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[SP|F10]<<Nature's Treasure>>Grinding

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Stepping off the teleporter to Yomi, the Fox knew that she would be alone on this quest. The cook next to her house was able to supply her with the necessary items much more quickly than expected. She would need to buff up on everything she could if she wanted to fight mob on her own, after all. It took her a moment to eat everything down, and since there was no way she could feel full, rather just satisfied, she was able to eat everything at once. All of these effects would make col and equipment farming entirely easy. The only thing she had to worry about at this point was getting beat up by the mob too badly. Hence why the evasion food was in play.

With her fancy new sword arts and completely maxed out damage, she wouldn't have much of a problem destroying anything in her way.


Level: 17 | HP:  340/340 | Energy: 34/34


DMG: 10+6 | EVA: 1+2 | MIT: 15-10 | ACC: 3+1 | Rec: 2 | LD: 3 | Pros: 3


Housing Buff
Relaxed, Filling(Protein)

Equipment(In use)
Obsidian Scythe: DMG III
Kitsu-mono: EVA I; Rec: II
Kitsune Mask: ACC III

Fox Totem: LD III

(3x)Starter Potions
Hanami Dango - Pros. III
Kobe Steak - Prot. II; ACC I
Ramen Bowl - EVA II; VIT
Fiery Dragon Roll - MIT III
Mochi - LD III
Titan's Strength - DMG III


Edited by Megitsune
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Leaving from the town center, Megitsune couldn't believe that actually owning a house was able to give the player buffs. How the hell did that even work? Not like you could use the utilities at any given moment, but why question it? It was capable of giving her more damage and leaving less waiting between energy recoveries so not really a reason to complain.

It didn't take long to find her location of the cavern. Raidou had already logged the location, so all she needed to do at that point was ask for it. Mobs were around everywhere and all she needed to do was walk up to a group and show them her power.

Before she even got the chance to choose an enemy to attack, Ghouls descended on her quicker than she could ready her weapon. None of them could find their mark, however. Her scythe lit up white and clawed through each every target with ease.


Fox: 340/340 | 20/34 (-16+2)DMG: 16 | EVA: 3 | MIT: 5 | ACC: 4 | Rec: 2 | LD: 3 | Pros: 3

Ghoul 1: 122/250 (16*8) | DMG: 51
Ghoul 2: 122/250 (16*8) | DMG: 51
Ghoul 3: 122/250 (16*8) | DMG: 51
Ghoul 4: 122/250 (16*8) | DMG: 51

Edited by Megitsune
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The ghouls' health points had fallen just under half the their maximum which is just what Fox wanted to see. Efficiency in her attacks considering she was only able to unleash two of these sword arts before she was out of energy completely. If she missed, there would be a long waiting time between attacks that she wasn't comfortable in seeing. No need to worry about that though. Keeping her eyes focused on the battle, she lit up another Ordinal Cleave.

Her blade lashed through each one of their degrading bodies, splitting them into two pieces each exploding into data behind her. Combat was still as easy as ever for her, but it looks like she would be spending a lot of time standing around waiting for energy to return. That would be rectified with more levels though, moving up in tiers and doing more damage will also help keep her going.



ID: 152690 | BD: 13 (9, +4)
<<Ordinal Cleave>> vs Ghoul #1.
16 + 1 = 17 DMG | 17 * 8 = 136 DMG

ID: 152689 | BD: 9 (5, +4)
<<Ordinal Cleave>> vs Ghoul #2.
16 * 8 = 128 DMG

ID: 152688 | BD: 11 (7, +4)
<<Ordinal Cleave>> vs Ghoul #3.
16 * 8 = 128 DMG

ID: 152687 | BD: 11 (7, +4)
<<Ordinal Cleave>> vs Ghoul #4.
16 * 8 = 128 DMG

Ghoul #1 | HP: -14/250 (-136) | DMG: 51
Ghoul #2 | HP: -6/250 (-128) | DMG: 51
Ghoul #3 | HP: -6/250 (-128) | DMG: 51
Ghoul #4 | HP: -6/250 (-128) | DMG: 51

[2, 1, 1, 1] Megitsune | HP: 340/340 | EN: 6/34 (-12) | ACC: 4 | DMG: 16 | EVA: 4 | MIT: 5 | PROSP: 3 | REC: 2 |  LD: 3

ID: 152690 | LD: 4 (1 + 3) | CD: 4
2,250col, Tier 2 Materials (3),

ID: 152689 | LD: 22 (19 + 3) | CD: 5
1,750col, Tier 2 Materials (5), [T2E3] Unidentified Perfect Armor (1), [T2E3] Unidentified Perfect Consumable (2)

