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[F01-SP]<<The First Few Lessons Are Free>>

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The idea of adventuring out right off the bat didn’t sit well with me after visiting the Monument of Life. The irony behind its name alone filled me with a bitter resentment to the guy that trapped everyone in here. That knowledge alone unsettled me. Seeing the names of other players responsible for other’s deaths made me even more uneasy. Here in The Town of Beginnings, the worst I needed to worry about was a non lethal brawl in the streets. So, before putting myself in harm’s way, I though it best to seek help.

Since the beginning of this nightmare, a small stand in the middle of town existed for anyone like myself to get some pointers for free. Beta testers and players alike kept the information up to date so everyone could stand a chance. Instead of an NPC, stacks of little books with hard backs waited for anyone to grab. I snatched one up and plopped down on the cobblestone street beside it. Before cracking it open, I took a moment to check the familiar faces in the streets. Compared the the first days, very few people remained in the Town of Beginnings. Most of the faces I recognized and the players in fancier gear were largely seen as strangers. I couldn’t compare to them, not like this. Sure, they’re just gamers, but in this new reality, they were closer to gods. After all, the rules are concrete here. If your numbers were better, you could do whatever you wanted.

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