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[F1-PP] A New Beginning «TFFLaF»

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I think it is quite difficult to forget the beginning of something new. That’s why I clearly remember the day that I began my journey with the empty conviction of doing what I wanted since it was also the day that I had my first legitimate interaction with another player. That day of beginnings was a calm summer day with a gentle breeze that smelled of morning dew blew across the entire Town of Beginnings and a spotty overcast that provided some shade where none was provided.

The night before, I was greeted with a calming silence with nothing but crickets singing me a lullaby to sleep on the rough bench in the plaza. But in the morning, I woke up to the sound of rustling leaves and a bustling city. I sat up and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes as the sun’s rays warmed me up. The indistinct, white mask from my doppleganger clipped at my waist scraped along the park bench as I stretched and yawned.


Level: 4 <> Max HP: 80 <> EN: 8 <> Base DMG: 2 (with Rapier) <> Savvy: 1 <> Evasion: 1

- Vanity Rapier
- Rare Light Armor (Savvy 1 <> Evasion 1)

Battle Ready Inventory:
- 2 Starter Healing Potions (Heals 50 HP)

Skill Slot 1: Rank 1 Rapier
Skill Slot 2: Empty

Extra Skills:


Edited by Shin Kagami
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Leon had a habit of hanging around the first floor. He liked staying safe behind the walls of the Town of Beginnings, but today that was gonna change. He was going to get out there and make a difference.

Or at least that’s what he wanted to do.

In actuality, he had been moving slowly, even for someone with a start as late as his. Hell, he hadn’t even done the tutorial, meanwhile there were some who were out there fighting bosses and clearing floors making the young boy feel almost... left behind.

He’d heard stories of great players, frequenting high floors and just taking a stroll through the field, and coming down to the bottom floors and fighting monsters with no armor or gear.

Above even the greatest players are the select few he’d heard stories of stories about. Hestia, Calrex and Hikoru. They stuck out above even the strongest. Leon wanted to be up there with them. Even though he hardly heard about them anymore, more names had popped up and fallen, just like empires in the history books. He wanted to be another name in the newspaper, another hero on the frontlines, but right now, he was level one.

He needed an adventure, and considering he had no party, a friend or two wouldn’t hurt either.

And just like that, opportunity arose. A woman, yawning as she sat up and rubbed her eyes, caught the boy’s attention. He approached calmly and courageously. Almost like he was approaching someone he’d known for years. “Hello ma’am. I am Leon, but my friends call me Hellion.” He explains with a ceremonial bow. “I’ve decided to take on the tutorial quests and was wondering if you’d like to accompany me.”

@Shin Kagami

Edited by Hellion
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The lazy life that I lived made waking up in the morning an enormous pain and over the past five years, I learned the reason why cats could barely be bothered while basking in the sun. My eyes were still half-open as I heard footsteps approach and as Hellion offered his extremely formal greeting. As I turned to meet his gaze, I felt like I was blinded.

Hellion’s appearance was something out of an otome game. The man had medium-length chestnut brown hair that seemed to have a glistening sheen in the sunlight, while his aqua blue eyes shined with preparedness, confidence, and complete happiness. I recoiled slightly in shock, not prepared to see what was in front of me. As I struggled to maintain my composure, I tried to replace the disgust which had taken over my expression for a split second with a customer service smile. I almost said my thoughts aloud. Bishounen. Riajuu.”

I mulled over the prospect of helping him out for a few seconds. I knew that the tutorial quests were easy enough to complete it by one’s lonesome, but that prospect bored me. It had pretty much been the entire reason why I hadn’t taken the quests yet. Even then, there was no telling whether I would find Hellion’s company enjoyable as he seemed like he’d play the straight man in a comedy duo. On the spur of the moment, I agreed but with a bit of additional spice. I stood up to return the bow. “Gladly. It is my entire purpose after all. I am Celeste, an artificial intelligence created by Cardinal designed to help assist lower-leveled players who are yet to begin their journey. I will be in your service.” At that moment, I thought of all of the fun I could have with this little, harmless prank of mine. Maybe this would become my bit.


