongous bird. Then she looked closer. “Hey, does that thing look like a… big humongous bird?” she pointed at the bird who was flying overhead. It wasn’t unheard of to see a bird but this one seemed to be randomly generated to the largest size possible. It was quite impressive so long as it left them alone. It attacked her own familiar and she cheered her famliar on as it fought. 


no loot

 ID# 145251 results:

 Battle: 3

 Craft: 12

 Loot: 4

 MOB: 1

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Her familiar was actually winning the mock battle in midair. It let her focus on other things while they did combat. As she walked along looking for materials she failed to find any. Instead she stepped into some mud and got stuck. Being pulled out of the mud, she couldn’t help but feel like a fool. But it wasn’t like this was a high stakes environment. She realized that to most she probably seemed like a bit of a dolt. Someone had to be below average and that pretty much summed up who she was as a person.


“Yes, let’s work together,” she said to someone else who was gathering nearby while grabbing his hand and stepped onto firm ground. She was immediately jerked one way and she relied on Hanabi’s support to make it further down the path. This one was going to be a difficult as she’d predicted. The sides of the mud were littered with people who had tried to walk here solo. There was no penalty or anything, it was just something the developer through in to add a little spice to gathering.


no l00t

 ID# 145252 results:

 Battle: 4

 Craft: 12

 Loot: 8

 MOB: 9

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The eagle flew around, somehow victorious against the other bird in the sky. It looked proud of itself but Hinata largely ignored it. She was busy gathering while her familiar was busy getting hurt and dealing hurt. Instead Hinata turned to the side and asked, “you want to make a team and go train famliars gotehre?” The person said, “I don’t think we can be in a party since this is a solo mission, not officially anyways. I don’t mind if we go out together though. You will just have to inform me so I can swing by and show up.” With that she nodded to Hinata and made her leave. She was gone in an instant it seemed like and she ran after her as fast as she could. She waved back at her familiar as she left and then it swerved around to follow her. This quest was stale.

1t2 mat

3 total

ID# 145253 results:

 Battle: 6

 Craft: 11

 Loot: 19

 MOB: 8

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“I think it’s time for your familiar to do some actual battle,” someone told her so she thought, “yes that’s a good idea.” She took her familiar out to go fight some enemies. She stayed out of aggro range and let her eagle go and attack some stuff. It was getting its butt kicked but for all she knew it couldn’t die so she just let it keep attacking and getting hurt. “Right you are.” Enter someone else. She jumped down from a hill and walked over to observe. She was here to establish her presence. Since she wasn’t technically going to gain anything by being here she might s well meet some people. She walked up to Hinata and said, “I take it your eagle is performing admirably,” to which the owner Hinata nodded. “Good, then for the record I, would like to sit and watch as your eagle keeps fighting. I am trying to train my own familiar soon.”


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Afterwards she made her way out to another area for her eagle to do some training to round out her day. That was her goal. "I know there's not likely to be any use to training today, but I have to try." she said, gesturing in the direction of the grounds she meant with her finger before she took another big sigh. "Of course god knows that I should be training too. Maybe he saw me slacking off and wants me to get back to it." Her voice sounded in her minds as she kicked a rock down the road. "It just doesn't matter to him. If nothing else though, I can give a reason to keep me around, rather than leaving that in uncertainty." the she said before she caught another rock with her foot. "There's a isolated farming area about another half a hour or so ahead. Probably the one I’ll use." she said as she continued to walk lazily.

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Walking along it wasn’t long until they found an enemy to fight. As she approached the point where people liked to meet up, Hinata put out her equipment and stowed in a pocket of her jacket before she paused to make sure her coat was hanging properly and she was otherwise presentable. Aside from her face she looked the very model of a respectable hunter, which of course she wasn’t exactly but she didn’t want that to be seen through. She just wanted to come by, do what she came here to do, and then get out of here. Well, that and get her familiar some good training, but that wasn't really a major issue at the moment, she figured. It didn’t take long for her familiar to aggro another mob and fight it to the death. It was amazing just how much it had improved in one short day. At the beginning it couldn’t even catch a fly and now it was taking down mobs!

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She kept walking along, letting her eagle aggro and fight whatever it wanted really. Somehow this was building its combat experience. She could tell because its meter just kept increasing. In the meantime she though about what was with it with bad guys in movies proclaiming their intentions like they were unstoppable and then they always ended up dying? She almost wanted to laugh out loud, but she remembered that things at hand were pretty serious. She watched her eagle’s current enemy form a bunch of flaming chains that went to try to wrap around the bird but he merely swerved to the side at the last moment. He then started diving at the enemy and, though she couldn’t tell from this distance what they were. The mob tried to redirect the chains but Hinata didn’t think they were fast enough. Hopefully his movment was now limited to traveling in one direction though.

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She was right. Her eagle took advantage of the motion and swooped in, piercing the mob with its beak. That was quite some damage, she thought. She was happy that it was doing some damage because she had been planning on switching her weapon to a tier 2 one soon. She’d already refunded her dagger skill too. She was thinking a katana since those did a lot more damage for literally no downsides. Once she was ready, she walked up to the and knocked on the door of a shop that she thought sold food. There was a pause before the door opened, revealing a woman who clearly showed signs of distress. As the familiar swooped ont oHinata’s shoulder she looked at the woman’s disheveled clothes, obvious weight loss, bags under her eyes from lack of sleep, these all told of her sorry. "Yes?" she asked, her voice oddly empty.

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"mY name is Hinata, area you selling any snacks? I’m tired and my familiar could use something.” She did’t know if she was talking to a player or NPC. It looked like an NPC really. The old lady looked at her and said “I'm looking for someone to help me with my trip today." she said, her tone gentle. The woman looked at her a moment, then scowled slightly. "We've had so many come up empty. I don't want to hope when there's no chance, not again. What could you do that they couldn't?" she asked, her tone harshened by grief and pain. Hinata smiled sympathetically at her and stepped aside, gesturing at herself. “Clearly there’s some misunderstanding,” she said and then she exited the small building to go back into the great outdoors. She didn’t want to accept any quests especially from a rude NPC like that old hag.

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Well it looked like her familiar had gotten all the combat experience that it needed. It’d attacked almost all day while she had observed it, gathered, and given it some attention. Hopefully this would be enough to appease the game system in order to make the game give her the familiar mastery fighter skill instead of the protector skill because honestly the protector one wasn’t doing her much good. But whatever. She headed on home following the old beaten trail. “If there is a trail to be found in any fashion, I will find it." she said, her tone gentle, but reassuring. She considered her own words, for a moment before nodding and following a turn in the path. This was good news, she thought. This meant that she wouldn’t be stuck taking the old beaten trail. She’d explore a bit before getting on home. God knew she needed a little change of pace.



2 SP (1 thread 1 event)

400 col



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