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[SP|F1]<TFFLAF>Getting Started

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Making her way through the town of Beginnings, Ayane had done almost nothing to progress in the game since she joined it. Really, her biggest worry was finding Kasumi, but it only just hit her that she wouldn't be able to help Kasumi at all if she didn't take part in the game. Best to learn how this stupid thing functioned so that she could actually help Kasumi once she found her. A recent trip to the Monument of Life kept her search going. Kasumi's name wasn't there yet, so that either meant that she was still alive in here or had found some way out of the game.

Entering Zachariah's shop, she didn't stay long. Just need to go collect some things and bring them back to the dude? That was pretty easy. At least it was something that she could understand. Though it would be nicer if she actually got the chance to punch something.


1165047529_2110115-1883x1059-DesktopNexus_com.thumb.jpg.95c48ae6fc9a9840fd3f883fa2605801.jpgLevel: 1 HP: 20/20 EN: 2/2
Skills: Searching | Rank 1
Mods: N/a
Statistics: DMG 4 | Keen I | ACC: 3 | EVA: 2 | LD: 4
Items: Ankle Wraps: DMG III | Murasaki Chou Kimono: Keen; EVA II | Butterfly Bracelet: ACC III
Buffs: N/a
Consumables: 5 Starter Healing Potions
(x2)Lemon Berry Palmiers (Consumed 1)


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In order to find these items that Zachariah needs her to get, she would have to leave the safe zone. They shouldn't be that difficult to find since she just spent a few points of her experience into unlocking a skill for searching for items. The buff to item finding wasn't insane or anything, only 5% but that's why she had found some food from a shop before coming through as well. Her odds should be much better.

Stepping outside of the safe zone barrier, the girl takes a look around. Maybe there would be a batch of materials she could use right out side and she couldn't have to venture to far out to find them. Her luck wasn't really helping just yet. Perhaps she would need to travel out a bit further before she could get anything. Her soft, barefoot-falls met the grass as she walked further outside the safe zone.


No quest materials found.

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The warm, sunny day on the first floor felt really nice compared to other floors she's been on. Her searches for Kasumi took her to many place: One floor was completely covered in snow, another was place an ever-erupting volcano and she ever remembered that one was like a giant swamp. Hopefully Kasumi was doing alright. This world seemed completely unforgiving and she was afraid that it might overwhelm her pacifistic approach to life.

While she traveled out of Town further, she noticed the item that she needed to collect laying on the ground. As she approached it, a way point showed her that it was, in fact, the material item in question. A quick moment to bend down and pick it up and move it into her inventory and she would be on her way again. Spending too much time out here might be dangerous and she wasn't sure if she was ready to get attacked by anything.


Quest Materials Found

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All she needed to find to complete the quest was to collect five of these things, right? That wasn't difficult at all. Already 20% of the way done, and soon to be 40% as she comes across her next material. The searching rank made it easy to seem them since it increased that range at which she could see the way points for the materials. Approaching the second material, she bends down and picks it out of the ground. It looked like an herb of some kind, nothing that she was familiar with. Medicines were way out of the league of a martial artist who is barely old enough to drive.

Well, nothing else was in the area around her so expanding her range to find more materials would be necessary. The open fields of the first floor were beautifully deceiving. The entire game would actually be more alluring if it wasn't also a death game.


Quest Materials Found

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Once she was in a new area, she took another look around. Unfortunately this was nothing left in this area either. There were other players looking around for materials, so it may be difficult for her to come across when others are already picking them up.

With a sigh, she continued to look around. This was probably going to take longer than she expected it to originally. She only needed five materials for Zach's quest and she already had around half of them. Just needed to get lucky enough to find a few more.

While she was looking around, a boy started walking in her direction. He was dressed rather unimpressive, only a few pieces of leather was his armor, but she wasn't much different walking around in a yukata that barely covered up her body. "Hey there!" He called out to her. "What's a beauiful young lady like you doing out here all alone?"


No Quest Materials Found

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While the boy was approaching, she leaned down and picked up another material as it spawned. His question was already annoying her. She may look like a delicate flower on the outside but her kicks hit like a jack hammer. "I'm busy trying to find these material things." The kick-boxer said, showing him the item she just picked up off the ground.

"You don't even have a weapon to protect yourself. Don't you think you should get something to fight with in case something attacks you?" He flipped his hair out of the way of his eyes, showing his light blue pupils. The concern her harbored was at least somewhat genuine. It wasn't just an attempt to flatter her from what she could tell.

"Don't worry about me." She continued to look around while they spoke. Even if she was talking, it didn't exempt her from looking around for materials. "I'm always armed, 24/7."


Quest Materials Found

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