Edited by Shin Kagami
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She introduced herself as an AI made by the system to help low-leveled players. Leon nods, wondering what kind of AI sleeps on a bench, and breaks immersion in a game that Kayaba designed to kill people when they die just for immersion. He couldn’t help but wonder what kind of angle she was playing, but as far as he cared, it didn’t matter. “Well then, Celeste, nice to meet you. Since you’re an AI with the game, I’m sure you know exactly where to go to get the job done quickly.” He remarked, rather playfully.

He honestly didn’t care if she lied to him. It didn’t bother him any one way or another, but he wasn’t stupid, and she ought to know that.

He would tilt his head as if to say follow me, then he turned and started towards Zackiriah’s shop. “You know, I could probably do this myself, but the idea of sitting out in the woods all day seems super boring. I like my alone time, but that seems a bit extreme.” He smiled back to her, trying to keep the atmosphere bright and cheerful.

If she followed along, they would soon reach the shop in which they received the quest. Leon would take his first steps in and head straight for the back, but letting the AI assistance go before him. “Ladies first.”

@Shin Kagami

Edited by Hellion
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  • 2 weeks later...

I let out an internal groan as Hellion went along with the act. If he flat-out denied it, I’d have the enjoyment of trying to convince him; if he accepted it, I would have fun testing the boundaries of his belief. But instead, he played along with the act like a parent playing make-believe with their child. I could try to convince him, but I felt like he’d just as readily accept the fact that the person in front of him was an AI.

I refused to admit defeat. I puffed my cheeks and pouted. “You don’t believe me, do you? Treating me like a child and a liar just because I was in sleep mode.” I audibly grumbled. “I hope that attitude of yours changes when you meet my sisters.” I let out an exaggerated sigh. “But I will concede. I know where we must go.” On that note, I led Hellion through the alleyways and towards Zackariah’s workshop.

As the door was opened, I was immediately hit with a pungent odor of several chemicals and odd concoctions being mixed together. “Ladies first.” I rolled my eyes and pinched my nose before entering the doorway. “Real classy Hellion.” As we went further into the workshop, a visible purple cloud progressively enshrouded the room. It wasn’t until I called out the NPC’s name that the cloud and odor disappeared. “Hey Zackariah, you here?”

A moment later, the old alchemist appeared behind his counter. “Oh, hello there. Pardon the mess. I don’t…”

I stared off into space and tuned him out as he gave his standard dialogue. The quest had been documented ad nauseum in such a way that I would know what to do like the back of my hand. Eventually, the notification popped up and queried Hellion and I whether we wanted to participate in this quest. I immediately accepted it and turned to Hellion. “You can at least lead the way outside right? After all, men are supposed to be the escort.” I smirked.


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The boy was already enjoying himself, but she seemed to be the playful type which meant this wouldn't be entirely unbearable. As such, he watched her completely ignore the NPC behind the counter, before turning back towards him and emitting a spiked statement that almost mad Hellion scoff at her. "I'm quite capable of finding my way out... Which way is it again?" He asks like a child playing a bad prank. "And yeah, the guy is supposed to be the escort, but the AI is supposed to be the guiding hand." He turned and made his way out of the smoke-filled and quite odorous storefront, allowing her to follow him out. "I tend to prefer being escorted by females, but we'll do this your way. You know your own system better than I do. Which means you probably know the best shops around here as well."

Soon after they stepped through the gates, Leon would kneel down next to a brilliant blue plant. The flower was almost calling to the boy, the way it stuck out like a sore thumb. He would place his fingers on the base of the naked stem and pull on it lightly, breaking the base off and holding it up. "Hey, maybe I should start finding things for people. I've been known to get lucky quite often." He would smile foolishly as the object dissolved in a beautiful kaleidoscope of shards dissipating not long after forming.

