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[SP] Re: Secret Medicine of the Forest

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The morning sun shined brightly through the glass window as I woke up from the bed. I stretched my aching muscles from

yesterday and hurried up to get ready and eat breakfast downstairs. After I ate, I went around town to sell off the

loot that I had gathered from the mobs. Unfortunately, I wasn't the only one who thought of that and there was at least a thousand players selling off their loot. I managed to get what I'm guessing an item shop? But anyway I managed to get a

decent amount of Kol from it, but it was barely enough to cover me for the night at the Inn. So I figured if I do a quest I can get some more Kol and possible get some new equipment.

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He scouted the place for a quest that was more of his specialty and with luck he managed to find the

of the Forest> quest.

"Heh, so I have to find this Little Nepent in the Forest eh?" I said to myself as I accepted the quest.

I went to the food boothe and got me some green apples to sustain me on the way up there. With everything set up, I started to make way to the forest.

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Hours had went by, and the sun was low on the western horizon. I was sore and my feet and calves were screaming at me for walking so long. I tried to cover some more ground before night had fallen, but I collapsed from exhaustion before I even realized it.

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It was still night when I came to, and the wind was blowing a lot lighter than it should've. I felt so empty and hollow that I could barely muster the strength to get on my feet. I smirked.

"Wow, I'm surprised I didn't get PKed while I was out..." I remarked. I wanted to continue on to the forest, but I don't think my feet are willing to walk another mile unless I take a break. I spotted an oak tree about thirty ft. away from where I was at. I half dragged and half walked up to the tree. When I got to it, I just laid my back against the tree and slid down on the soft grass. And once again sleep took over once more.

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The morning winds started to kick up and the first rays of sunlight pierced the night's sky like a holy beam or something.

Memories started to come to me, of the time when I was still in middle school I would watch the sun rise above the tree tops as I would wait for the bus to come as late as usual.

I shook my head and got up on my feet. I'll admit I'm not as tired as I was earlier, but I know that if I was ambushed by a PKer right now I wouldn't be able to put much of a fight. So I continued on the journey, even though I was already half way up there, it was still at least two miles away. And not to mention I have to search for the plant as well, which it'll probably somewhere deep into the Forest.

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As I walked, a small herd of boars was galloping across the field and it was pretty close to me. Maybe thirty feet at the most, and all of them were eyeing at me angrily. I could sense the malice and anger behind it's eyes, even though it was only a program, I can still tell when something wants to kill me or not. And these boars looked like they weren't going to invite me to a party and talk things over. So I drew out my sword and held it the tip up to the sky and my sword flashed red as they charged at me.

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Sword Skill! "Augatis!" ("Crimson Flame Dance)

I performed a number of slashes at the boars, however I still got scratched on my knee from their tusks. Each time they get struck by the Augatis, their bodies become like a ball of fire running along the field. The agonizing stench of burnt flesh and fur filled the air. The boars rubbed their bodies on the grass to get the flames off, but it would just add more fuel into it instead. Pretty soon, the boars' bodies were bundled into one giant crimson bonfire, and after a few minutes they disappeared into little particles of data.

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*Pant*... *Pant*... That skill sure took a number on me even though it did take them out... I remarked as I suddenly buckled to my knees. I stab the sword into the ground to keep me from falling on my face.

I looked through my inventory and got out some of the apples. leaving me with only two left before I'm out. I bit into the apple as I sat with my sword still in the ground.

The Augatis is a good skill with an probability to burn something, but it leaves me in a fatigued state...

So I guess I won't use that skill again unless I really want to risk it. I thought to myself as I bit into the apple.

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About half and hour had passed and the sun is already at an acute angle from the eastern horizon. I got up to my feet and sheathed my sword and approached the Forest. I know I would probably have to search for the thing in order complete this quest, but I would have to venture through the Forest for a while. And so I walked through the Forest with not too much trouble, and the Forest was like it was breathing or something.

