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[SP|06]<<The Gemini>>You Can't Be More Sly Than A Fox

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On floor six, the Megitsune prowled the streets. There had been times when she traveled to higher floors for fun, but she had yet to partake in any combat. Never knew why. The stress of only having one life must have gotten to her longer than she thought it would, but now it was time. She had already read up on several different quests that could be done by a single person or by a low level player. The best quest to start with is one called The Gemini. A listening on the Player Request Board was selling packages that made this quest way to easy.

It didn't take long for the hooded figure to approach her. It went through it's basic dialogue then asked her to follow it. On her way to the location, she downed the immolation potion that was given to her. It would mock the tank thorns for anyone who drank it and by pass to mitigation that the Gemini gets. 


Level: 1 | HP:  20/20 | Energy: 2/2

DMG: 1 | EVA: 0 | MIT: 9 | ACC: 0 | THORNS: 10


Equipment(In use)
Vanity THBA
Gemini Bane: MIT 1

Using Immolation Potions for +10 thorns


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The Gemini removed their hood, revealing the shocking truth that they were able to completely copy the appearance and items of a player it's special skill. The info broker she had gone to let her know that he would make the first attack because of it and she was ready. The whole point of the items she had collected, even if they did give the Gemini an added affect. Her doppelganger charged forward with her copy of a scythe in hand.

The blade of the copy went straight through her abdomen. If this were real life, she would have just been dislocated from her torso. Instead the blade made a very shallow cut on her stomach, she looked at her HP and saw it tick for only a single point. Tanks have it easy. She would be giving this armor back to the woman for some of her col back, but at least it was useful here.


Megitsune: 19/20 (-5-9) | 2/2 | DMG: 1 : THRNS: 10 | MIT: 9
Gemini: 0/10 (-10) | MIT: 1 | DMG: 5

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The red scar across her stomach pulsated through different hues of red to mock a wound. It was difficult to see since her obi was red as well, but it was visible. She turned to the doppelganger, who was writhing in pain from the thorns damage. Oh yeah, there was a choice in this quest. She could let the copycat go and gain a skill that increased her accuracy, or she could end him and gain a skill that increased her ability to dodge attacks. Well, since she was planning on building with light armor, having as much evasion as she could manage would be significantly helpful. Looks like he had to die. Oh well, he'll just respawn anyway.

The girl took her scythe and place it around the doppelganger's back placing her foot against their torso. With one fatal movement, the Gemini's upper half was completely severed from her person. Both the body parts fell to the ground and dissipated into the familiar blue polygon's that normally showed when a monster died.


Megitsune has opted to kill the Gemini, gaining the Disguise Skill.


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Experience and knowledge were the master of these types of games. Using exploits and being ready for anything made you seem completely unstopable. Fox didn't have to do a single thing yet she absolutely destroyed the Gemini who could have easily out damaged her if she had come unprepared. Thankfully she had put the armor and potion to good use and would reap the spoils of the quest. Disguise would be a benefit worth the detour. There was nothing much else to do, so she could always material gather before going back to the safe zone.

She took a look around the area to find anything useful. Unfortunately, nothing was around the Gemini's spawn area, so she would have to keep moving. So far her luck with finding crafting materials was subpar, so she wasn't necessarily worried if she didn't find anything. Gave her a good reason to think on her next move.


No materials found
Materials: 0

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The next obvious move for her was to get usable weapons so she could solo bosses on her own and kill enemies without help from others just buffs. The buffs were nice of course, but she wouldn't need them all the time. With a better weapon, she could have sliced the Gemini down with a single strike and the potion that she had bought wouldn't even be needed.

The fox walked through the dense woods, looking for anything that could be usable for a craft but still nothing made itself apparent to her. The materials seemed to hate her in this game. Made her wonder if she even wanted to take on a profession on the first place. She had an awful time just trying to find the items to make stuff. Well, no reason to quit looking right now. She needed as many as possible.


No materials found
Materials: 0

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The Megitsune's combat skills were outmatched for almost anyone her level, but when it came to finding materials she was just as stupid as dodo bird. Being sly didn't make you a master sleuth apparently, but couldn't find much reason to head back to the safe zone just yet. Well, instead of fighting mobs here, she could always go down to floor 1 and fight them. They would be insanely weak for her level there. Good plan actually. Materials were almost guaranteed from fight mobs.

The girl head back to the safe zone and stepped up to the player teleportation terminal, saying the necessary phrase to make her way to the floors down. Her soft, clarion voice broke the serenity of floor 6.

"Floor 1: Town of Beginnings!" A colorful flash washed over her and floor six disappeared. Suddenly she was on Floor 1 in the middle of the Town of Beginnings and she didn't waste time. The safe zone's barrier was much further out from the town than on Floor 6.


0 Materials found

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