ID: 167352

LD: 13


1/5 Materials found

@Shin Kagami 

Edited by Hellion
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“My sisters and I aren’t really designed to do the quest for you or walk you through what you need to do step-by-step. Neither are we all knowing…” As we stepped outside of the storefront, I took in a breath of fresh air. I silently hoped that we’d never have to enter Zackariah’s domain ever again, but the quest dictated that we had to re-enter the shop to craft the potions. “I don’t have a catalog of player shops. I do have a catalog of NPC shops. As of right now, there are none that would benefit you. All closed down by Cardinal a few years ago. The only NPC shops that are left sell bland food, equipment that might as well be made from foam, or lodging.” I let out the sigh. To me, the First Floor was one of the most tranquil, but it was the most template floor out of them all. I begun to spin another web. “It must be nice to be able to travel to the other floors.”

As we walked through the towering gates of the Town of Beginnings, I watched as Hellion kneel down to pick a blue flower that brilliantly matched his eyes. Immediately after picking it, he praised his luck and joked about finding things for people. “Pretty good.” I started to scan my surroundings. There wasn’t much as far as the eye could see since the floor was mostly plains with some forests here and there, but a white object on the ground caught my attention. I ran towards it and presented the boar tusk in my hands. “Think people would buy materials from an NPC? Not that I have the authority to sell stuff in the first place.”


ID: 167423 | LD: 20
1 Material Found!

1/5 Materials Found.


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Leon stood up, her earlier comment about not being able to leave the floors still jumbling in his mind while he tries to think of a solution. Still, he has the current conversation to reply to as well. "I certainly would, because walking all the way out here and looking at the ground for eight hours is hell. It'd be easier to pay for the materials rather than break my back on five or six that are only tier one." He turns his attention back towards the ground scanning for anymore materials that could be used to make something like a potion. "Anyways, I guess I can see how being locked to this floor would be hell. We've been here how long and all you can do is walk this ten kilometer circle just because Cardinal put you here." He was playing along, but would be careful not to accidentally play himself as he had done a few times before.

"So what can an AI built for assisting players, of which I've never heard of or seen before despite spending quite some time talking to info brokers about my short excursions in the wild as a tourist player, do for fun? Can you eat and enjoy the food here?" He asks, because even if she was an AI he could at least thank her with a dinner that she didn't need.

ID: 167439

LD: 8


1/5 materials found

@Shin Kagami

Edited by Hellion
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“Well, hopefully you get the ability to buy the materials soon. Even I can’t tell what Cardinal has in store for you guys.” I let out another sigh as I began to scan the horizons once more, only to be disappointed with a bunch of nothingness amongst the plains. The only reprieve of the situation was that I did notice that there was a forest further ahead. “Let’s head over there. Might get better luck over there.” I smiled at Hellion before twirling around and walking towards the forest with my hands held behind my back.

“Well, thankfully my sisters and I haven’t been around for long. It’s been about… I think 6 months?” I looked behind and flashed a half-smile as I started to delve further into the mindset of an AI bored of its existence that it had yet to even fulfill. “But it’s been a super boring existence. You are the first one that I’ve seen approach me. These info brokers you talk about, never seen or heard of one still investigating these quests.”

As we neared the treeline, the wind picked up and the branches swayed to its mercy. “As for what I do for fun? There’s not much I can do. I’m tasked with living in the Town of Beginnings and act like a human player to the best of my ability until my directive is activated. I can’t exit that place without someone asking me to accompany them on a quest.” My mind was much too occupied with the conversation that we were having to even think about finding a material around us at that point. “But whether I can eat and enjoy food, sure I can!” I gave Hellion the most honest smile that I could muster. After all, I wouldn’t turn down an opportunity to eat.

ID: 167450 | LD: 1
No materials found.

1/5 Materials Found.

