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[SP] Re: Secret Medicine of the Forest

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Should've kept my big mouth shut! As I was about to fall asleep I get attacked by this weird looking plant that was hiding among the trees and it just so happen to be close to the one I'm on! A thick vine that looked like bark lashed out at me

and I barely had enough time to jump off the branch and land on the other as the vine just tore through the branch that I was on. I jumped off the branch and jumped again as the broken one was falling and I drew out my sword to slash at it.

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I managed to graze the plant and I also caught a glimpse of what it is. I read Little on the HUD, but I'm not sure if it's the one I'm looking for. The thing leaped from me to the next tree as I landed on the branch it was on. I jumped off the branch just before it broke off and turned out to be a vine as well. I flipped to face the vine for it was going a lot faster than I was and with my feet landing on the tree and I was about to fall from gravity. I slashed at the vine just as I was beginning to descend to the ground and like I thought it got stuck into the tree as well as my sword.

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I flipped my body around to where I was standing on my blade as the creature leaped towards me with it's open maw of rows of sharp teeth. I grinned as I waited for it to get closer and closer as the vine was trying to get free but to of no luck.

Come on, just a little closer... I thought to myself.

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Just as I was about to leap of from my sword, the vine actually broke free and it slammed both me and the creature into another tree! I managed to grab a branch close to me to keep me from falling fifty ft. to the ground. The creature hissed at the vine and it groaned and creaked like it was actually talking. Then I finally saw the name of these two creatures,

the small one is the Little Nepent and the big vine is a Bletsema. Bletsema's are kind of like treants and they live around an old living tree to protect it from intruders. I shook my head to get my head into the game. I lifted myself up to where I can stand on the branch with my sword still in hand.


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I ran along with the long branch and when I was close enough to the Little Nepent I leaped towards it. It looked at me just in time and managed to catch my sword with it's mouth!

Oh no, not again! I said to myself as the last time I had a fight with a plant turned out. I knew I didn't have the right skill for it, but I managed to grab it's smaller vines and I flipped to it's back as the Bletsema collided with the Little Nepent with a powerful force that I got dragged with it. I had my feet on the Little Nepent's back as I used it's vines to keep myself from being blown backwards.

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I tried to reach for my sword that was still latched into it's mouth, but the Bletsema was all twisting and it makes me almost falling off every time! So I tried something else that would be considered crazy for most people. I opened the menu and got my Teleportation Crystals out in one hand and with my main hand I used every ounce of strength I had to flip the creature off and into the drop-zone.

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I grabbed the sword once more and I managed to instead of drawing it out, I thrust the sword into deeper into it's mouth.

I could hear it screaming as I drew it out and thrust again. The creature hissed and scream before it shattered into tiny pieces of data. The wind was roughly blowing through my hair as I descended rapidly to the ground. Thirty ft.... Twenty ft....

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Then I used the crystal and teleported back to the Starting Town, but it didn't stop it from me falling flat on my face in the plaza!

"...Ouch..." I groaned as I tipped over and fell on my back. I was getting weird looks by everybody,

which I can't really blame them. But the fact that I got what I needed was enough for me.

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I went to the central plaza of the town and reluctantly delivered the Obvule. I let out a big sigh from relief and pain on my face.

"I just hope that the next one won't go as badly as this one did." -_- I remarked as I look up at the morning sun rising up again.

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A man came out of nowhere and approached the player.

Thank you for retrieving the medicine. Here, as a token of my gratitude, please take this.

The man handed NightShade the Anneal Blade.

The man then disapeared and the quest was accomplished.

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