ID: 152688 | LD: 8 (5 + 3) | CD: 12
2,500col, Tier 2 Materials (3), [T2E2] Unidentified Rare Trinket (1)

ID: 152687 | LD: 13 (10 + 3) | CD: 11
2,750col, Tier 2 Materials (3), [T2E2] Unidentified Rare Armor (1)


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Moving her scythe to its holster on her back, Megitsune found some cover and took a seat behind it. Getting into any unwelcome combat now would be bad for her, so laying low was the best option. Mobs moved around the area around her, searching for anything to attack, but luckily the Fox was too sly.

Thinking about it, she could have brought Gaius with her to help her finish off the enemies more quickly, but then she would have to split the spoils with him and all that dumb bullshit. There was also the factor having to watch him to his stupid dance during combat which still proved to be nothing more than a funny little act to her. Only when he showed it was worth while over her battle axe would she truly believe how strong it was to have a dance off with your opponent. Couldn't out damage her if he wanted, though.


OoC Energy Regen: [1/2]


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Gaius might be something of an idiot, but once you look past the stupid dancing and his inability to understand what 'making a build' in an MMO game was like, he wasn't all that bad. Getting off to a bad start with him venting his anger on her when she was looking for her familiar might have been annoying, but he had pretty much made up for it by helping her track it down. That idiot would probably get himself killed one day trying to take on something he can't handle. It's pretty lucky that four-eyes, red-coat found him and made him a member of Firm Anima.

As her energy gauge replenished to completely full, the white fox got up off her hide and took her massive weapon in her hands once again. No wasting time out in the field like this, unless she wanted to be fed to the Cardinal database.


OoC Energy Regen: [2/2] Energy Replenished!


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With her weapon at the ready, Fox weaved through smaller groups of mobs until she found the largest possible spawn grouping of four and charged at them head on. Her black claw hinting with white as the blade readied its next Ordinal Cleave. It gashed through all the enemies before they all even had a chance to react to her assault. Once they all realized they needed to get to work on killing the player that faced them, the all jumped in after her, swinging their decaying limbs at her to make anything work. Luckily the food she invested in would be her greatest boon, allowing her to sidestep and weave out of almost anything the enemies could do. Without it, she would be taking a ton of unnecessary damage and getting close to death. Making a mental note to restock on this evasion food for later dates, the fox readied herself for the next flurry of attacks.



ID: 152696 | BD: 13 (9, +4) | MD: -2 (2, -4)
<<Ordinal Cleave>> vs Ghoul #1.
16 + 1 = 17 DMG | 17 * 8 = 136 DMG
Ghoul #1 missed!

ID: 152695 | BD: 14 (10, +4) | MD: 3 (7, 4)
<<Ordinal Cleave>> vs Ghoul #2.
16 + 2 = 18 DMG | 18 * 8 = 144 DMG
Ghoul #2 missed!

ID: 152694 | BD: 6 (2, +4) | MD: -2 (2, 4)
<<Ordinal Cleave>> vs Ghoul #3.
16 * 8 = 128 DMG
Ghoul #3 missed!

ID: 152693 | BD: 11 (7, +4) | MD: -2 (2, 4)
<<Ordinal Cleave>> vs Ghoul #4.
16 * 8 = 128 DMG
Ghoul #4 missed!

Ghoul #1 | HP: 114/250 (-136) | DMG: 51
Ghoul #2 | HP: 106/250 (-144) | DMG: 51
Ghoul #3 | HP: 122/250 (-128) | DMG: 51
Ghoul #4 | HP: 122/250 (-128) | DMG: 51

[2, 2, 1, 1] Megitsune | HP: 340/340 | EN: 20/34 (-16+2) | ACC: 4 | DMG: 16 | EVA: 4 | MIT: 5 | LD: 3 | PROSP: 3


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The white hot blade gnashed through every single one of it's targets as Megitsune teared through them with yet another Ordinal Cleave. An effortless attack that was made easily. Only until she realized that she had missed one of her targets even with all the insane accuracy buffs on her right now. 90% chance to hit. Perhaps an Absolute Accuracy weapon could be found in the future that way she wouldn't have this happening. Now she is out of energy and will have to do her best to dodge attacks until it comes back. Well, since there is only a single remaining enemy, she can focus it down with a weaker sword art.

The Ghoul wailed it's barely functional limbs at the Fox, who easily ducked under the attack and shifted to a safer position. Fighting like this wasn't hard at all, she just had to get luck enough that this thing wouldn't hit her with critical attacks more than 7 times in a row.