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Being out here this long wasn't insufferable when you have company, but it still wasn't how Leon preferred to spend his days. However, having a pretty lady out here with him definitely helped ease the suffering. Even if all she did was try to confuse him. "I guess dinner's on me then, and considering I'll be the first person you've eaten with in these few months feel free to order the most expensive dinner they have. We'll consider it a payment for helping me with the quest." He would smirk as he pulled a small herb from the ground once again.

"Another one, that's two herbs. I'd be willing to bet that my potion will taste better than yours." His smirk would shift into a full blown smile, as he looks at the dissolving mass of crystalline shards blowing in the wind as the material transfers into his inventory. "I'm pretty sure herbs taste better than boar saliva and bone." His cocky smile being punctuated with a playful shrug.

ID: 167684

LD: 15


2/5 Materials found

@Shin Kagami

Edited by Hellion
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I returned Hellion’s smirk with my own. “Thank you. Hope you have a good place in mind because six months has allowed me to try just about everything in the Town of Beginnings.”

After his quip regarding the potion’s taste, we fell into silence for a few seconds. During that moment, I heard a faint buzz emanating from the forests canopy. I put my finger to my lips and hushed Hellion before climbing the closest tree trunk. I stopped at each branch that would support my weight and look down as I distanced myself from the forest floor and Hellion shrunk. It took me a couple minutes to reach the top where the buzzing of the beehive was incessant. As I reached out to the hive in an attempt to collect the honey, the bees swarmed me. I swatted them away, trying to ignore their baseless threats until I fell off.


ID: 167685 | LD: 7
No materials found.

1/5 Materials Found.

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She just had to go and fall.

Hellion had been looking at the ground when she started climbing up, but had found nothing and was quite curious as to what she was after so he followed her up with his eyes. The bees had been a little less fond of her than he was, but they seemed to stay near her never the less, and Hellion was getting worried so he started approaching the tree. Maybe he wanted to climb up after her, shoo the bees away and find what she was looking for, or maybe he just wanted to get a better look, who knows.

All he knew was that she was going to fall, and when she did he took off running. As gravity drives her towards the ground, Leon leapt forward to shorten the distance between himself and the girl, wrapping her in an quick embrace and floating through the air for a moment before they both collide with the ground, Leon having made sure to soften the blow by placing himself between her and the ground. "Good job Celeste, you managed to fly. Such a talented AI assistant." He joked, despite the situation.

ID: 167720

LD: 2


2/5 materials found

@Shin Kagami

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I heard stories of people who have attempted suicide by jumping from a high place. There’s always two things that are consistent. The first is that the moment they lose control and go over the edge, most of them regret their actions immediately and they realize that all of their problems were temporary and solvable or at least endurable. The second is that once if they get past the shock and regret, the view was beautiful. I kept that in mind as my eyes did not leave the sky above me as I fell towards the ground. It was no night skyline or a beautiful mountainside at sunset, but I appreciated every second nonetheless. It was a further bonus knowing that this simple fall wouldn’t harm me in the slightest because we were in a game.

To my surprise, the impact wasn’t as harsh as I expected it to be. The slight tingling sensation was present indicating that I would normally be in some type of pain but it was subtle. The ground was also warm and I was fairly certain that I hadn’t soiled myself nor there was igneous activity on the first floor. Then he spoke, pretty much directly into my ear. “Good job Celeste, you managed to fly. Such a talented AI assistant.”

I fell silent for a few seconds, trying to gather my bearings and get a grasp on the situation. Why would anyone even bother trying to risk self-harm for someone they just met? On top of that, why would anyone even bother trying to risk self-harm to prevent a non-existent threat from occurring, regardless if it would befall a cheeky player or an immortal AI?

My thoughts were then abruptly cut off by a wet plop landing on my forehead. I scooped part of the liquid and held up my finger above me so that Hellion could see the golden, amber-like substance as well. “Do you think this counts as a material?” I figured that what just transpired didn’t matter to me and I forgot all about the setting that I had set for myself. I burst out into an honest laughter.


ID: 167766 | LD: 12
1 Material Found!

2/5 Materials Found.


