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SP-F6 <The Gemini> Testing out a theory

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Sigurd hated how amused the Gemini seemed by her questions. Still it was giving her much to think about. She crossed her arms again. "Well, there is no way to know. You just need to try. Think of it this way. How can they be certain that you aren't planning to betray them?" In a sense it was true. The risk that she would assume were the same that others had to take. "If you think about it, you have a lot more in common with them than you think. But you will never fully know that till you try."

She didn't like that answer either, though she could not deny the truth in it. She had wanted to ask more but before she could the Gemini spoke again. "Forgive me now. I must depart back to town to await my next challenger. Think about what we talked about, and I Foresee you going on to do great things here." With that it turned on the spot and began to walk away.

She was left alone now with her thoughts. It had been profound if not frustrating. She sighed again and turned to face the town. The Gemini had already vanished, no doubt respawning within its walls to continue its own quest of challenging players. It wasn't of any use to her now, she had bested it, achieved her skill, and gotten the wisdom it had to offer. Somehow though she expected to feel better than she did at this moment.

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She wasn't sure of what to do now. She could go back to the town, use the warp gate and continue on with her plans, but that didn't seem right now. Instead she spotted a tree nearby and wandered over to it, sitting beneath it. She needed to think about things, contemplate what it all meant, and decide if she needed a plan for this as well. Naturally she assumed it should be more organic, planning to make friends could land her in trouble as it might blind her to warning signs. Not to mention she remembered having friends as a child. It was always so smooth and easy. Perhaps it could be that easy again if she just put her self out there for people to see. At the very least, developing bonds would give her a better idea of who was out there and what they were capable of. Such info was worth its weight in gold.

She sighed again, pulling her knees to her chest and wrapping her arms around them. Perhaps she was just insanely lonely now. She had been in here years, and barely spoken to any living person. Was the loneliness finally pushing her out of her safety zone? It was hard to think that something like that could have pushed her to this point, but it was possible. And if she failed and died in her attempts she knew it wouldn't have been such a bad thing. She didn't actually fear it, though she wasn't keen on ending up dead either. 

This was all confusing and far too heavy to deal with. Maybe she just needed to focus on her goals until she could decipher her feelings a little better. 

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As the time went on, Sigurd would come to rest her head on her knees. She was comfortable like this, and her thoughts were running like water now. But up ahead the sun was starting to set. Before long another day would come to pass here in Aincrad, and she had no desire to be outside of a city after the lights went out. Still she would have a few moments longer before she needed to head back. It would be a few more minutes to enjoy the quiet, and the time alone. When she realized what she was doing she gasped. It was exactly like what the Gemini had said. Even now, with her first steps made she was holding back. She could have gone back at any point, but she didn't. She had stayed here alone. She should have been celebrating her victory with her friends, and instead she had none. She was alone, and miserable. Even having someone to taunt or bother would be better than this. 

She stood up hastily dusting herself off. This was no time to sit around and sulk. She had bested the Gemini. She had on her first attempt at level one. How many people could say they had accomplished such a feat? It was time for the witch to make her presence known, and become part of this world. Be it as a force of good, or evil, she needed to put herself out there. Once she got back to town she was going to do something crazy. She didn't know what yet, but it would be out of the ordinary for her. Something to celebrate her victory, Something that would leave her name on some ones lips. 

She smirked and started off towards the town. She already had it planned out now. Tomorrow, she was going to start another quest, the tutorial quest that she had avoided because she thought it to be lame. Her mistakes here had proven that she didn't know enough about the systems just yet, that quest would help her, make her more competent, more dangerous, and more helpful if the situation called for it. Everything was starting to make more sense now. 

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It took her a short while to reach the main town of floor six. But she had managed to do so in time as the sun was just setting over the horizon. The trees and jungle had been illuminated beautifully in the setting sun. She had been lucky that there was no rain today as that would have put a damper on her spirits for sure. She smiled crossing the towns thresh hold just as the torches came to life. Surprisingly the town was rather busy. She climbed up one of the carved wooden stairwells that lead up into the trees, where a majority of the town was located. On the main walkway she spotted a familiar hooded figure walking about. A smirk crossed her lips as she passed by her foe, offering a nod that went unnoticed by the NPC. He wasn't able to recognize her now that the quest was completed. 

Not far off was a tavern of sorts with a patio. There she noticed a couple players having drinks. she recognized them at once as being the players from earlier, the ones who had made the attempt at the Gemini and failed. They had spotted her too and quickly stood up, offering a few cat calls and cheers to her as she approached them. One had opened his mouth to say something, but before he could, Sigurd pressed the skull she carried into his hands. He looked down at it baffled before she grabbed him and pulled him in for a kiss. Silence had fallen onto the group before they erupted into louder cheers causing other players to look over. After a few moments passed, Sigurd pushed herself free of the other player and took her skull back, leaving him dumbfounded by her sudden assertiveness. 

"Y-y-you kissed me?" He stammered causing her to laugh. Finally someone else could stutter for a change. "Who the hell even are you?" He asked regaining his composure as the rest of his group came up to stand at his sides. Sigurd smiled and pointed to her name bar above her head. "I am the witch." It wasn't often she was able to manage to say a sentence without stuttering, but in this case she had managed it perfectly. She was feeling confident, genuinely confident, for the first time since logging in. 

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"The w-w-witch?" He stuttered back. Clearly she had surprised him and he could not fully deal with it. His friends began to pipe in, all talking at once. "How did you do it? what are you? Did you hack the game? Was it magic?" There were so many questions, so many that she would not answer. It was all going to be her secret, and they would talk. They would tell others about this, and soon her name would spread. "M-m-magick." She stated with a wink before walking away leaving all of them to process what had happened. As got further away she could hear the troupe erupt into a ruckus, patting their still dumbfounded friend on the back as he watched her walk away. She couldn't help but giggle a little now as her thoughts drifted to a song she had heard in a movie. "I put a spell on you." She thought as she crossed the catwalks towards the main portal in the towns center. 

That had certainly been something crazy, and she had certainly left one hell of an impression on at least one other player. In the future she had a feeling that these individuals would speak well of her, and even be ready to lend her a hand if she needed. That was how things started. It wasn't even just for that though. She had enjoyed the positive attention, doing something new and bold. It had only added to her sense of accomplishment today. This was by far a great feeling and she hated that she had to end her day. But if she wanted to keep going she would need to rest, and pick up again in the morning. 

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As she neared the towns center, a large platform with many bridges connecting it to the other parts of town, she was able to see the large wooden warp gate. She had used it to get here. That already seemed like a week ago in her own mind. It was unbelievable to think that she had managed such a drastic realization in such a short time, but thats how it worked sometimes. She would need to sit down and change her plans a little. While she wasn't going to jump up and party with every person she came across, she certainly felt that she could at least be present and start adding other people into her equations. Perhaps they could be useful to her now. More so than she had originally thought. 

Sigurd neared the gate and stopped taking a look back at the town. Naturally she would be back to visit this treetop village as it now had a special meaning to her. But for now she needed rest, and that meant a return to floor one, if only for a little while. "T-t-t-town of B-b-b-beginnings" She stuttered to the gate causing it to open up. Without another word or wayward look she slipped into the portal, ending her adventure for the day.

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