ID: 152702 | BD: 9 (5, +4)
<<Ordinal Cleave>> vs Ghoul #4.
16 * 8 = 128 DMG

ID: 152701 | BD: 12 (8, +4)
<<Ordinal Cleave>> vs Ghoul #3.
16 * 8 = 128 DMG

ID: 152700 | BD: 6 (2, +4)
<<Ordinal Cleave>> vs Ghoul #2.
16 * 8 = 128 DMG

ID: 152699 | BD: 5 (1, +4) | MD: 8
Megitsune missed!
Ghoul #1 missed!

Ghoul #4 | HP: -14/250 (-128) | DMG: 51
Ghoul #3 | HP: -22/250 (-128) | DMG: 51
Ghoul #2 | HP: -6/250 (-128) | DMG: 51
Ghoul #1 | HP: 122/250 | DMG: 51

[1, 1, 1, 0] Megitsune | HP: 340/340 | EN: 6/34 (-14) | ACC: 4 | DMG: 16 | EVA: 4 | MIT: 5 | LD: 3 | PROSP: 3

ID: 152702 | LD: 23 (20 + 3) | CD: 1
2,250col, Tier 2 Materials (3), [T2E3] Unidentified Perfect Trinket (1), [T2E3] Unidentified Perfect Weapon (1)

ID: 152701 | LD: 21 (18 + 3) | CD: 10
4,000col, Tier 2 Materials (1), [T2E3] Unidentified Perfect Trinket (1)

ID: 152700 | LD: 21 (18 + 3) | CD: 3
2,250col, Tier 2 Materials (3), [T2E3] Unidentified Perfect Armor (1), [T2E3] Unidentified Perfect Weapon (1)


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Just as her energy ticked back up enough to unleash her strongest solo target attack, the blade of her claw flickered up until hit a full blown hot white. Time to end this stupid little brawl. The blade of the weapon pierced through the ghouls chest, taking him on a tornado joy-ride and flinging him several meters back on his ass. Still his health points stopped in the red just barely before it hit zero.

"Are you freakin' kidding me? Just die already you stupid mob! You're barely alive that's bullshit." She groaned about the enemies hp, but still she couldn't find the will to finish up the combat since her energy reserves were too low. Luckily that didn't stop her from dodging the incoming attack it made when it finally found it's footing. She weaved through it's disgusting, rotting claws and grinned, waiting for that sweet moment when she gets some energy just to make a basic attack.



ID: 152722 | BD: 13 (9, +4) | MD: 3
<<Crescent Avalanche>> vs Ghoul #1.
16 + 1 = 17 DMG | 17 * 7 = 119 DMG
Ghoul #1 missed!

Ghoul #4 | HP: -14/250 | DMG: 51
Ghoul #3 | HP: -22/250 | DMG: 51
Ghoul #2 | HP: -6/250 | DMG: 51
Ghoul #1 | HP: 3/250 (-119) | DMG: 51

[0, 0, 0, 2] Megitsune | HP: 340/340 | EN: 0/34 (-7) | ACC: 4 | DMG: 16 | EVA: 4 | MIT: 5 | LD: 3 | PROSP: 3


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The next attack would easily kill the stupid thing. With her energy ticking back for a measly one, that was all she needed to end him. Her muscles unlocked and let her make her strike. The blade collided with the ground, surging rocks from the crack it made. A missed attack again. Her energy bar depleted to zero yet again, leaving her muscles to lock up and not make an attack. Stupid system inhibitors.

"You little [censored]! How much longer are you going to dodge death! Just [censored] die!!" An attempt to move her muscles completely failed. No matter how hard she tried, the system locked her up forcing her to not attack. Yet somehow she could still dodge an incoming attack with ease. Weaving through the undead's arms, white fox groaned in annoyance. "Let me move. Let me move. Let me [censored] move!" She pleased trying to make more attacks.



ID: 152723 | BD: 5 (1, +4) | MD: 7
Megitsune missed!
Ghoul #1 missed!

Ghoul #4 | HP: -14/250 | DMG: 51
Ghoul #3 | HP: -22/250 | DMG: 51
Ghoul #2 | HP: -6/250 | DMG: 51
Ghoul #1 | HP: 3/250 | DMG: 51

[0, 0, 0, 0] Megitsune | HP: 340/340 | EN: 0/34 (-2) | ACC: 4 | DMG: 16 | EVA: 4 | MIT: 5 | LD: 3 | PROSP: 3



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