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As the honey plopped upon the woman's forehead Leon struggles to hide a short burst of laughter, the boy couldn't help but feel like this was exactly where he was supposed to be. How would I describe this feeling? Content. He would simply smile as her laughter moved his whole body. "I'm guessing it does, but you should know." He would nod, "Seeing as to how you're part of the game. Unless, that was all a game and you're really no different from any other player." His smile would turn into a cocky smirk. "But, if it was a game I guess I played right into your hand." He would laugh playfully.

The boy wouldn't make her get up by any means, he would simply look around noticing another mass of honey on a rock just within his reach. He would scoop it up and watch as it moves itself into his inventory in a bright blue glow. "You know, it's crazy how much work went into this world. Despite it's flaws it truly is a masterpiece. I mean, he managed to recreate the taste of honey, the gentle kiss of the breeze, the weight of a blade, Hell even the warmth of a body has been recreated in such a way that I almost forgot this was a fake world." He would close his eyes and remain on the ground, whether she stayed there or not. "Maybe that's why I rushed in to save you, in the heat of the moment I forgot this was a game world. Or maybe..." 

If she was still lying on him he would begin to tickle her and start laughing his ass off, "Maybe I just wanted to do that the whole time." He would say through his uproarious laughter that filled the combat area.

ID: 168295

LD: 15


3/5 Total Mats

@Shin Kagami

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  • 1 month later...

It took a bit of time for my laughter to calm down and regain my own senses. An absolutely rare yet absolutely happy moment. The facade of the NPC helper, of Celeste, merged and mixed in me. The bored me wasn’t present and in a moment, someone new had replaced her and when Hellion pressed his suspicions against that I wasn’t an NPC, I was ready to give up the facade and come clean.

For a moment, I was a fish out of water. I constantly opened and closed my mouth, unsure of what words should exactly be coming out of my mouth. My eyes darted back and forth, frantically seeing if there were any other onlookers. I was glad that I hadn’t yet turned to face Hellion, otherwise he’d have seen my panicked face. I froze… at least until Hellion tricked to tickle me.

I had never been someone who was very ticklish. All I felt was Hellion trying to run his fingers along parts of my body during an extremely awkward silence. After the attempt passed, I cleared my throat and spoke. “I guess Kayaba didn’t program me to be ticklish.” I stood up. The only sounds there were was the rustling of clothes as I picked myself off the ground and the howling of the wind and the leaves being dragged along its current. I broke the silence. “We should probably go find more materials for Zackariah.”



ID: 177085 | LD: 5
No Materials Found.

2/5 Materials Found.




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  • 4 months later...

Hellion's failed attempt at tickling the girl made the whole situation awkward, and now he was trying to figure out a way to break the tension between them. Of course she beat him to it, pulling out the same old play she had been trying to pull over his eyes. It was kind of getting annoying, and the worst part was for a moment, he thought she could be a good friend. "Yeah, I guess we should." His tone almost sounding defeated, like he was ready to go back to the inn and fall in his tiny bed just staring at the ceiling. It was a sensation boys his age knew all too well, and as much as it hurt, sometimes it's exactly what you need.

"Sorry about that, I get carried away sometimes." His apology was definitely based in a sort of truth he'd never wanted to accept. Her cold act only seemed to push him back into the shell he hid in at home. Something felt off about her, and he couldn't quite place it. Wanting to try again, but not knowing how wasn't something he was used to. Usually he'd succeed or fail and give up, but not this time. A friend is what she needed, and a friend he would be.

"As an NPC whose whole purpose is the servitude of people taking on this quest, and one designed as a beautiful young lady such as yourself, I doubt many people would pass that option up. Even if they're too strong to truly reap the benefits. I'm curious, do you ever run into creeps? Gawking at you, all hootin and hollerin like they have no class." He didn't want to drive the point to hard, just apply a little bit of pressure to see if maybe he could crack the case.


ID: 185149

LD: 5 (fail)

3/5 collected

@Shin Kagami

Edited by Hellion
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