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Out of no where, a vine shot out from one of the branches and wrapped around my left leg and before I could react it slung me against the tree. The air was knocked out of me as I was lifted upside down and when I looked up (down cuz I'm upside down) I saw a plant with a huge mouth with razor sharp teeth that looked like it could slice through my sword. I could tell that it was getting me closer to it's mouth, in fact it even feels like it's playing with it's food a little. I know it's a risk, but I have to in order to survive in here.


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I quickly drew out my sword and slashed through the vine. I dropped to the ground on my feet as the plant flinched from being damaged and at least ten vines were whipping around like crazy. I quickly scanned the monster to see if it was what I was looking for, but it turned out to be just a regular mob. Thankfully this thing is a solitary predator, but I held my sword in front of me with my free hand half opened and half closed.

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I charged at the plant monster, but this thing is pretty clever. It waited until I was nearly upon it before it's vines lashed out to me again. I had barely enough time to react as I sliced through two more vines but the rest of the vines whipped on my body with thorns on them.


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Again I tried to strike at the base of the monster, but it blocked my path and I instead sliced through some more vines. When I did that, it used it's overwhelming force to knock me back ten ft. and I'm back to square one. I know that if I try to strike head on it'll just counter and block at the same time. I bit my lip as I was going through of what I can do. Then it lashed out at me first this time. I was a little surprised, but I suppose that it's my turn to do the countering.


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I jumped over the vines just before it could hit me, and within reach I swung my sword straight up through the monster.

However, it still had 1/3 of it's health left and it was actually going to swallow me whole!

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I couldn't react in time as it chomped on me. I could feel the razor sharp teeth chewing on me from all directions!

Guess I have no choice! I thought to myself as I prepared myself.

Sword Skill! "Augatis"

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My sword glowed red as I thrust the blade through the roof of it's mouth and the wound ignited into a crimson flame.

It snarled and hissed as it dropped me out of it's mouth. I looked at my health and thankfully I leveled up again but it's still in the red zone. The flames just grew bigger and bigger as it clawed on itself trying to die the flames out. And just like any other mob it shattered into tiny particles of data. Again, I'm on the state of fatigued and I'm mortally wounded.


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I ate an apple to recover from that fight, and I'll never forget how dangerously close that was getting to the point of death.

"I believe that was the first time I stared Death in the face..." I remarked as I bit into the last bit of the apple. It didn't recover my HP completely, but it got out of the red zone and on the border line of yellow and green.


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The sun was still shining bright high in the sky as I continued to walk through the Forest in search of the Little Nepent, but so far I've had no luck. It just seemed like it goes on forever and ever and it never seems to end. I have been walking for a good bit now so I know I've covered some ground, but it doesn't feel like it.

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Dusk is almost upon me as I continue to search and again no luck was made so far. I bit my lip as I started to get worried.

Did I sprung an illusion mushroom or something? No that can't be it or else I wouldn't be able to tell

what time it is! So why does it feel like I'm not moving at all? I wondered. I continued to walk forward in hopes that I can find the plant before it gets dark. And again something tells me that something is wrong here, but I can't wrap my finger around it.

.... Oh well, I just hope that nothing happens if I decide to sleep. I told myself in my head.

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The forest get's very creepy when it's dark like this. It get's way too quiet for my taste, almost like there wasn't a single life in here just moments before...

I decided to climb a tree to get a good look around the place. All I could really see is trees all around me. The night's sky looked so beautiful with the vast ocean of stars shining brightly. I smiled with my mind being put at ease.

"Wow, I never thought they could make a sky as beautiful as this especially at night." I said to myself. I laid back and got myself comfortable as I just stare at the sky.

"Although it would be nice if I brought along a party. This quest would be a lot easier that way with more people helping out, but I guess that's what happens when you rush into things you don't really know what you've gotten yourself into." I remarked. Then I grinned at the sky and myself as well.

Then again, although it would be miracle right now, is if the Little Nepent just showed up right now

and I could just enjoy this night without too much worry other than getting to town. I thought with a humorous smile. Then my mind drifted back to where home used to be. I remembered my dad used to scold me for talking in class and even more when I would just read a book during class. I laughed to myself as I remembered that I got written up ten times just because I read in class. It's stupid I know, but my class weren't exactly the brightest of the bunch either.

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